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Ron Silliman



If printed, this document will come to 50 pages




Crow, Ithaca House, Ithaca, NY, 1971

Mohawk, Doones Press, Bowling Green, OH, 1973

Nox, Burning Deck, Providence, RI, 1974

Ketjak, This Press, San Francisco, CA, 1978

Sitting Up, Standing, Taking Steps, Tuumba, Berkeley, CA 1978; Walt Whitman Cultural Arts Center/Boog Literature, published as number two of the Whitman Notables series, Camden, NJ, 2002

Legend (collaboration with Bruce Andrews, Charles Bernstein, Ray Di Palma and Steve McCaffery), L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E/Segue, New York, NY, 1980

Tjanting, The Figures, Berkeley, CA, 1981; Salt, Cambridge, UK / Applecross, Western Australia, Australia, 2002

Bart, Potes & Poets Press, Hartford, CT, 1982

ABC, Tuumba, Berkeley, CA, 1983

Paradise, Burning Deck, Providence, RI, 1985 (1985 Poetry Center Book Award)

The Age of Huts, Roof Books, New York, 1986

Lit, Potes & Poets Press, Hartford, CT, 1987

What, The Figures, Great Barrington, MA, 1988

Manifest, Zasterle Press, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, 1990

Leningrad (collaboration with Michael Davidson, Lyn Hejinian, and Barrett Watten), Mercury House, San Francisco, CA, 1991

Demo to Ink, Chax Press, Tucson, AZ, 1992

Toner, Potes & Poets Press, E. Hartford, CT, 1992

Jones, Generator Press, Mentor, OH, 1993

N/O, Roof Press, New York, NY, 1994

Xing, Meow Press, Buffalo, NY, 1996; Factory School Books, Ithaca, NY, 2004

MultiPlex, (includes two works by Karen Mac Cormack), Wild Honey Press, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, 1998

(R), Drogue Press, New York, NY, 1999

Woundwood, Cuneiform Press, Buffalo, NY, 2004

The Age of Huts (compleat), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 2007

The Alphabet, University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, AL, forthcoming 2008




The New Sentence, Roof, New York, NY, 1987




Silliman�s Blog, 2002 - present (




Under Albany, Salt, Cambridge, UK / Applecross, Western Australia, Australia, 2004

The Grand Piano: An Experiment in Collective Autobiography, Parts 1-IV, co-authored with Bob Perelman, Barrett Watten, Steve Benson, Carla Harryman, Tom Mandel, Kit Robinson, Lyn Hejinian, Rae Armantrout & Ted Pearson, Mode A, Detroit, MI, 2006-2007




In the American Tree, National Poetry Foundation, University of Maine, Orono, ME, 1986; second edition, 2002




N/O, Roof Books, New York, NY, 2002



Sunset Debris, Ubu Editions, New York, NY, 2002



2197, Ubu Editions, New York, NY, 2002



The Chinese Notebook, Ubu Editions, New York, 2004



Legend (collaboration with Bruce Andrews, Charles Bernstein, Ray Di Palma and Steve McCaffery), Eclipse, Princeton, NJ, 2004



EDITOR (Literary)


�15 Young Poets of the San Francisco-Bay Area,� (David Melnick, co-editor), Chicago Review, Vol. 21, No. 4, Summer, 1970, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, pp. 71-136

Tottel�s, nos. 1-18, 1970-81, Oakland and San Francisco, CA

�The Dwelling Place: 9 Poets,� Alcheringa, New Series, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1975, Boston University, Boston, MA, pp. 104-120

A Symposium on Clark Coolidge: Stations 5, Winter, 1978, Milwaukee, WI

�Realism,� Ironwood, No. 20, 1983, Tucson, AZ, pp. 61-121

In the American Tree, National Poetry Foundation, University of Maine, Orono, ME, 1986


EDITOR (Other)


Labyrinth, Committee for Prisoner Humanity and Justice, San Rafael, CA, 1973-6

Tenderloin Times, Central City Hospitality House, San Francisco, CA, 1978-81

Socialist Review, Center for Social Research and Education, Berkeley, CA, 1986-1991 (executive editor 1986-1989)

Unfinished Business: 20 Years of Socialist Review, Verso Press, London, 1991 (co-editor)




The Difficulties: Ron Silliman Issue, Vol. 2, No. 2, edited by Tom Beckett, Kent, OH, 1985

Quarry West 34: Ron Silliman and The Alphabet, edited by Thomas A. Vogler, University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, 1998




Selected Poems from the Academy of American Poets Poetry Contest, 1968 and 1969, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA 1969

Alphabet Anthology, edited by Joyce Holland, X Press, Iowa City, IA, 1973

None of the Above, edited by Michael Lally, Crossing Press, Trumansburg, NY, 1976

Omens from the Flight of Birds, edited by Stephen Vincent, Momo�s Press, San Francisco, CA, 1977

The Big House, edited by Michael Slater, Ailanthus Press, New York, NY, 1978

The Pushcart Prize: IV, edited by Bill Henderson, Pushcart Press, Yonkers, NY, 1979

The Poets� Encyclopedia, edited by Michael Andre, Unmuzzled Ox, New York, NY, 1979

The Poetry Reading, edited by Stephen Vincent and Ellen Zweig, Momo�s Press, San Francisco, CA, 1981

A Century in Two Decades, edited by Keith and Rosmarie Waldrop, Burning Deck, Providence, RI, 1982

Claims for Poetry, edited by Donald Hall, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI, 1983

The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, edited by Bruce Andrews and Charles Bernstein, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, IL, 1984

Postmoderno E Letteratura, edited by Peter Carravetta and Paoloi Spedicato, Studi Bompiani, Milano, Italy, 1984

Writing/Talks, edited by Bob Perelman, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, IL, 1985

Alles und Noch Viel Mehr: Das Poetische ABC, edited by G.J. Lischka, Bentelli, Bern, Switzerland, 1985

21 + 1: Poetes americains d�aujourd�hui, edited by Emmanuel Hocquard and Claude Royet-Journoud, Delta, Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier, France, 1986

21 + 1: American Poets Today, edited by Emmanuel Hocquard and Claude Royet-Journoud, Delta, Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier, France, 1986 (English companion volume)

In the American Tree, edited by Ron Silliman, National Poetry Foundation, Orono, ME, 1986

Postmodern Fiction: A Bio-Bibliographic Guide, edited by Larry McCaffery, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 1986

Alive and Writing: Interviews with American Authors of the 1980s, conducted and edited by Larry McCaffery and Sinda Gregory, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 1987

The Line in Post-Modern Poetry, edited by Henry Sayre and Robert Frank, U. of Illinois Press, 1988

Contemporary American Poet-Critics, edited by James McCorkle, Wayne State University Press, 1988

Festival de Tarascon: Cinquieme Recontres Internationales de Poesie Contemporaine, A.G.R.I.P.P.A., 1989

The Politics of Poetic Form: Poetry and Social Policy, edited by Charles Bernstein, Roof Books, New York, 1990

World�s Edge, edited by Sherry Reniker, Word Press/Open Meeting Books, Kawasaki, Japan and Kenosha, Wisconsin, 1991

Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, edited by William Stearns and William Chaloupka, St. Martins Press, New York, 1992

La Lengua Radical: Antologia de la poesia norteamericana contemporanea, edited and translated by Esteban Pujals Gesali, Gramma Poesia, Madrid, Spain, 1992

A Suite of Poetic Voices: Interviews with Contemporary American Poets, by Manuel Brito, Kadle Books, Santa Brigida, Spain, 1992

The Art of Practice, edited by Dennis Barone and Peter Ganick, Potes & Poets Press, Elmwood, CT, 1994 (afterword)

Postmodern American Poetry: A Norton Anthology, edited by Paul Hoover, Norton, New York, NY, 1994

From the Other Side of the Century: A New American Poetry 1960-1990, edited by Douglas Messerli, Sun & Moon, Los Angeles, CA, 1994

American Poetologics/Amerikanische Poetolgie, edited by Helmut Breinig, Univ. of Bramberg Library, Bramberg Editions, Germany, 1996

The Gertrude Stein Awards in Innovative American Poetry 1994-1995, edited by Douglas Messerli, Sun & Moon, Los Angeles, CA, 1996

