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A few hours, A is for, a keeper, a kipper, a layer, a liar, a lotta, a nice pair, a real bore, a sao la, a tout faire, aahistah, aawaarah, aawaazah, aaYandah, abattoir, abaya, Abelard, abscissa, accrever, achatour, achaura, Acura, acushla, acute fear, Ææa, aflutter, africare, afro-hair, Agharta, ahimsa, Aïda, air fouler, airbladder, airfare war, Aktorka, Al Fatah, Al Roker, albacore, Albert Speer, Alcina, Alcoa, Aldona, aleconner, alegar, Alfalfa, algebra, Algenzir, all cower, all dogs are, all men are, alnagar, aloha, alzheimer, ambrosia, amoeba, an or a, Ananda, anaphor, ancestor, and aah-aah, and beaters, and better, and bigger, and bleepers, and blippers, and bloppers, and blotters, and die or, and dumber, and eft sire, and farther, and fingers, and further, and last year, and longer, And Peter?, and rubber, and tear bears, and the raw, and therefore, and thinner, and uh huh, and what's more, Aneta, angina, angora, angular, anither, anitya, Ann Landers, annicca, aorta, apehanger, apnea, approwour, arbiter, arbor or, arch-slacker, Arcita, are farmers, Are you sure?, Are you there?, area, armpit hair, aroma, around here, arsch ficker, Aruba, asanka, ass dancer, ass eater, ass kisser, ass ripper, ass spunda, assever, at alpha, atazir, athanor, attacker, Attica, au contraire, au pair's peers, A Rebours, au sommaire, auncestres, austere stare, avant-garde, avant guerre, avatar, Aveda, avidya, aw poor queer, axilla, azalea, azure air, Ba's pressure, babeblather, Baby Bear, back breaker, back burner, back to where, back whacker, Backstabbers, bad actor, bad manners, bad mutha, badania, bag-o-wire, bagbiter, bah and pa, balboa, ball blinder, ball buster, ballhooter, Balthusar, banana, bandanna, bandoola, bannister, Bar Mitzvah, bar brawler, Barbara, barber chair, bare raw rear, bare rear scar, barf rivers, barf-o-la, bariah, barooga, barrier, barrister, Bart Homer, Bas Mitzvah, bassmaster, bastard wear, batterer, Battista, bazonga, be all yours, be Buddha, be indoors, be me fear, be prepared, be water, Bea Arthur, bear devour, Beckmesser, Beck*Loser, Become more?, bed wetter, bedswerver, Beefeater, beep-beep yr., beggestere, behaviour, behind bars, belch chaser, Belle Cordière, belles-lettres, bellweather, Belshazzar, Ben Dover, bend my ear, bent over, beobachter, beop twa, Beretta, Bern Porter, beslubber, Best Seller, best beggere, best bidder, Bette Midler, better pour, (bewildered), Bic shovers, Big Bertha, Big Bopper, Big Brother, big dipper, big hoo-ha, billig/dyr, billionaire, Billy Shears, Billy Squier, Binaca, biosphere, bip-boom-ba, bird watcher, bird-butcher, biretta, bisy cure, bitchier, bitter teere, bitumba, black baller, Black Caesar, black future, black members, Black Panther, blackadder, blackamoor, Blade Runner, blah blah blah, blanc-manger, blast the chair, blondes preferred, blood and gore, bloodletter, bloodsucker, Bloom. Better, blow chowder, blue baller, blue-collar, boastbusters, Bob Barker, Bobbitteer, body jar, bogtrotter, Bonanza, bonebreaker, boneheader, bonesetter, bong water, Bongwater, boot lover, boot-licker, bored to tears, boudin noir, boy wonder, boys don't wear, bra-burner, bra rasta, Brad Majors, brain your blurs, brain-banger, brainflower, Braun Eva, Breakfast Squares, breast cancer, breast teacher, breastsummer, breathe no more, brief flutters, brigadier, brouhaha, brounfella, Brown Sugar, Bruce