ENGLISH 261/DMS 222 (Fall, 2000) TR 11-12:20, Rev. 11-9-00
Dr. Glazier (glazier@acsu.buffalo.edu) 645-6000 x1490
Office 245 CFA, Office hours: TR 12:30-1:30 pm or by arrangement
Class website: http://writing.upenn.edu/epc/fall2000


Here is how your final should look. This is a page that will be on the Web,containing the information below. Please also hand in a print out of the page, with two (2) copies of a cover sheet (also containing the first four lines below), all stapled together.

Poet's Name (with link - to poet's EPC author page or poet's main page)
Your Name
URL (URL of your project in your fall2000 folder)
(Paragraph 1)

1. Biography. Biography and publications of the poet. In a few simple sentences describe things such as nationality, a few major works by the poet, or other biographical information if you can find it easily. This should be as if you were trying to tell me who the poet is and wanted to explain, in just a couple of sentences, *who* this is.

(Paragraph 2)

2. General Comments on the Poet's work. Describe what you find at the poet's site. What is the work generally like? In general, what sort of techniques or impressions does the poet give? This is a bird's eye view of what is there. What is the concept behind this poet's work? How does it work? What's the mechanism?

(Paragraph 3)

3. Analysis of Specific Poem(s). One or two short paragraphs, choosing one or a small group of poems. What is your impression of the poem? What is it trying to do? What is your reaction to it? Is it satisfying? How? Is it overwhelming, is it difficult, is irritating? Tell me how you "read" this poem? What is it about and what is it doing? What does it say or do?

Next, compare or contrast this poem with a poem or poet from the text book. Is it similar to another poem we have read? Or is it completely opposed to techniques used by poets in the text? How does the poem relate to the issues we have discussed in class?

Final Projects Assignments

Yusuf Abdulsalaam - Wershler-Henry
Ken Barnes - Burroughs
Adam Caccamise - Indep.
Courtney Carlson - Brian Kim Stefans
Maria Chenevert - geniwait
Joel Cosme - Mez
James DeLuca - Funkhouser
Christina Dietzman - Bergvall
Jeff Duesel - Miekal And
Scott Duncanson - John Cayley
Daniel Frey - Patrick-Henri Burgaud
Gregory Glod - Indep.
Suzanne Kabat - Zukofsky
John Koltai - Andrews
Allen Krajewski - Tammy McGovern
Sarah Linneman - Glazier
John Long - Knowmmatic Tribe
Gerry Love - Kirke
Justin Lynch - Dan Waber
Myra Middleton - Caney
James Miesner - Weiss
James Osterhout - Dinsmore
Mike Parisi - Larsen
Aaron Rothfuss - Carolyn Guertin
Rebecca Rotundo - Mayakofsky
Jason Sajda - Andrews
Lauren Shufran - Reiner Strasser
Mari Stellrecht - Indep.
Ian Thomas - Warnell
Nathan Whidden - Rosenberg
Eric Yasol - Kendall
Dan Yeo - Martin
Jasmine Zucker - Jennifer Ley