Close Listening: Poetry and the Performed Word, edited by Charles Bernstein, Oxford University Press, 1998

Poems for the Millennium: The University of California Book of Modern and Postmodern Poetry, vol. 2, edited by Pierre Joris and Jerome Rothenberg, Univeristy of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1998

From Artifice to Indeterminacy: An Anthology of Poetics from 1980 to the Present, edited by Christopher Beach, Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1998

Poetics@, edited by Joel Kuszai, Roof Books, New York, NY, 1999

Anthology of Modern American Poetry, edited by Cary Nelson, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000

The Form of Our Uncertainty: A Tribute to Gil Ott, edited by Kristen Gallagher, Chax & Handwritten Presses, Buffalo NY & Tucson AZ, 2001

The Best American Poetry 2002, edited by David Lehman and Robert Creeley, Scribners, New York, 2002

Short Fuse: The Global Anthology of New Fusion Poetry, edited by Todd Swift and Phil Norton, Rattapallax Press, New York, 2002

One Score More: The Second 20 years of Burning Deck, 1981-2001, edited by Alison Bundy, Keith & Rosmarie Waldrop, Burning Deck Press, Providence, RI, 2002

Twentieth- Century Poetics: Poets on the Art of Poetry, edited by Dana Gioia, Dave Mason and Meg Shoercke, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2004

Fellowship Recipients 2002: The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, edited by Tina Calabro, The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, Harrisburg, PA, 2004

The Best American Poetry 2004, edited by David Lehman and Lyn Hejinian, Scribners, New York, 2004

The Addison Street Anthology: Berkeley�s Poetry Walk, edited by Robert Hass & Jessica Fisher, Heyday Books, Berkeley, CA, 2004

Poet�s Bookshelf: Contemporary Poets on Books that Shaped their Art, edited by Peter Davis, Barnwood Press, 2005

In the criminal's cabinet: Anthology of poetry and fiction, edited by Todd Swift & Val Stevenson, Nthposition, London, forthcoming

Poetry and the Year 2000, edited by Leslie Davis, Xurban Press, Westminster, CO, apparently unpublished

L�neas conectadas: nueva poes�a de los Estados Unidos, edited by April Lindner, translation editor Hernan Lara Zavala, Sarabande Books, Louisville, KY, 2006


POEMS IN PERIODICALS (Partial listing)


Community Libertarian, No. 1, May 1, three poems, no pagination



Avalanche, No. 1, Berkeley, CA, �One, Two, Three Hands Clapping,� no pagination

Avalanche, No. 2, Berkeley, CA, three poems, no pagination

Kauri, No. 14, New York, NY, �The Gangster Piano,� p. 19

Loveletter, Triple No. 4,5, 6, Palo Alto, CA, �The �Dead Man� Metaphor,� no pagination

Poetry Northwest, Vol. 7, No. 3, University of Washington, Seattle, �Music Minus One: The Lover,� p. 35



Arts in Society, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, �Two hands, one calloused,� p. 525

Avalanche, No. 3, Berkeley, CA, �The Grateful Dead,� no pagination

Hollow Orange, No. 4, San Francisco, CA, �Elegy for a Grey Rose,� �Here. Now.� �A Sunset Shore near Carmel,� no pagination

New, No. 4, September, Trumansberg, NY, �The morning dishes are undone again...,� pp. 22

Poetry Northwest, Vol. 8, No. 4, University of Washington, Seattle, �Children,� �The Snake,� pp. 25-6

University of Tampa Poetry Review, No. 11, Tampa, Florida, title and pagination unknown.



Chicago Review, Vol. 20, No. 1, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, �The Tree Speaks,� �Age Thirty, With Neither Wife Nor Trade,� �Umbrellas,� pp. 58-60

Chicago Review, Vol. 20, No. 3, November, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, �Anarchy,� �Belief,� �A Song of Buildings, of Berkeley,� pp. 47-49

The South Florida Poetry Journal, No. 1, �Relevance,� p. 29

Trace, No. 68, London, U.K., �When Honesty Is Policy,� p. 246

TriQuarterly, No. 12, Spring, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, �Youra,� p. 193

Work, No. 5, Detroit, MI, two poems, p. 75



Arts in Society, Vol. 6, No. 3, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, two poems, p. 431

Caterpillar 8/9, October, New York, NY, �From an Abandoned Text,� pp. 205-206

Gods and Heroes: A Modern American Writer Looks at the Greece of Yesterday and Today (New York: Doubleday), by Herbert Kubly, �Youra,� frontispiece

Occident, Vol. 3, New Series, Spring/Summer, University of California, Berkeley, CA, �After the Pastoral...,� p. 69

Poetry, Vol. 113, No. 4, January, Chicago, IL, �He Was A Visitor,� p. 255

The South Florida Poetry Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3, five poems, p. 33-5



Occident, Vol. 4, New Series, Spring/Summer, University of California, Berkeley, CA, pp. 34-36, �Tab�itha�

Tottel�s, No. 1, Oakland, CA, �Overall/s on a fence,� p. 3



Amphora 6, Headstone Press, San Francisco, CA, �wine sun,� �see / cull,� �I made my bike work,� np.

Chicago Review, Vol. 22, No. 4, Spring, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, �Text I,� �Text VII,� pp. 26-28

Occident, Vol. 5, New Series, Fall, University of California, Berkeley, CA, �Poem,� p. 9

Rain, nos. 1&2, Willamette, IL, �A street,� p. 116

This 1, Winter, Iowa City, IA and Gloucester, MA, 4 untitled poems, no pagination

This 2, Fall, Iowa City, IA and Franconia, NH, 5 untitled poems, no pagination

Tottel�s, No. 6, Oakland, CA, 4 untitled poems, p. 11

Tuatara, No. 5, July, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 8 untitled poems, pp. 1- 4



Baloney Street, No. 3/4, Ventura, CA, 13 untitled poems, no pagination

Diana�s Bimonthly, Vol 1., No. 3, Providence, RI, �5 short & untitled things

Diana�s Bimonthly, Vol. 1, No. 4, August, Providence, RI, 7 untitled poems, pp. 41- 47

Salt Lick, Vol. 2, nos. 1 & 2, Quincy, IL, �Legend,� �rue whelm,� pp. 26-28

Shelter, February, Bowling Green, OH, untitled poem, no pagination

Silver, Moorpark, CA, �the gray,� �mudflats,� �browns,� pp. 17, 18, 60

Third Assembling, Brooklyn, NY, untitled poem, no pagination

Toothpick, Lisbon and the Orcas Islands, Seattle, WA, �which watch what,� no pagination

Tottel�s, No. 8, Oakland, CA, 11 untitled poems, p. 9

Tottel�s, No. 10, San Francisco, CA, untitled poem and �Bohor�, pp. 20-27



Big Deal, No. 1, Spring, Berkeley, CA, 2 untitled poems from �Ott,� �Petaluma,� �Positron,� no pagination

Gum, No. 9, Iowa City, IA, �My Heart,� no pagination

L, Vol. 1, No. 2-3, Spring, Berkeley, CA, �tendon,� no pagination

Shirt, April, Bowling Green, OH, �Nickelodeon,� no pagination

This 4, Spring, San Francisco, CA and Franconia, NH, �Ammo,� �Considerations,� �Poem,� �Presidio Heights,� no pagination

Toothpick, Lisbon & the Orcas Islands, Andrews/Wiater Issue, Fall, �Allures,� �Song No. 1,� no pagination



Baloney Street, No. 7, Ventura, CA, untitled poem, no pagination

Big Deal, No. 2, Spring, New York, NY, �Radiator,� pp. 11-16

Fifth Assembling, Brooklyn, NY, �Hercules,� no pagination

Gegenschein Quarterly, No. 7-8, Bowling Green, OH, �from �Songs for Bruce Andrews,� �Lips,� �from �Ott�,� no pagination

L, Vol. 1, No. 4-5, Spring, Berkeley, CA, �ACTH,� �Pavilions,� �Popeye,� �Hot�

Occident, Vol. viii, New Series, Spring, University of California, Berkeley, CA, �Aud,� p. 183

Roy Rogers, Winter, New York, NY, �what high lurking hornets...,� p. 112

This 5, Winter, San Francisco, CA and Franconia, NH, �Berkeley,� �Modulo Z,� no pagination