Weber, Brünnhilde, bubbula, Budweiser, buff bare fear, builta, bull bucka, Bull or bear?, bullbeggar, bum tickler, bumfodder, bump fighter, burletta, burn rubber, burn usa, burn water, Burning Spear, burr bra blare, bury her, bush tetra, Bush Tetras, bushbeater, bushbumper, butt leather, butt tuba, buttbanger, buttburger, buttscrubber, by the ears, cabala, cabbala, cabbalah, cadaver, Caesar's share, Cagnes-sur-mer, calf-slobber, call letters, calubra, camcorder, came later, camembert, can't clear their, candela, canned laughter, cantata, cardholder, carnivore, carve the air, cassava, cassia, caste no bar, cat color, cataphor, catheter, Cha Cha Cha, chafferer, Chairman Ma, Chanukah, charaagaah, charisma, chaunting clear, cheap labor, cheap sneakers, cheesy shore, chelaundre, Cher's clear claws, Chestnut Mare, chewbacca, Chicana, Chief Bender, Chihuahua, chilbladder, childes mooder, chilly here, CHiPs circa, choke-collar, chondria, chopped liver, chowchilla, Chuck Yeager, chuleta, chunkmeister, cimeter, cinnabar, circular, citing ear, clam chowder, clam slammer, clammier, clancular, clapperclaw, clavier, Claw 'n' Paw, clean the floor, clear chair core, clepsydra, climacter, clit clapper, cloaca, clod-hopper, close the door, closet queer, clown slapper, coal porter, cobweb air, cocksucker, cocktail hour, cockteaser, cognisour, cola war, colander, colcothar, cold shower, Cole Porter, colporter, come colors, concolour, confessor, conscience clear, consessor, contessa, coon shouter, Cop Killer, cop-sock-er, copayva, copula, cordwainer, cornea, coroner, corridor, coryza, coup de coeur, coup de gras, cow-tipper, cows and beer, CPR, crapola, crapshooter, Crayola, crazier, creamy prayer, creancer, creep hanger, crème de la, Cremora, crepehanger, Cristes mooder, Croatia, croix de guerre, crotch grabber, Cruella, crumbsucker, crush under, crystal clear, cucumber, cuddapah, cullendar, cult hardware, culture czar, cum grinder, cumbrella, cunctator, cupola, curb feeler, cures not wars, cuspidor, cut punter, Cut Your Hair, cylinder, cynosure, Czarina, D.A.R., dadua, dallier, dambuilder, damp fritters, dancing bears, dapifer, dare enter, dare to care, dark sucker, darsana, Darth Vader, darwaazah, dating Cher, Day Tripper, de-nosed squire, dead mother, dead Santa, deaded on da, debenture, debonair, decanter, December, decenter, deep thinker, deewaahah, Def Lepper, deflower, deforsor, dehorner, dejecture, delator, delenda, Delilah, delyvere, demeter, Demi Moore, demurrer, den showers, depressor, der Alte, derrière, desirer, deve vine law, devotchkas, diahre, Diana, dibbida, Dick fingered?????, Did you hear?, didapper, digiqueer, dike-louper, Dinty Moore, dip blatz beer, dirt dagger, disfavor, disfigure, dishumor, dismember, disodor, distemper, ditch croaker, dizbuster, do a beer, do better, do dinner, do-gooder, do kia, Do or Dare, Do you care?, doc hopper, doe a deer, dog flogger, dog pressure, dogeater, dogg catcher, dogwater, don't bodda, don't bother, don't matter, doomy ugh, door to door, doowhatcha, dope dealer, dotted hours, dove-seller, down under, downpressor, dragged under, draw a dare, dreamcatcher, droopy drawers, drop catcher, drop chowder, dry humor, Dubliners, duckwalker, duenna, dulia, Dustbuster, dyrea, E E Yah, eager ears, ear acre, ear of air, earth mama, earth-cigar, earth-shatter, East Coker, East River, eat me raw, eat spiders, eavesdropper, Ebola, ech oother, edea, edgy stars, eek of heer, eerier, egg under, eggs