unfinished syllogism Consider it done, a palace of over turnings, a place outfitted in missed spit spelled dislocationary - one letter knocked loose, a tooth licked slack - a ruse of argument ground down to powder in the face of the powderless FLAG / DMZ _unfinished syllogism_ If there had been a fabric came ripped & then stitched up to naysayers tender in battle - switching sides, a dressing down outside the bounds' wounds of demarcation, speaking before being broken in two - as in gauzy nausea blotted in common then divided - to be eaten with set teeth - gapped capped & tested unbreathing over tours & lapses, broken & returned to the sender - _u. s._ Every theme song is themselves a dream: an ice breaker quarries spings and spangs of starry chips & minor premise spells the obvious, stirred to death - drinks to glitzy unions on the rocks just pointed sore. A fair amount of blood letting it splash up on the beach's screen; the meeters who can't stand to leave their meeting, & the dealmakers mistaking misgivings for a gift outright _unfinis_ This meal is a collapse of intentions to share needs freely, between persons diverted from the origins of "messy" appetite - all meals are gone unable to keep separate these words make us laugh. The loss is shit, reconvened under the oaken table where lie crumbs of togetherness, purview, system. It's raining outside. It all. _u._ So when the contused becomes audible, lips of wounded indecision press together - bright blue seams for the meantime - then hesitate, poised apart for the word of the future in the all or nothing situation it's all you think of nothing but