Alcheringa, New Series, Vol. 1, No. 2, Boston University, Boston, MA, �Tri,� pp. 114-116

Big Deal, No. 3, Spring, New York, NY, �Kensington,� pp. 92-94

Clown War 11, Brooklyn, �Emeryville,� pp. 17-20

Eureka Review, No. 1, Willows, CA, �Typing,� �from �Bourbaki�,� pp. 115-120

Telephone, No. 10, New York, NY, �Apple Pie,� �the high rose,� �Allures,� no pagination

The 13, Boulder, CO, �Hayward

This 6, Spring, San Francisco, CA, �from Ketjak,� no pagination



A Hundred Posters, No. 8, August, Dorchester, MA, �Private Parts,� no pagination

Bezoar, Vol. 4, No. 2, November, Gloucester, MA, �Bart,� no pagination

Bondage & Discipline, Vol. 1, No. 3, Chicago, IL, nine poems, no pagination

Eureka Review, No. 1, Willows, CA, �Typing,� �from �Bourbaki�,� pp. 115-20

Flora Danica, No. 2, September, Ann Arbor, MI, �Ponziani,� �Alekhine,� �The Marquis de la Place,� �The Enormous Tragedy of the Dream in the Peasant�s Bent Shoulders, � no pagination

Occulist Witnesses, No. 3, Fall, Boston, MA, �Of,� untitled poem

This 7, Spring, San Francisco, CA, �from �Sailboat�,� no pagination

Tottel�s, No. 16, San Francisco, CA, �Sailboat V,� p. 42



Boundary 2, Vol. 5, No. 2, Winter, State University of New York, Binghampton, NY, �from The Chinese Notebook,� pp. 539-551

Hills 4, May, San Francisco, CA, �I Am Marion Delgado,� no pagination

Miam, No. 3, August, San Francisco, CA,I Meet Osip Brik,� �San Francisco Destroyed by Fire,� entire issue

Roof III, New York, NY, �Invasion of the Stalinoids,� �from Legend,� pp. 66-100



Abracadabra, No. 3, Luxembourg, �Ponzioni,� no pagination

Bezoar, Vol. 13, No. 3, Summer, Gloucester, MA, �Definition and the Double Life,� no pagination

Epod, No. 2, September, Baltimore, MD, �from Legend,� no pagination

Las-Bas, No. 10, January-February, College Park, MD, �Turk Street News,� pp. 43-49

Paper Air, Vol. 1, No. 3, Blue Bell, PA, �The Four Protozoas,� pp. 5-9

Roof V, New York, NY, , �Do We Know Ella Cheese?,� pp. 78-85

Roof VII, New York, NY, �Sunset Debris,� pp. 57-82

Tottel�s, No. 17, San Francisco, CA, , �from Legend,� �Allied Gardens,� pp. 29-4

Wet, No. 21, Venice, CA, , excerpts from Sunset Debris,pp. 19-25

This 9, Winter, San Francisco, CA, �from Tjanting,� no pagination



Bezoar, Vol. 15, No. 3, Supplement to the Spring Issue of Winter, April Gloucetser, MA. �a paragraph from Tjanting,� no pagination (entire issue)

Gnome Baker IV, Great River, NY, �from Tjanting,� no pagination

Interstate, Vol. 3, No. 4, Austin, TX, �Winter Landscape with Skaters and a Bird Trap,� �The Swans,� pp. 24-8, 136-8

Sun & Moon, No. 8, Fall, College Park, MD, �from Legend,� pp. 162-169

Wet, No. 21, November/December, Venice, CA, �from �Sunset Debris�,� pp. 19-25



The Difficulties, Vol. 1, No. 2, Winter, Kent, OH, �from �Bourbaki�,� no pagination



O.ars, No. 1, Cambridge, MA, , �Rhizome,� pp. 165-17

Tamarisk, Vol. III, No. 4, Summer, Philadelphia, PA, , �from �Bourbaki�,� pp. 43-4

This 11, Spring, Oakland, CA, �Skies III,� no pagination



Change, No. 41, March, Paris, France, �S�asseyant, debout, marchant,� (Sitting, Standing, Taking Steps) translated by Jean Pierre Faye, pp. 178-179

Paris Review 86, Winter, New York, NY and Paris, France, , �Blue,� pp. 84- 8

Sulfur 3, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, �Skies I,� pp. 6-8

Sulfur 4, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, �Skies II,� pp. 138-149



Boxcar, No. 1, Los Angeles, CA, �Garfield,� pp. 22-25

Conjunctions 4, New York, NY, �Engines� (Rae Armantrout, co-author), pp. 120-124

Hills 9, Berkeley, CA, �Force,� pp. 106-110

Ironwood 20, Tucson, AZ, �Albany,� pp. 112-113

So & So, Vol. II, No. 2, Spring, Berkeley, CA, �Skies IV,� no pagination

This 12, Oakland, CA, �Carbon,� no pagination



Bluefish, Vol. 1, No. 2, Spring, Southampton, L.I., NY, �from �Lit�,� pp. 55- 56

Pavement, No. 4, Spring, Iowa City, IA, �from �Lit�,� pp. 17-22


Abacus, �Ron Silliman issue,� Elmwood, CT, �from Paradise,� entire issue

Carte Segrete, Nuova Serie, N. 1, Rome, Italy, �Porta girevole� (Opening sequence of Ketjak) translated by Franco La Polla, pp. 133-135

The Difficulties: Ron Silliman Issue, Vol. 2, No. 2, Kent, OH, �from �Lit�,� pp. 1-33

Fiction International, 15:2, San Diego, CA, �from �Lit�,� pp. 93-95

Five Fingers Review, No. 2, San Francisco, CA, �from �Lit�,� pp. 30-32

Moving Letters, Paris, France, �Manifest,� no pagination

Origin, Fifth Series, No. 6, Kyoto, Japan & Orono, ME, �from Paradise,� pp. 92- 100

Writing 11, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, �from Paradise,� pp. 18-23



Bulletin A.R.C. Litterature, Musee d�Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France, No. 162, �Trace,� (translation of, pp. 659-660, opening section of Tjanting), translated by Philippe Jaworski, pp. 659-660

Caliban, No. 1, Ann Arbor, MI, �from �Oz�,� pp. 80-82

Mandorla: The Minetta Review, New York, NY, �from �Lit�,� pp. 62-64

Notes, Malakoff, France, �soft you about yester,� p. 7

Sink 1, San Francisco, CA, �from �Lit��

Southpaw, Vol. 2, No. 1, Winter, Detroit, MI, �from �Lit�,� pp. 53-53

Sulfur 16, Los Angeles, CA, �from �Oz�,� pp. 124-129

Temblor, No. 3, North Hollywood, CA, �Demo,� pp. 140-148

Tramen, No. 5, San Francisco, CA, �from �Lit�,� no pagination

Zyzzyva, San Francisco, CA, �from �Oz�,� pp. 146-149



B-City, No. 4, Spring, Chicago, IL, �from �Hidden�,pp. 42-4

boundary 2, Vol. XIV, nos. 1 & 2, �Fall 1985/Winter 1986� (sic), SUNY Binghamtom, Binghamtom, NY, �from Paradise,� pp. 13-14

Central Park, No. 11, Spring, New York, NY, �from �Hidden�,� pp. 39-44

The New American Writing, No. 1, Chicago, IL, �from �Oz�,� pp. 84-9



Archive Newsletter, Archive for New Poetry, UCSD Library, La Jolla, CA, Spring, �from �Hidden�,� pp. 20-23

Conjunctions 12, New York, NY, �from �Hidden�,� pp. 248-251

Gendaishi Techo, January, Japan, �from �I am Marion Delgado�� (translated by Shuri Kido), pp. 381-382

Generator 2, Mentor, OH, �from �Hidden�,� pp. 53-57

O-bl�k, No. 3, Stockbridge, MA & New York, NY, �from �Hidden�,� pp. 73-78

Temblor 8, North Hollywood, CA, �Ink,� pp. 11-24

West Coast Review, Vol. 22, No. 1, Summer �1987� (sic), Burnaby, BC, Canada, �from �Hidden��,pp. 37-41



