Paul Blackburn
Photo credit: Robert Schiller
   Paul Blackburn Bibliography


The Dissolving Fabric (Palma de Mallorca: Divers Press, 1955)

Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit: A Bouquet for Flatbush (New York: Totem, 1960)

The Nets (New York: Trobar, 1961)

Sing-Song [Caterpillar #4] (New York: December 1966)

16 Sloppy Haiku & a Lyric for Robert Reardon (Cleveland: 400 Rabbit Press, 1966)

The Reardon Poems (Madison: Perishable Press, 1967)

The Cities (New York: Grove Press, 1967)

Bryant Park (London: Cape Goliard Press 1968)

In . On . Or About the Premises (London/New York: Cape Goliard/Grossman, 1968)

Two New Poems (Madison: Perishable Press, 1969)

Three Dreams and an Old Poem (Buffalo: Univ. Press at Buffalo, 1970)

Gin: Four Journal Pieces (Mt. Horeb, Wisc: Perishable Press, 1970)

The Assassination of President McKinley (Mt. Horeb, Wisc: Perishable Press 1970)

The Journals: Blue Mounds Entries (Mt. Horeb, Wisc: Perishable Press 1971)

Early Selected Y Mas: Poems 1949-1966 (Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1972)

The Journals, ed. Robert Kelly (Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1975)

Halfway Down the Coast (New York/Amherst: Mulch Press, 1975)

By Ear (special un-numbered issue of # magazine, December 1978)

The Selection of Heaven (Mt. Horeb, Wisc: Perishable Press 1980)

Against the Silences (London and New York: Permanent Press, 1980)

The Omitted Journals (Mt. Horeb, Wisc: Perishable Press 1984)

The Collected Poems of Paul Blackburn ed. Edith Jarolim (New York: Persea Books 1984)

The Parallel Voyages (Tucson: Sun gemini Press 1987)

The Selected Poems, ed. Edith Jarolim (New York: Persea Books 1989)


Proensa (Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, 1953)

Poem of the Cid (New York: American RDM Corporation, 1966; reprinted Norman OK: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1999),

End of the Game and Other Stories by Julio Cortazar (New York: Random House 1967; reprinted as Blow-up and Other Stories, Macmillian, 1968),

Hunk of Skin by Pablo Picasso (San Francisco: City Lights, 1968)

Cronopios and Famas by Julio Cortazar (New York: Random House, 1969)

Peire Vidal (New York/Amherst: Mulch Press, 1972)

The Treasure of the Muleteer and Other Spanish Tales by Antonio Jiménez-Landi (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1974)

Guillem de Poitou: His Eleven Extent Poems (1976)

Proensa: An Anthology of Troubadour Poetry from the Provencal of Guillem de Peitau, Arnaut de Marueill, Raimbautz de Vaqueiras, Sordello, Bernart de Ventadorn, Peire Vidal, Bertran de Born; (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1978)

Lorca/Blackburn: Poems of Federico Garcia Lorca Chosen and Translated by Paul Blackburn (San Francisco: Momo's Press 1979)