over, either ear, Either/Or, Elektra, Elijah, elixir, emgalla, emplogheda, empyema, en rapport, enamour, engender, enna caar, enta da, entendre, envier, epocha, Epstein-Barr, erector, errata, Escada, escheater, estover, et uxor, eunoia, even here, even more, everclear, evermoore, ex-Kaiser, ex-kisser, ex-Tonka, exacta, excheator, exchequer, exophor, extensor, extra clear, eyelid stars, ezinesters, Fa-cé-la, face dancer, face sticker, facula, fair is fair, fallow deer, far fewer, fare the wors, farfisa, farrier, farthermore, fartknocker, fartmeister, fat for years, fatal flaw, FDR, fear era, fear for Cher, fear for years, fear of hear, fear of here, feel better, fellmonger, femina, femmier, fer ne ner, fer suckers, ferreter, ferula, feuterer, fewterer, fibula, figua, filacer, file under, filled with fear, find funga, find sucker, Finistère, finisterre, firecracker, first in war, firstkeefer, fiscal year, fish finger, fish ladder, fish on sheer, fistular, fit upstairs, five-finger, flag-waver, Flaming Star, Flatliners, flatterer, flea powder, fleshmonger, flip-floppers, floodgater, floor waltzer, flosolver, flowmaster, flycatcher, folia, food to care, foot of air, footlicker, for better, for fever, for her fur, for your years, forced laughter, Formica, forther moor, forty years, four fewer, Frank Stella, Frank Zappa, frankfurter, Franz Kafka, Fred Astaire, free from flaws, freeloader, french cruller, french tickler, friendly fire, Frigidaire, frogeater, frosty hoar, fruiterer, fryzura, fuck gender, fuck roller, fucks like a, fudge over, fudge packer, fumiter, funkateer, Funny na?, furmenger, furthermore, fuschsia spore, Fynystere, gag order, Ganesha, ganginggear, gannoker, garden claw, Gargantua, gas chamber, gas guzzler, gas huffer, gay basher, Gaye Bikers, gayola, gazungas, geargrinder, geek culture, gefilte, geistiger, gel weller, gelchasser, Gen Xers, ger-laughters, geraflour, Gere's hamster, Gerhilde, germ warefare, German for, get higher, get it here, get over, get some gear, gheebat or, gibbier, gill-hooter, gillofers, gingefere, Girlina, girly gear, girnigaw, giz fizzler, gladua, glass boner, glass slipper, glaucoma, glaze-over, glue sniffer, go figger, go ga-ga, Go gamma!, go get her, go Goya, go-nowhere, goatsucker, god butter, God flowers, God is pure, God Jr., God's shoulders, Godly Fere, Godzilla, gold-digger, Goldfinger, Golgotha, gongoozler, good-natured, goodbye pa, goode fader, Goodfellas, goodlooker, gossamer, gowater, gracias, Granada, Grand Jew-Bah, Grand Puba, granola, gravediggaz, Gray Panthers, Green Acres, green father, greffier, Grenada, grimgribber, grisamber, Griselda, griz better, grogquaffers, grrrl gubner, Guernica, Guinevere, gum on chair, Gummi Bears, gun powder, gunfodder, gwaan mega, gym butter, gym manners, ha ha ha, had mouse-ear, Haggadah, hair curler, hair dresser, hair dryer, hair farmer, hair in paw, hairy years, hakama, half gainer, Hamburglar, hanaper, hand tripper, hand warmer, hand-wringer, Hans Hotter, haranguer, hardcore gore, harde fader, hardkisser, harpsichord, has big ears, hatcheller, have hooters, He of Haws, he's a whore, head cleaner, (head lowers), headbanger, headhunter, headshrinker, hear her clear, hear her hare, hear her heir, hear her here, hear her huh, hear her purr, heard hearer, hearing ear, heart breaker, heath brunner, heelflipper, Hegira, Heil Hitler, Heimweher, hellcrusher, hellebore, hellhamster, hello deh, hellraiser, hemina, hence