Broadway 2, New York, NY, �from �Toner�,� pp. 109-112

Chax Press Broadside, Tucson, AZ, �Albany

Delo, Vol. XXXV, No. 8, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, �from Tjanting,� translated into �Serbocroation� by Dubravka Djuric and Elena Lacok, pp. 345-347

minnesota review, Storrs, CT, �from �Toner��

O.blek 6, Stockbridge, MA, �from `Toner�,� pp. 137-142

Screens and Tasted Parallels, Palo Alto, CA, �from �Oz�,� pp. 106-109

Sulfur 24, Spring, 1989, Ypsilanti, MI, �from �Toner�,� pp. 13 -35

Talisman, No. 3, Fall, 1989, Hoboken, NJ, �from �Toner�,� pp. 76-79

Zyzzyva, Vol. V, No. 1, San Francisco, �from �Toner�,� pp. 73-85



Archive for New Poetry Newsletter, No. 46, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, �from �Jones�,� pp. 17-18

Avec, No. 3, Rohnert Park, CA, �from �Toner,� pp. 136-140

Brief 7, Canyon, CA, �from �Jones�,� no pagination

Edge, Tokyo, Japan, �from �Toner�,� p. 31

La Pagina, No. 2, February-May, Tenerife, Canary Islands, �from �Ketjak,�� in English with facing Spanish translation by Estaban Pujals Gesali, pp. 132-135

Raddle Moon, No. 9, Vancouver, BC, Canada, �from �Jones�,� pp. 35-6

Verse, Vol. 7, No. 1, Fife, Scotland, Salford, England, and Williamsburg, VA, �from �Toner�,� pp. 64-65

Writing No. 25, Vancouver, BC, Canada, �from �Jones�,pp. 20-23



Blue Mesa Review, No. 3, Spring 1991, Albuquerque, NM, �from �Jones�,� pp. 256-259

Generator 5, Mentor, OH, �from �Jones�,� pp. 59-66

Meanjin, Vol. 50, No. 1, Autumn 1991, Melbourne, Australia, �from �Jones�,� pp. 164-165

O.ars, No. 8, Cambridge, MA, �from �Jones�,� pp. 69-70

Socialist Review, Vol. 91, No. 2, April-June 1991, �from Leningrad,� pp. 15-23

Zyzzyva 25, Vol. VII, No. 1, San Francisco, CA, �from �Jones�,� pp. 76-81



Ovdia, No. 286, October, 1992, Podgoritsa, Serbia, �Skies, II,� translated by Dubravka Djuric, p. 18

Rusky Almanac, No. 2, Belgrade, Serbia, ,Leningrad,� excerpts translated by Dubravka Djuric, pp. 232-24

Stifled Yawn, Minneapolis, MN, �From �Non��

Talisman, Hoboken, NJ, �from �Non�,� pp. 110-114

Tyuonyi, Santa Fe, NM, �from �Non�,� pp. 115-121



Columbia Poetry Review, No. 6, Chicago, IL, �from �Non�,� pp. 16-17

Grist On-Line, No. 1, New York, NY, �from �Non��

Hot Bird Mfg, Vol. II, No. 5, July, 1993, New York, NY, �from �Non��

Mirage #4/Period(ical) #17, June 1993, �from �Non�,� no pagination

The Redneck Review of Literature, No. XXIV, Spring, 1993, p. 89, Milwaukee, WI, �From �Jones��




B-City, Dekalb, IL, �from �Under�, � pp. 1-6

Conjunctions No. 21, , Anondale-on-Hudson, NY, ��,� pp. 166-18

Croton Bug 3, Milwaukee, WI, �from �Non�,� pp. 5-9

New American Writing, No. 12, Chicago, IL, �from �Non��

No Roses Review, No. 3, Spring 1994, Chicago, IL, �from �Under�,� pp. 72-78

Object No. 2, Winter 1993/1994, New York, NY, �from �Non�,� pp. 28-31

Object Permanence, Issue One, January, Glasgow, Scotland, �from �Non�,� pp. 54-5

Situation No. 7, Buffalo, NY, �from �Under �,� no pagination


Den Bl� Port: Tidsskrift for Literature, 33/95, K�benhavn (Copenhagen), Denmark, �Uddrag af Tjanting,� pp. 33-34, translated as �M�ssende� by Claus Schatz-Jakobsen, pp. 34-35

Cream City Review, Vol. 19, No. 1, Spring 1995, from �Under,� pp. 89-93

Grist On-Line, No. 6, New York, NY, �from �Under,�� no pagination

Proliferation No. 2, November 1994 (sic), from �Under,� pp. 13-17

6ix, Vol. 4, No. 1, �from �Under,�� pp. 8-11

TO, Vol. 3, No. 5, Summer 1995, from �Under,� pp.69-72



CrossConnect, vol. 1, number 3, February 1996, Philadelphia, PA, from �Under,� (no pagination)(E-zine)

CrossConnect, vol. 1, 1996, Philadelphia, from �Under,� pp. 143-149 (print version of above item)

Iowa Review, vol. 26, no. 2, Summer 1996, Iowa City, Iowa, from �Under,� pp. 174-178

New Orleans Review, vol. 22, no. 1, Spring 1996, New Orleans, LA, from �Under,� pp. 33-36

Object Permanence, Issue Six, January, 1996, Glasgow, Scotland, from �Under,� pp. 26-30

Salt, No. 8, Applecross, Western Australia, Australia, from �Under,� pp. 79-83

Subdream, vol. 1, no. 1, Vienna, Austria, from �Under,� pp. 19-20

Tinfish 3, Honolulu, Hawaii, �You I, II, III,� pp. 47-49



Chicago Review, Vol. 42, Nos 3& 4, Fifty Years: A Retrospective Issue, Chicago, IL, �Text VII,� (cf. 1971 above), 115-118

�From Toner, Lit, Paradise and Manifest� with English facing, translated by Manual Brito, in Cuadernos del Ateneo de La Laguna, no. 2, 1997, La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, pp. 31-35

Potepoetzine Two, Elmwood, CT, �You VII, IX, X,� np



1998 Pew Fellowships in the Arts, Pew Charitable Trusts, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, �You XVIII, XXVI, XXVII,� pp.30-31

Abacus, No. 114, May 15, 1998, E. Hartford, CT, �Quindecagon�

Black Ice,, �You XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII�

CrossConnect, vol. 4, no. 2 (, �You XXIX, XXX, XXXI�

Fourteen Hills, San Francisco State University, SF, CA, �You XI, XII, XIII,� pp 85-87

Kenning, No. 2, Iowa City, IA, �You XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII� (misnumbered as XXVII), PP.12-14

Non, No. 2,, �From Tjanting

Philly Talks, No. 3, Philadelphia, PA, �You V, VI, VII, XIX, XXII, XXIII,� plus email correspondence with Jeff Derksen, np (entire issue)

Quarry West 34: Ron Silliman and The Alphabet, edited by Thomas A. Vogler, University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, October, 1998, bookmark inserted into the issue, �Albany�

Sycamore Review, W. Lafayette, IN, Vol. 10, no. 2, Summer/Fall, 1998, �You XX, XXI, XXIV, XXV,� pp. 74-78



5_trope No. 6,from �You,� XLV, XLVI, XLVII (link no longer active, but see 2002)

APR Philly Edition 99 (American Poetry Review), Philadelphia, PA, from �You,� published as an insert to the Philadelphia Weekly, September 29, p. 16, from �You,� XLI, XLII, XLIII, XLIV

Chain 6 (�Letters�), Honolulu, HI and Collegeville, PA, pp. 222-224, from Ketjak2: Caravan of Affect

Jacket, No. 6, January, 1999, Balmain, Australia,from �You,� XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XL

PoetryEtc, �Featured Poet #18,� edited by John Kinsella, Cambridge, UK, e-list publication from, from Hidden, Oz and What

Stand, New Series Vol. 1, No., 4, Cambridge, UK, pp. 41-46, from �Under Albany

Veer, Dallas, TX, from �You,� XXXII ( and XXXIII (



Chain, No. 7 (�memoir/anti-memoir�), Honolulu/Philadelphia, pp. 176-192, from �Under Albany

Conjunctions 35, New York and Anondale, pp. 256-260, �Fubar Clus� from VOG

CrossConnect, Vol. 5, No. 2, Philadelphia, PA, �Silence of the Looms� and �The Nose of Kim Darby�s Double� from VOG

