Tomi Kontio
from Harvestman's Web (1996)
translated by Anselm Hollo

Two from Harvestman's Web

When You

When the night climbs up on the roof and lights a cigarette
when the moon wanders across the faded sky
when night on the roof when the moon
above the city a net of lights
when night climbs up on the roof a blue flame between his fingers
when a smoke midge gets caught in a net
and under the net of lights the light
a sudden start in the window when you


Like You

The smell of coffee is like a voice in Aleksis Kivi's ear
on the street like a voice like a linden gone gray
like a voice in the ear in a hot day's ear
like a dusty linden a sulphurous elm
like your voice on the street
in the high sun's hard-edged shadows
like your voice like you