they are, hennaed hair, heora, her error, her fair hair, her for fur, her sour hair, her sour tears, herbivore, "here" here, here here, hereafter, heretofore, hernia, Herr Boobser, herrubber, hers all hers, Hershey Bar, heve of harre, Hey meester!, Hey Rama, Hey tiger!, Hezbollah, high ladder, higher cares, higher chairs, higher cheers, higher doors, higher drawers, higher fares, higher fears, higher laws, higher lores, higher paws, higher prayers, higher scares, higher scores, higher spheres, higher stairs, higher stars, higher tears, higher tors, higher whores, higher years, Hildegarde, him of her, Him or her?, hip-hugger, hir leyser, hitmaker, hizzoner, hlonipa, ho and uh, hoggaster, Hogge of Ware, hold the wire, Holy War, home pepper, hommes d'affaires, homocore, honda twa, horrorcore, horsecourser, horsefeathers, horselitter, horsepower, horseshitter, horsesitter, hosana, Hot Tuna, hot and tired, hot mooner, house burner, house nigger, housesitter, housholdere, however, Howitzer, Hrimthursar, hubby dear, hucksterer, Hudsucker, huge goiter, Hugh Hefner, Hugh Kenner, hum under, hyena, I ate her, I dodder, I gots ta, I-lighter, i sabbah, I saw her, I smell ya, I suffer, I Tina, I wonder, I'll Be There, I'll grease yours, I'll scratch yours, I'll tell ya, I'll yank yours, I'm all ears, I'm all for, I'm flattered, I'm gonna, I'm not sure, i'm she/her, I've been there, ich liebe, idea, idler hours, if ever, Ikea, ikura, imbower, immature, in a rear, in arrears, (in despair), in either, in order, in-over, in somma, in the raw, in the rear, in their hair, incerta, incestor, incisor, incumber, Indeed-la!, indenture, India, infanta, ingestar, inhale air, Inkatha, inneaw, inner core, inner ear, inner sphere, innerwear, inquire here, insincere, insofar, interfere, iota, is not shared, is a raa, issima, istia, it figures, it layer, it seems clear, it's not fair, Is that fair?, jabberer, jabberjaw, jabita, Jack on fire, Jack Spicer, Jack the bear, jam lover, Jane Fonda, Janyvere, japanner, Jataka, jaw-dropper, jawbreaker, Jean Renoir, Jehovah, Jersey hair, jeux de guerre, jewier, Jil Sander, jinricksha, jizz Edgar, Joan Rivers, Jocasta, jock fodder, Joe Mama, Joe Strummer, jogelour, John Jr., jojoba, Jolt Cola, jornada, Joshua, Joujouka, journ-chopper, joyce either, Judge Wapner, jugglemear, jugular, juniper, Jupiter, just make her, justaucorps, ka-bhookha, kabala, kabbala, kabbalah, kachina, karuna, Katie Beers, kavanah, kavehazs, kazonga, kerana, ketubah, khemara, kibitzer, Kibumba, kicked upstairs, kid leather, kierowca, kill a score, Kill Rock Stars, Killdozer, Killing Floor, kiltula, kimona, kinder ear, Kiss covers, kiss paper, Kiss: you are, kitty fur, klammerer, Knee-Clubbers, knock the tar, knock-knobbler, know future, Kojaka, koncepcja, Konstrukcja, kookier, która, kukula, Kurt Schwitters, kvetcher, L.A. Law, La Bamba, La Bruyère, la-de-da, La Scala, La Strada, la-volta, label whore, labor law, lack manner, lackluster, laissez faire, lakhs and crores, lamb's-quarters, Lambada!, lamia, lamina, landlouper, landlubber, lane changer, lank taper, lap dancer, last hurrah, Latina, LaToya, lavender, lavolta, Laws what laws? Le Tigre, lead-eater, leak better, leftover, Legionnaire, legwarmer, lenger dure, leotard, les affaires, Lesbia, Lesley Gore, less is more, léthifère, lewica, lewisd'or, lief and deere, Life Savers, like rock star, like they were, linear, linia, lisps whispers, (lit is there), little