����� Included also in Xconnect: Writers of the Information Age, vol. 4, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 143-147

Dandelion, vol. 26, no. 1, Spring 2000, Calgary, Canada, from �You,� XXXV, pp. 119-120
No. 4, Spring-Summer 2000, Philadelphia, PA, from �You,� XIX, XXXIV, np

ReadMe, No. 3, Spring 2000, from Ketjak2: Caravan of Affect (

Slope, No. 5, July 2000, �That which is merely eternal soon rots,� from VOG, (

Shiny, No. 11, Denver, CO, from �You,� XLVIII, XLIX, L, LI, LII




Crow, Edge Books, Washington, DC, from �Under Albany,� np

Facture 2, Grass Valley, CA, �For Larry Eigner, Silent,� from VOG, pp. 15-17

DC Poetry, Anthology 2001, Washington, DC, �It Takes a Village,� from VOG (

Journal of Literature and Aesthetic, vol. 1, no. 1, July-December 2001, Kerala, India, from �Demo,� pp. 90-92

POeP! 1, Rattapallax Press, New York, NY, �Boptivity,� from VOG, pp. 121-128

Sal Mimeo, No. 2, Fall 2001, New York, NY, �Torsion Dystonia,� from VOG, npd



5_trope No. 13, anthology issue, from �You,� XLV, XLVI, XLVII (

88, Hollyridge Press, Venice, CA, �Storming Waumbec Mountain by Golf Cart�, �---�, and �Toward an Anniversary of a Drowning in the Senses� (from VOG), pp. 112-116.

Jacket, No. 16, Balmain, Australia, �The Satellite� (from VOG) (

Matrix, No. 61, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, �Landscape with Chairs,� from VOG, pp. 43-44

muse apprentice guild, vol. 1, no. 1, August 2002, San Diego, CA, from Ketjak2 (

near south, Chicago, IL, �Rooms� (from VOG), pp. 15-17

nthposition, August 2002, �Task Me with a �Do It�� and �Dadaquest� (from VOG)

overland 166, Melbourne, Australia, from �The Satellite� (from VOG), p. 60.

Realpoetik, Seattle, WA & Iowa City, IA, �Sitting Up, Standing, Taking Steps,� (email publication, September 25, 2002)

Salt Hill 12, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, �Finland Silence,� (from Ketjak2), pp. 84-89

Washington Square 10, Summer 2002, �The Barefoot Waldo� and �Antipoem to the Barefoot Waldo,� (from VOG), pp. 49-52


antennae 4, Chicago, IL, �Pigeons in the Grasp Alas� and �Compliance Engineering� (from VOG), pp. 58-63

Call, no. 1, �Eleutherian Mills,� and �Seven Sad Forests� (from VOG), pp. 50-54

Double Room, Issue 3, Winter 2003, �Final For� (

Electronic Poetry Review, No. 5, February, 2003, �On Brier Island� ( and �Trouble Ticket� ( (from VOG)

Filling Station, no. 25, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Dogs Love Trucks� and �Viral� (from VOG), pp. 36-39

Lit, No. 8, Winter �03-�04, New York, New York, (from VOG), �The Rope Factory,� pp. 42-44

NWS, November 6, Orono, ME, �Seven Sad Forests,� (from VOG) (chaplet for reading at U. of Maine)

Secret Swan no. 14, Oakland, CA, �Seven Sad Forests� (from VOG) (broadside for reading at 21 Grand, Oakland)

Van Gogh�s Ear, 2, Spring 2003, Saint-Mand�, France, �Spiderduck� (from VOG), pp. 151-168



Mute: Culture and Politics After the Net, issue 27, London, �Hippoheimer the King� (from VOG), pp. 112-113

The Agents of Impurity, July 2004, Sonic Arts Network, London, �Sunset Debris (excerpt)�

�Considerations of Representability� from The Age of Huts, translated as �Consideraciones de Representabildad, � translated by Manuel Brito inLa Pagina 58 (A�o XVI, numero 4, 2004), Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, pp. 44-61 (with the original English on facing pages)

Poezie Pamflet, October 2004, Holland, �Final For� (from VOG) translated as �Net Voor� by Ton van �t Hof (



Big Bridge, No. 10, �from Zyxt,� �At the end of the day� (

Cue, vol. 2, no. 2, Summer, 2005, from Zyxt,� �I�m still not convinced,� pp. 27-28

Drunken Boat, �from Zyxt,� �Giant framed photograph.�

Latchkey.Net, (,
�from Zyxt,� �Flyers have been taped�
�from Non�Proto-mallie: the flaneur�
�from Under,� �The word as ground�

MiPoesias: Revista Literaria, vol. 19, no. 3, from Zyxt, �To confuse dream with sleep

Poems from Others, email zine, Albany

RealPoetik, email zine, �from Zyxt,� the line beginning �I'm in a warm, even hot bath�

Shampoo, �from Zyxt,� �The hand without its palm



mark(s), Detroit, MI, �from Zyxt� � six sections, including: �A young woman bicycles past a field of corn,� �Domain poisoning,� �Elk or ilk, which one,� �In the dream I�m always in the same drab green room,� �Just out of the bath,� �like a typo but is not�

O Poss, No. 1, 2006, �(G)hosts� (from VOG), pp. 15-16

Xconnect / CrossConnect, Vol. 8, Philadelphia, PA, �from Zyxt,� two sections, �I step into Pangaea,� and �Sweat stains the jogger�s tanktop,� pp. 118-120.



Jacket 33, �from Zyxt (�Flush hard�)� as part of �The Dangerfield Conundrum: A Roundtable on Humor in Poetry� edited by Rachel Loden & K. Silem Mohammad

Milk,8, Chicago, �from Zyxt (�What I notice�)�





EOAGH, �from Zyxt (�A dream before dawn�)�

On Word, �Kackin of Egok,� (from VOG)





The Addison Street Anthology, curated by Robert Hass, tile by David Goines, Addison Street & environs, Berkeley, CA (a collection of sidewalk tiles commemorating Berkeley�s poets), installed 2003, �from �Ink��


(very partial listing)


Albany, printed by Charles Alexander of Chax Press in Tucson for a reading at Woodland Pattern, Milwaukee, WI, April 22, 1989

Daniel Bouchard, The Fancy Memory, Ron Silliman, J is for Juvenile, printed by Anchorite Press for poets reading at Wordsworth Books, Cambridge, MA, June 22, 2004



CRITICAL WRITING (partial list)


�The Soft Hello,� Salt Lick, Vol. 2, nos. 1&2, 1972, Quincy, IL, pp. 50-62

Untitled review of Tom Clark�s Neil Young, Rolling Stone, No. 113, July 20, 1972, San Francisco, CA, p. 60

�Opening,� Maps 6, �Robert Duncan Issue,� 1974, Shippensburg, PA, pp. 72-80

�Surprised by Sign,� in �The Dwelling Place: 9 Poets,� Alcheringa, New Series, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1975, Boston University, Boston, MA, pp. 118-120

Untitled review of Tom Marioni�s Vision, San Francisco Review of Books, Vol. 3, No. 2, June, 1977, pp. 17-18

Untitled review of seven volumes of poetry and poetics, San Francisco Review of Books, Vol. 3, nos. 3/4, July/August, 1977, pp. 36-37

�Art with No Name,� State of the Arts, Cultural News & Services (publication of the California Arts Council), Vol. 1, No. 10, November, 1997; republished in The Poetry Reading: A Contemporary Compendium on Language & Performance, edited by Steven Vincent and Ellen Zweig (published simultaneously as a Momo�s Press book and as Shocks 7, 8, 9, San Francisco, 1981), pp. 160-65

�For Open Letter,� in �The Politics of the Referent,� Open Letter, Third Series, No. 7, Summer, 1977, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, pp. 89-93, reprinted in L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Supplement No. 1, June, 1980, New York, NY, no pagination

�Disappearance of the Word, Appearance of the World,� A Hundred Posters, No. 14, February, 1977, Boston, MA, entire issue, reprinted in Art Contemporary, Vol. 2, No. 2/3, 1977, San Francisco, CA, pp. 10-11, 50-53, also reprinted in The Dumb Ox, No. 5, 1977, Northridge, CA, pp. 27-30; in �The Politics of Poetry � A Supplement,� L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Supplement No. 3, October, 1981, New York, NY, no pagination; in The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, edited by Bruce Andrews and Charles Bernstein, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, IL, 1984, pp. 121-132; in Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, edited by William Stearns and William Chaloupka, St. Martins Press, New York, 1992, p. 27-37; translated into Croatian as �Iscezavanje Reci, Pojavljivanje Sveta� by Adrijana Marcetic in Delo, Vol. XXXV, No. 8, 1989, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, pp. 275-290; translated into German (and printed bilingually as �Verschwinden des Wortes, Erscheinen der Welt�) in Amerikanische Poetologie: Lyriker and Lyrikerinnen der USA in Selbstaussagen und Gedichten�Eine Zweisprachige Auswahl, edited by Helmbrecht Breinig, (Bamberg: University of Bamberg Library, �Bamberger Editionen, Harald Wentzlaff-Eggebert general editor, 1996); translated into Dutch as �De verdwijning van het word, De verschijning van de wereld� by Sascha Bru in Yang no. 191, November 2000, pp. 385-393.

