Potes & Poets Press

Potes and Poets Press Announces Two New Publications

Provocations by Ray DiPalma

Provocations, a major new book by Ray DiPalma. Apart from various limited editions recently published in the United States and abroad, Provocations is DiPalma's first full-length collection of new work in almost six years. Resisting easy clasification but continuing his unique examination of the relationship between language and thought, the instinctive lyricism, formal range, and speclulative complexities present in Provocations reveal DiPalma's writing at its most animated and accessible.

101 pp. / $11
ISBN 0-937013-55-2

Locale by Jessica Grim

"Reading and rereading this extraordinary manuscript, I find myself asking where these poems most completely come alive: word, line or 'sentence'? The truth is I can't tell--the poems leap off the page at all levels, as if Jessica Grim has tapped into the secret of a fourth dimension. Playful, serious, intense and wise all at once, with an accurate eye and an absolute ear, Locale contains some of the most riveting poems of our time. The art of the 21st Century starts here."
--Ron Silliman

88 pp. / $ 10
ISBN 0-937013-56-0

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