sir, lobola, log roller, log sewer, Lolita, Look who's here!, loot and lore, Lord Haw-Haw, loud and clear, loutish boor, lovecurler, lovelier, low hangers, low rider, lower tar, Lucifer, Luftwaffe, Lumnia, lung butter, luvafair, lyf may dure, lymytour, Lypsinka, Lyvia, ma as mare, ma rigpa, ma to Mars, mâchefer, macula, Madonna, Mafia, Mahatma, mainpernor, mainstream more, maître-clerc, make-overs, mal de mer, mallomar, malsama, Mama Weer, man falters, man-o-war, man quart thwar, manchewer, Manchua, mancurser, mandater, mandator, manfearer, manfeather, manfeeler, manfluffer, manfucker, mangrabber, manhater, manhatter, manhooker, manjoola, mankicker, mankissar, manlicker, manmoa, manmuffer, manmurmur, manmutha, manneuter, mannogger, manodor, manover, manpamper, manpeter, manphucker, mansapper, manshamer, manslapper, mansmatter, mansnacker, manspooner, manstuffer, mansucker, manswaller, manswhiskers, manteaser, mantiger, mantonguer, mantua, mantweener, manumpa, manunder, manurer, manvacker, manwaller, manweaver, martial law, Masada, masala, Matsuda, matted-hair, Max Factor, Max Fleisher, Max Klinger, Max Yasgur, Mazepa, Mazzy Star, me marva, me-tooer, me wall ears, meander, meat cleaver, meat over, meat water, meatmeister, Medea, Medina, medular, mégathère, Mehr Baba, Melanctha, melisma, members here, memember, menorah, merenda, Messiah, met a mere, metamere, metaphor, metayer, meth-jitters, Meyerbeer, mezzuzah, miasma, mic checka, Michael Kors, Mick Jagger, micraner, mid-career, militia, Milk Momma, milk maker, milk plasma, millionaire, mimmina, min nama, mind wanders, mind your hours, mine yours our, minever, miniver, minky star, Minolta, minutiæ, mirror-clear, Misella, misfeature, mitella, mixmaster, mo' better, Moc lustra, mock oyster, modena, modern myrrh, moll-buzzer, moniker, monkey paw, mono-ha, mooder deere, moon data, moon starer, moonplastered, Moonraker, more and more, more major, more moolah, More More More, more per paw, more workers, moreover, mother's fears, motte de beurre, Mount Pisgah, Mouseketeer, mouthhonor, Mr. Meer, Mrs. Muir, much better, muchel moore, muckraker, muddier, muff burger, muff tougher, muffineer, mulciber, murmurer, Murphy Mur, Murphy's law, mush-faker, mushier, Must you purr?, mutterer, muy guapa, my asthma, my center, my father, my potnah, My Sweet Lord, N'Dea, nadeeah, nags bridler, nah naw ne'er, nail biter, name either, naraza, Naropa, nasal sore, Nausea, nausea, near the far, nebula, neckbreaker, neither here, net-cha-cha, never fear, new offer, newer noir, newly poor, neither nor, nihaoma, nimgimmer, 9 fewer, Nirvana, nirvana, Nivea, (no answer), no answers, No Future, no matter, no odor, no order, no paper, No Quarter, no sugar, no threat there, no wonder, noisemaker, nonjuror, noon oother, nor either, Norm-from-Cheers, nose-bleeder, nose odor, nosepicker, nostrils are, not appear, not bitter, not we theirs, notepaper, nothing here, November, Noxema, nullipore, number for, number four, nummular, nuttier, nya nya nya, oakier, occular, ociffer, octalpa, October, odd number, Odessa, odlegla, oedema, of others, off center, off color, off kilter, oh brother, Oh mother!, oh yes there, old geezer, old timer, on vapors, on welfare, onager, ondatra, ondoar, 154, one less car, Ooh-La-La!, opaquer, opera, oppressor, or a car, or aura, or bugger, or fewer, or herefore, or later, or therefore, orator, orb chipper, organza, osela, osier, ossature, our affairs, our