�Ubeity,� A Symposium on Clark Coolidge: Stations 5, Winter, 1978, Milwaukee, WI, pp. 19-22

�Nice,� L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Vol 1. No. 1, February, 1978, New York, NY, no pagination, reprinted in The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book , op. cit., p. 250

�Space May Produce New Wor(l)ds,� Montemora 4, 1978, New York, NY, pp. 289-290

�The Williams Influence,� San Francisco Review of Books, Vol. 4, No. 1, May, 1978, pp. 42-44

�Louis Zukofsky,� L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, No. 4, August, 1978, New York, NY, no pagination, reprinted in Paideuma, Vol. 7, No. 3, �Louis Zukofsky Issue,� Winter, 1978, National Poetry Foundation, Orono, ME, pp. 405-406

�Breastwork,� L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Vol. 1, No. 2, April, 1978, New York, NY, no pagination

�For L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Vol. 1, No. 4, August, 1978, no pagination

�From �Language Writing�,� L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Vol. 1, No. 5, October, 1978, no pagination

�Benjamin Obscura,� Renegade, No. 1, no date given, New York, NY, pp. 35-70, excerpted in L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Vol. 1, No. 6, New York City, NY, 1979, no pagination, and in The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, op. cit., pp. 63-65

Untitled review of Curtis Faville�s Stanzas for an Evening Out, San Francisco Review of Books, Vol. 4, No. 7, March, 1979, pp. 24-25

Untitled review of Robert Grenier�s Sentences, American Book Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, Summer, 1979, New York City, NY, p. 12

�Notes on the Relation of Theory to Practice,� Paper Air, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1979, Blue Bell, PA, pp. 6-13

�If by �Writing� We Mean Literature,� L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Vol. 2, nos. 9/10, October, 1979, no pagination, reprinted in The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, op. cit., pp. 167-168. Translated into Spanish as �Si por �Escritura� Queremos Decir Literatura� by Margarita Mele, in Nerter, No. 1, Oto�o-Invierno, 1999, pp. 38-39.

�Zyxt,� The Poets� Encyclopedia, Unmuzzled Ox, New York, NY, 1979, pp. 296-297, reprinted in The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, op. cit., p. 207

�The New Sentence,� Talks: Hills 6/7, 1980, San Francisco, CA, pp. 190-217, abridged in Claims for Poetry, op. cit., pp. 377-398, and in In the American Tree, op. cit. An abridged version translated into Danish by Line Brandt as �Den Ny S�tning� in Nye S�tninger, Legenda No. 2, 2001, K�benhavn (Copenhagen), Denmark, pp. pp.45-59.

�Rewriting Marx,� L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Vol. 3, No. 13, December, 1980, no pagination; reprinted as �Re Writing: Marx,� in The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, op. cit., p. 174; reprinted in �Money: A Poets� Symposium,� edited by David Lehman, in Epoch, Vol. 38, No. 2, 1989, p. 166

�Introduction Collective au Movement de Language Poetry,� co-authored with Barrett Watten, Steve Benson, Lyn Hejinian, Charles Bernstein, and Bob Perelman, translated by Jean-Pierre Faye, in Change, No. 41, March, 1981; published in English original as For Change in In the American Tree, National Poetry Foundation, Orono, ME, 1986, pp. 484-490 (dated here correctly as 1982); translated into �Serbocroation� as �Za Promenu� by Dubravka Djuric, in Delo, Vol. XXXV, No. 8, pp. 251-257, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

�Third Phase Objectivism,� Paideuma, Vol. 10, No. 1, �George Oppen Issue,� Spring, 1981, National Poetry Foundation, Orono, ME, pp. 85-89

�The Political Economy of Poetry,� L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Vol. 4, 1981, New York, NY, simultaneously published as Open Letter, Fifth Series, No. 1, Winter, 1982, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, pp. 52-65; reprinted in From Artifice to Indeterminacy: An Anthology of Poetics from 1980 to the Present, edited by Christopher Beach (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1998), pp 190-200; reprinted in Twentieth- Century Poetics: Poets on the Art of Poetry, edited by Dana Gioia, Dave Mason and Meg Shoercke, McGraw-Hill, 2004

�Reading Ketjak, The Poetry Reading: A Contemporary Compendium on Language & Performance, edited by Steven Vincent and Ellen Zweig (published simultaneously as a Momo�s Press book and as Shocks 7, 8, 9, San Francisco, 1981), pp. 194-199; republished in Quarry West 34: Ron Silliman and The Alphabet, edited by Thomas A. Vogler, University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, October, 1998, pp. 46-51.

Untitled review of David Ignatow�s Open Between Us, American Book Review, Vol. 3, No. 6, September-October, 1981, p. 8

Untitled review of Bruce Andrews� Wobbling, Sagetrieb Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring, 1982, National Poetry Foundation, pp. 155-158

�Identification, Reference, Mode,� O.ars, No. 2, 1982, Cambridge, MA, pp. 132-134

�For Charles Bernstein has such a Spirit...,� The Difficulties: Charles Bernstein Issue, Fall, 1982, Kent, OH, pp. 98-114

�Migratory Meaning: The Parsimony Principle in the Poem,� Poetics Journal, No. 2, September, 1982, Oakland and Berkeley, CA, pp. 27-41; Translated as �Nomadisk Betydning� by Line Brandt in Nye S�tninger, Legenda No. 2, 2001, K�benhavn (Copenhagen), Denmark, pp. pp.61-83

Untitled review of Hannah Weiner�s Little Books/Indians and Nijole�s House, Sulfur 5, 1982, op. cit., pp. 138-141

Untitled review of William Bronk�s Life Supports, American Book Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, op. cit., pp. 18-19

�Realism,� in �Realism,� Ironwood, No. 20, 1983, Tucson, AZ, pp. 62-70, reprinted in a corrected version, No. 21, 1983, pp. 142-149

�Composition as Action,� Poetics Journal, No. 3, May, 1983, Oakland and Berkeley, CA, pp. 73-76

Untitled review of Kenneth Irby�s Orexis, American Book Review, Vol. 5, No. 5, July-August, 1983, op. cit., p. 12

Untitled review of Beverly Dahlen�s The Egyptian Poems, Sulfur 11, 1984, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 184-185

Untitled review of Philip Dow�s 19 New American Poets of the Golden Gate, San Francisco Chronicle, Review Magazine, May 13, 1984, pp. 4-6

Untitled review of Ted Hughes� River, San Francisco Chronicle, Review Magazine, June, 17, 1984, p. 8

�Spicer�s Language,� in Writing/Talks, edited by Bob Perelman, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, IL, 1985, pp. 166-191

�Statement for New Poetics Colloquium,� in untitled collection published in conjunction with colloquium, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1985; reprinted in Jimmy and Lucy�s House of �K�, No. 5, November, 1985, pp. 17-19

�Different Languages,� American Book Review, Vol. 7, No. 3, March/April, 1985, pp. 12-13

�Waves of Meaning,� American Book Review, Vol. 7, No. 6, September/October, 1985, pp. 10-12, 23

�Steve McCaffery, Ron Silliman, Charles Bernstein: Correspondence: May, 1976-December, 1977,� edited by Steve McCaffery, Lines, pp. 59-90

Untitled review of Barrett Watten�s Progress, San Francisco Chronicle, Review Magazine, Nov. 17, 1985, p. 12

�Stanzas in Meditation,� Tramen, No. 4, 1986, no pagination

�New Prose, New Prose Poem,� in Postmodern Fiction: A Bio- Bibliographical Guide, edited by Larry McCaffery, Greenwood Press, New York, pp. 157-174

�Charles Bernstein,ibid., pp. 280-282

�Lyn Hejinian,ibid., pp. 400-403

�Barrett Watten,ibid., pp. 539-542

�The Shipwreck of the Singular: The Evolution of the Sentence in George Oppen�s Verse,� Temblor, No. 5, 1987, pp. 117-19

��My Vocabulary Did This to Me,�Acts, No. 6, 1987, pp. 67-71

�Tight Corners,� The Difficulties: David Bromige issue, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1987, pp. 47-53

�Pete Seeger and the Avant-Garde,� Socialist Review, No. 92, Vol. 17, No. 2, March-April, 1987, pp. 120-28

�Postmodernism: Sign for a Struggle, the Struggle for the Sign,� Poetics Journal, No. 7, September, 1987, pp. 18-39. Reprinted in Contemporary American Poet-Critics, op. cit.; translated into Serbian by Dubravka Djuric and published in Gradina, Vol. 26, No. 2-3, 1991, Nis, Yugoslavia, pp. 162-179

�Negative Solidarity: Revisionism and �New American Poetics,�Sulfur, No. 22, Spring, 1988, pp. 169-176

�Poetry and the Politics of the Subject,� Socialist Review, 88/3, July-September, 1988, pp. 61-68

�Terms of Enjambment,� The Line in Postmodern Poetry, edited by Robert Frank and Henry Sayre (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press), pp. 183-184

Untitled note on Robert Duncan, American Poetry, Vol. 6, No. 1, fall, 1988, p. 74

�Aesthetic Tendency and the Politics of Poetry� (co-authored by Barrett Watten, Lyn Hejinian, Carla Harryman, Steve Benson and Kit Robinson), Social Text, No. 19/20, Fall, 1988, pp. 261-275

�Poets and Intellectuals,� Temblor, No. 9, 1989, pp. 122-124

�Indeterminacy, Autonomy, Determination,� Ottotole, No. 3, Spring, 1989, pp. 203-206

�Poetry and the Politics of Everyday Life,� Margin, No. 10, 1989, pp. 84-88

Untitled contribution to a symposium on �Language Poetry,� edited by Andrew Ross, Minnesota Review

�Response to the Cream City Review (High vs. Low Art),� Cream City Review, forthcoming

�Canons and Institutions: New Hope for the Disappeared,� in The Politics of Poetic Form: Poetry and Social Policy, edited by Charles Bernstein (New York: Roof Books, 1990), pp. 149-174

�Unfinished Business: SR at 20,� in program for 20th anniversary party of Socialist Review, November 17, 1990

�What/Person: From an Exchange,� co-written by Leslie Scalapino, in Poetics Journal, No. 9, June, 1991, pp. 51-68

�What Do Cyborgs Want? / (Paris, Suburb of the Twentieth Century),� in Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Art and Politics, edited by William Stearns and William Chaloupka (St. Martins Press, New York, 1992) p. 27-37

�I Wanted to Write Sentences: Decision Making in the American Longpoem,� in Sagetrieb, Orono, Maine, Vol. 11, Nos. 1 & 2, Spring & Fall, 1992, pp. 11-20

�RSVP: David Hart and others,� (responses to a survey on poetry by David Hart) in Verse, Fife, Scotland etc, Vol. 10, No. 1, Spring, 1993, pp. 110-112

�After Dark,� in lower limit speech: a newsletter in poetics, San Jose, CA, No. 6, July, 1993, no pagination

�Positioning Theory,� in lower limit speech: a newsletter in poetics, San Jose, CA, No. 6, July, 1993, no pagination

�The Practice of Art,� afterward to The Art of Practice: 45 Contemporary Poets, edited by Dennis Barone and Peter Ganick, Potes & Poets Press, 1994, pp. pp. 371-379

�Wild Form,� in lower limit speech: a newsletter in poetics, No. 9, June, 1994,Los Angeles, CA, npd; republished in Quarry West 34: Ron Silliman and The Alphabet, edited by Thomas A. Vogler, University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, October, 1998, pp. 134-139.

�The Task of the Translator: Watten�s Leningrad�, in Aerial 8, Barrett Watten issue, 1995, Washington, DC, pp. 141-168

�Oh my, Devon Miller-Duggan...� in an untitled email exchange between D M-D, RS and Chris Semansky from the CAP-L (Contemporary American Poetry) discussion group, reprinted in Famous Reporter,No. 13, Tasmania, Australia, 1996, p. 14

�The Marginalization of Poetry by Bob Perelman,� in The Impercipient Lecture Series, vol. 1, no. 4, May 1997 (special issue devoted to Perelman�s book, The Marginalization of Poetry), pp. 1-13. Reprinted in Jacket, No. 2, Dec. 1997 (see e-publications).

�Silent Teacher,� a memoir of Hannah Weiner, in �On Hannah Weiner: 1928-1997,� Poetry Project Newsletter, No. 167, Dec. 1997-Jan. 1998, pp. 13-14.

�Who Speaks: Ventriloquism and the Self in the Poetry Reading,� in Close Listening: Poetry and the Performed Word, edited by Charles Bernstein, Oxford University Press, pp. 360-378.

�Untitled email correspondence with Jeff Derksen� in Philly Talks, No. 3, Philadelphia, PA, January 21, 1998, np

�The Dysfunction of Criticism: Poets and the Critical Tradition of the Anti-Academy,� in Poetics Journal, No. 10, Detroit, MI and Berkeley, CA, 1998, pp. 179-194.

�Post-Reading Discussion,� in �Responses to (mostly) PhillyTalks 3 (Derksen/Silliman) & Post-Reading Discussion,� PhillyTalks 6, edited by Louis Cabris, Kelly�s Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, Oct. 11, 1998, pp. 9-17.

�thought or feeling forming,� (on the work of Robert Grenier) in Verdure No. 3-4 September 2000-February 2001, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, pp. 57-60.

�What is to be done,� published as �Progressiveness Now,� in Masthead 2, issue 4, ( (originally an email posted to the Poetics List), September 2001.

�Asterisk: Separation at the Threshold of Meaning in the Poetry of Rae Armantrout, in We Who Love to Be Astonished, edited by Laura Hinton and Cynthia Hogue (Tuscaloosa and London: University of Alabama Press, 2001), pp. 28-40.

�Melnick�s Pin,� in Logopoiea, (, 2002

Silliman�s Blog (, 2002 - present

�The Desert Modernism� and �A Forest For�� in Electronic Poetry Review (, No. 4, 2002

�βαρβάρους� in A�bacus, Special Issue: The War, 1 April 2003, np

�Politics and Speed,� in Removed for Further Study: The Poetry of Tom Raworth, edited by Nate Dorward, published as The Gig 13/14, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May, 2003, pp. 233-241

�My Twentieth Century,� (written for in Poetry and the Year 2000, edited by Leslie Davis, Xurban Press, Westminster, CO, apparently unpublished), PLR: Prague Literary Review, vol. 1, no. 4, Prague, the Czech Republic, pp. 1 & 4, 2003

�Stein at her Word,� in Talisman: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry and Poetics, no. 27, Winter, 2004, Jersey City, NJ, pp. 61-65

�A Study: Ron Silliman on Eileen Tabios and Her Poem �Helen,�(from Silliman�s Blog)� in Crucial Bliss Epilogues by Eileen Tabios, Tamafyhr Mountain Poetry, 2004, pp. 40-43.

�As to Violin Music: Time in the Longpoem,� Jacket 27, Balmain, Australia, April 2005

�Some Thoughts on No Direction Home,The Bridge, no. 23, Winter 2005, pp. 77-81

�Interview with Geof Huth,� co-written with Crag Hill, E-x-c-h-a-n-g-e-V-a-l-u-e-s, July 2005

�Shapiro�s �A Man Holding an Acoustic Panel,� in �Burning Interiors�: David Shapiro�s Poetry and Poetics, edited by Thomas Fink and Joseph Lease, Farleight Dickenson University Press, Madison & Teaneck, NJ, 2007, pp. 117-122.