ardour, our era, our error, our shoulders, out number, out of beer, out of doors, out wankers, outnumber, outridere, over here, overslaugh, Oxota, ozæna, pa's peepers, pacemaker, Padua, page-turner, pagina, Paideuma, painkiller, pairs of pores, pairs of prayers, pajama, pancaker, Pangæa, pannier, Pantera, papater, paramour, pargetter, pariah, parwhobbler, pass over, Passover, patch figures, Paul Anka, Paul Revere, Pauly Shore, pay cashier, pay per paw, payola, peacemaker, peach melba, pearldiver, peas and wars, pedicures, pee pleasure, pee pressure, peer per peers, peer pleasure, peer pressure, pen-pusher, pengilla, penumbra, perfecta, Peter Pears, petitfor, Petrouchka, phan of Phair, Phasipha, Phil Spector, phobia, phunk wucha, piastre, pietaster, pig gelder, pig patter, pigfucker, pilaster, pilferer, pill-popper, pillover, pimenta, pinafore, pinch-hitter, pinking shears, pinot noir, piqueerer, plaisterer, planétaire, plethora, plough-jogger, plumppeters, plunderer, pneumonia, poema, poetaster, poetlore, poindexter, poire poires poivre, Polaka, polar bear, poleclimber, polega, polisser, pollaver, pollenger, polymer, pome-water, pommes de terre, pompadour, pontoon pair, pony-hair, pooge tower, pool filter, poombukar, poompumar, poor fella, Poor Fucker, poor pa's prayers, pop era, pop losers, PopLlama, pork nowhere), porte-cochère, portreyour, posoka, pot sticker, pot-wabbler, Potiphar, pour over, poure scoler, pourparler, praktisour, pralltriller, prawica, prayer hater, precentor, precut squares, predator, preferer, premature, presbyter, Price Chopper, prikasour, prince rinser, process hair, profiteer, prolétaire, promocja, pronoia, propunger, protracter, prude suckers, prune shitters, pubic hair, pudenda, pudgala, pudina, Puella, pull over, pulled over, pullover, puranpur, Pure Guava, Purina, purpesture, puss snagga, pussy fur, Put'er there!, pykepurs, qabbala, qabbalah, quacksalver, quasida, Que pasa?, Quebecois, queer horror, queer's sore rear, queerly clear, querestar, quicksilver, quinola, quinona, quintons here, qwalester, r racer, rabbit ears, rackrenter, radar whore, Rahula, raisin squares, Ramada, ramraider, Range Rover, Rannnn-queeeeeet Beerrrrrr, rapid fire, rare error, rare or raw, rare scar raw, Rated R, raunch somewhere, raw error, Raw Power, raw rear queer, raw rear scar, Raymond Burr, rear ender, Red Lobster, red snapper, red zinger, redubber, reefer here, refer here, rejigger, rémunère, Revolver, revulva, Rhett Butler, Richard Gere, Rig Veda, right rapture, right-wingers, ring finger, Ring Of Fire, ring raider, ring stinger, Ringo Starr, Rip Taylor, risktaker, Ritz Crackers, rixdollar, rm -r, RoadRunner, Roc Weiler, Rock Lobster, rock-thrower, Rococo "R", roll over, romola, Ron Vawter, Roseanne Barr, Roshumba, rottweiler, Roy Rodgers, ruin her, rump ranger, running scared, runt stunter, Rush Limbaugh, Russ Meyer, ryzyka, Sai Baba, salad bar, saliva, salt cellar, saltier, Sam Sarah, same manner, samsara, sandever, sans secours, Santana, savannah, savoir-faire, saw raw queer, saw raw rear, saw raw scars, saw sheer shore, saw sheer sphere, saw sour sore, say "Answer", say for sure, saynomore, scapula, scapular, scatterer, scence from a, schmoozolla, school bagger, scimitar, scole-matere, score a rear, scoria, scout's horror, scouts honor, scratch on chairs, scrofula, scrotineer, scrutator, scuffed the floor, scumfucker, scummier, scumsucker, se sexta, 2nd for, secular, secunda, self-chewed ear, sell it there, semaphore, senatoure, Seneca, September, sequester, sequoia, severed ear, sex-power, sex worker, Shah's raw scars, shapechanger, share spare spore, shave the poor, she-bopper, she was war, shed a tear, shed lustre, (sheds a tear), sheep snickers, sheepbiter, sheepchanger, sheer cold sore, sheer pleasure, sheer terror, sheet slitter, shrifte-fadres, shigella, shillelagh, shirt lifter, shit hitter, shit juss' tha, shit on here, shit stacker, shoe-gazer, shoplifter, shorter hair, shot calla, should whether, shower prayers, shrifte-fadre, shunyata, sick and tired, sickener, sickinna, side of slaw, sieze Cæsar, silana, siliqua, Silk Skin Paws, silk slammer, sim-sala, Sin harder!, sincere tears, sine qua, sinecure, Singapore, sinister, sinoper, Sir! Yes sir!, sis boom bar, sisseizor, sit down here, sitting here, skankier, skeevier, skin chamber, skinnier, skirt-chaser, skool breakers, skritch of whrirr, skronk rocker, skrunkier, skule's over, skunkier, Skynda på!, slabberer, (slamming door), slaverer, sleazier, sleep eight hours, sleepwalkers, Slim Fast bars, slipping sear, Slouch either!, slow bumpers, slow learner, Slowfinger, small wonder, smatterer, smell color, Smell the fear?, smotherer, snail-darter, sneeze stanza, sniper fire, snowthrower, snubblitter, so there here, (soap dealer), soap ewer, sober cheer, soft shoulder, sole for Tsar, solitaire, some wafers, somewhere where, somrother, sonata, sonneteer, sore shoulder, Sothic Year, soul brother, soul sucker, sound sleeper, sour flowers, space grinder, space hopper, Spamburger™, spanking sheer, spanking sphere, spankmaster, Spare a queer?, Spare a share?, Spare a spear?, Spare a tear?, spare queer tear, spatula, spatular, speed reader, spelunker, spillover, spimenta, Spin Doctors, spin doctors, spinning snares, spit-bender, splattered jaws, splitting hairs, sprat-weather, spray-splatter, spunk stopper, square and fair, square twista, squeeze rubber, squillionaire, St. Elsewhere, StairMaster, stammerer, stand and stare, starchamber, Starfucker, starhooker, Starpower, stars slither, Starsailor, star-shower, stars appear, start a fire, stays far clear, steak au poivre, steel benders, Steinbrenner, stepped over, stick to your, sticking a, Stigmata, still stir their, stinkfinger, Stiv Bator, stomacher, stone ponder, stop and stare, strappada, streaks and bars, street walker, streetsweeper, strip poker, studmeister, stuffed derma, stuffed Easter, stumera, subbloomer, subboomer, subbusser, subilla, sublunar, subsuber, subsummer, successor, sufferer, suiftliker, sulfur steer, sultana, sum of 4, summer air, summunder, sun cracker, sunblister, sunupper, Super Star, suppressor, sure i'm sure, swanwater, swashbuckler, swastika, sweet and sour, swingebuckler, Swiss wristers, swore saw scars, swore share sore, swore so there, sycamore, syllabaire, ta and ka, taa of twas, tailgater, Tallulah, Tamaashaa, Tamikah, tangled hair, Taqaazaa, tarrier, Tawana, tearier, Tears For Fears, tears to spare, teatator, Ted Turner, Teekala, tempura, tendencja, tequila, terrier, test var star, thanallya, Tannhäuser, That bad huh?, that like were, The Bell Jar, The Breeders, the chopper, the clapper, the curdler, The Diggers, The Figures, the flavor, the former, the humpers, The Idler, the Jamna, the kicker, the last straw, the latter, The Order, the other, The Player, The Rambler, The Scriptures, The Slider, The Spinners, The Swimmer, The Tackster, the thinker, their genre, their thawed tears, them flowers, Theodore, therbifoore, there but for, there figure, there somewhere, there under, thereafter, they're there for, thgither, thick lover, thick member, thick wrapper, thick zippers, thigh higher, thighmaster, thighrubber, thighs thinner, think cobra, thinning hair, thirst quencher, 13er, this odor, those of ours, thou art there, though more air, thought thinker, three and four, 3/pHair, three-sheep-square, throw dinner, thrown pasta, thump verger, thunderer, Thurston Moore, tibia, tienda, Time Warner, timekiller, timepleaser, tinged with tears, tip-teerer, tit torture, titty bar, Tituba, titular, to be fair, to be here, To Celia, to die for, to expire, to titter, to write far, to-gidere, toad-eater, toe-curler, tongue shower, tongue twister, tons of cars, tooth ninja, Toshiba, Tra-La-La, tra-la-la, transfigure, transgender, transgressor, translator, transponder, Treblinka, tree-hugger, treeslayer, trench warfare, TriBeCa, trifecta, trillionaire, trivia, Trotula, Troubadour, trout trouser, truchella, Trump Tower, truth twigga, truth-seekers, tuft of hair, Tums Ultra, Tupperware, turd burglar, turd-licker, turn and tear, turn monster, twa handa, twee twy twa, tweeze no more, tweezed kipper, 24, 2 x 4, uhh uhh uhh, ulega, un deux trois, Uncola, under fire, underspore, unke aa, unquota, untold hours, up a chair, up-lifter, upãya, ureter, Uriah, ursäkya, USAir, usenda, usura, usurer, utterer, uvula, uvulva, Uwaga!, Va Tosca!, vacant stare, vagina, vairs azure, vanilla, vaporer, varia, vavasour, veer no more, vein drainer, Velveeta, verb rather, verge of tears, Vesulka, vibrator, vice versa, vichyssoise, viewspaper, Vin Scelsa, Vince Foster, Vinnia, virtua, visionnaire, viva la, Vladimir, vodka were, volupeer, voluper, voobaha, (vuh-ji-nuh), wadada, waheena, wahoodler, waiting for, wallflower, wallpaper, walls have ears, WankStoppers, Ward Cleaver, warm moisture, warmaster, warrior, Warszawa, wassailer, wasted years, watch out for, watch the wear, wave-lover, wayfarer, Wayfarers, we are your, we don't care, we're hella, weaselmire, weed-killer, weep bubba, Weight Watchers, well sorta, well uh-huh, wellwisher, were nowhere, were: nowhere, wet getter, wet sneakers, wet whiskers, What a dur!, What suckers!, whatever, whenever, Where? O where?, where there are, Where to score?, Where's Bhabha?, wherefore here, wherefore there, wherever, which wristers, whip whippa, whipped simmers, whiskey sour, white-collar, Who was Ra?, whoever, whomps you are, Why? What for?, Why bother?, whytowre, wich-waller, wid sucker, wife beater, wife-modir, Will Shatter, will expire, wimp factor, wimpfheimer, windover, window roar, windsucker, wine cooler, Winona, wiseacre, wit wither, witcracker, (with a sneer), with a "wa", with fly stars, with pleasure, with razors, witlether, witsnapper, wofuller, Wonder Bra, word monster, wordmeister, word worker, worm burper, worrier, Worcestershire, wrench a tear, wrist watchers, wrongdoer, wygoda, x-factor, x-pander, Xhosa, xpelair, xplora, Y'wanna?, Ya Honza, ya gotta, yeah er ah, yeahyeahyeahs, years squandered, yeer to yeer, yehuda, yellow fur, yellow star, yer maggers, Yes massa!, yi terror, Yo c'mere!, yo mama, Yo-Yo Ma, Yom Kippur, you are a, You betcha?, you betchya, you're cooler, your butter, youre devoir, yours mine ours, youth culture, yuoor footoore, zazima, /zh/ occurs, zillionaire, zip sniffer, Zooropa, Zoot Allures, Zozima;