(partial list)


�Untitled talk on postmodernism,� New Writing Colloquium, Kootenay School of Writing, Vancouver, B.C., August, 1985

�The Evolution of the Sentence in George Oppen�s Verse,� The Pleasure of Being Heard: First Symposium on the Work of George Oppen, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA, June, 1986

��My Vocabulary Did This to Me,�� Jack Spicer/White Rabbit Conference, New College of California, August, 1986

�Untitled talk on postmodernism,� Conference of the International Association of Philosophy and Literature, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, May, 1987

�Poets and Intellectuals,� Panel on The Political Potential of Modern Poetry, Conference of the Modern Language Association, San Francisco, December, 1987

�Negative Solidarity: Revisionism and �New American Poetics,�Panel on Ideology and Literary Change, Conference of the Modern Language Association, San Francisco, December, 1987

��When first I saw that form endearing�: Joyce�s Choices and Our Own,� James Joyce Symposium, University of California, Santa Cruz, April, 1988

�Canons and Institutions: New Hope for the Disappeared,� Poetry and Social Policy Series, New School for Social Research, New York, NY, November, 1988

�Poet-Critics versus the Critical Tradition,� 1989 Symposium, Reconstructing Cultural Criticism in America, Center for Twentieth Century Studies, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, April, 1989 [Rewritten in 1991 as �The Dysfunction of Criticism�]

�What Do Cyborgs Want? / (Paris, Suburb of the Twentieth Century),� Respondent to Jean Baudrillard�s �Transpolitics, Transexuality, Transaesthetics,� President�s Lecture, Conference on Modern Communication and The Disappearance of Art and Politics, University of Montana, Missoula, MT, May, 1989

�The New Sentence,� (translated by Viktor Mazin), 1989 International Summer School�Language, Poetry, Consciousness, Poetic Function and the Soviet Culture Foundation, Leningrad, USSR, August, 1989

�Who Speaks? Ventriloquism and the Self in Contemporary Poetry,� VIII Tucson Poetry Festival, Tucscon, AZ, March, 1990. Revised versions given in the California Writers Series, Diverseworks Arts Space, Houston, TX, March, 1991, and in the Southwest Symposium, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, April 1991

�I Wanted to Write Sentences: Decision Making in the American Longpoem,� Conference of the Modern Language Association, San Francisco, December, 1991

�The Dysfunction of Criticism: Poets and the Critical Tradition of the Anti-Academy,� Conference of the Modern Language Association, San Francisco, December, 1991

�Reference and Resistance: Poetry and the Metaphors of Conduction,� Summer Program of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, Naropa Institute, Boulder, CO, July, 1994

�Wild Form,� Fourth Annual Poetry Conference: Exploring Form and Narrative, West Chester University, West Chester, PA, June, 1998

�The Desert Modernism,� Annual Conference of the Modernist Studies Association, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, October, 2000

�Plotless Prose: Robert Duncan�s H.D. Book,� presented at the University of Kansas Poetics Seminar, October, 2000; at the Poetry Center of San Francisco State University, October, 2000; at Lannan Series at Georgetown University, March; 2003; at the Theorizing Series at the University of Pennsylvania, March, 2003

�The Dangerfield Conundrum: A Roundtable on Humor in Poetry,� edited by Rachel Loden & K. Silem Mohammad from the HumPo Listserv




�Under Albany,� in Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series, Vol. 29, edited by Joyce Nakamura, Gale Research, Detroit, MI, 1998, pp. 309-352.




�Contemporary Poetry, Alternate Routes: Reading Ron Silliman,� MLA. 111th Convention, Chicago, December, 1995. Chaired by Charles Bernstein. Included �Do Tell: Ketjak and Stein�s Narration,� by Tom Marshall;Composing the Social: Poetic Form and Social Formation in the Work of Ron Silliman,� by Steve Evans; and �What the El: Lit and Other Word Wiggles,� by Tom Vogler.




�Interview with Ron Silliman� conducted by Vicki Hudspith, The Poetry Project Newsletter, No. 72, February, 1980, no pagination

�Interview,� conducted by Tom Beckett, The Difficulties: Ron Silliman Issue, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1985, pp. 34-46

�An Interview with Ron Silliman,� conducted by Larry McCaffery and Sinda Gregory, Alive and Writing: Interviews with American Authors of the 1980s, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Il, 1987, pp.240-56

�Ron Silliman interviewed by Julia Blumenreich and Don Marks,� Paper Air, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1989, pp. 86-93

�Ron Silliman interviewed by Michael Amnasan,� Ottotole, No. 3, Spring, 1989, pp. 207-228

�The Politics of Poetry: An Interview with Ron Silliman� by Ron Tanner and Valerie Ross, Cream City Review, Vol. 13, No. 2, Fall, 1989, pp. 75-105

Untitled interview by Manuel Brito in A Suite of Poetic Voices: Interviews with Contemporary American Poets, Kadle Books, Santa Brigida, Spain, 1992, pp. 145-166

Untitled interview by Charles Bernstein for NPR radio series LINEbreak, Buffalo, NY, 1996

�E-mail Interview with Ron Silliman,� by Thomas C. Marshall and Thomas A. Vogler, in Quarry West 34: Ron Silliman and The Alphabet, edited by Thomas A. Vogler, University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, October, 1998, pp. 10-44.

�Ron Silliman Interview,� by Garry Sullivan, in ReadMe, No. 3, Spring 2000, (

Chicago Postmodern Poetry Interview,� by Ray Bianchi, on Chicago Postmodern Poetry website, June 2004 (

Here Comes Everybody Interview,� by Lance Phillips, on Here Comes Everybody web site, August 2004 (

�MiPoesias interview� by Shane Allison, MiPoesias: Revista Literaria, vol. 19, no. 3 (

�Ron Silliman Interview,� by Thomas A. Vogler, The Argotist

�Ron Silliman Interview,� by Amy King, MiPOradio
( and

�An interview with Ron Silliman,� by Mark Tursi, Double Room No. 6.




Correspondence, notebooks and manuscripts (1965-86) are part of the Archive for New Poetry, Mandeville Department of Special Collections, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093




Silliman�s Blog, August 2002 � present





Audio Cassettes

From Tjanting, 1/1/78,60 minutes, #307/256, Archive for Poetry, San Francisco State University

From Paradise 10/6/84,41 minutes, #598/506, Archive for Poetry, San Francisco State University

"'Postmodernism': Sign for a Struggle, Struggle for the Sign," 5/21/85, 110 minutes,#716/576, Archive for Poetry, San Francisco State University


A Multimedia Companion to Anthology of Modern American Poetry (Oxford University Press, 2000), edited by Cary Nelson (
Ron Silliman section, prepared and compiled by Cary Nelson, includes:

        About Ron Silliman: excerpts from The Difficulties Ron Silliman issue: excerpt from the interview by Tom Beckett, articles by Charles Bernstein and James Sherry (

        On Ketjak: re-edited excerpt from The Marginalization of Poetry by Bob Perelman, excerpt from �Ron Silliman� from Dictionary of Literary Biography by T.C. Marshall, excerpt from Jerry Estrin�s �Exorcise Your Monkey� article from The Difficulties Ron Silliman issue (

        On �Sunset Debris�: excerpt from Wittgenstein�s Ladder by Marjorie Perloff, excerpt from Tom Beckett�s interview in The Difficulties (

        On The Chinese Notebook: excerpt from �For Ron Silliman and The Chinese Notebook� from The Difficulties Ron Silliman issue by Allen (sic!) Davies, excerpt from Textual Politics and The Language Poets by George Hartley (

        Includes bibliography of books through 1996


�from Oz,� in Live at the Ear, Vol. 1, 1994, CD, compiled and edited by Charles Bernstein, Oracular Laboratory Recordings, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (


Radio Programs

�Linebreak,� Interviewed by Charles Bernstein with reading of Albany and a selection from Xing,

�Live at the Writers House,� reading from Oz, November 8, 1997, broadcast on WXPN, Philadelphia


Archived Readings & Talks


����� (

����� Reading at Writers House, Philadelphia, September 21, 2004

����� Introduction by Bob Perelman (

����� Albany

����� Quindecagon

����� (

����� From Xing

����� (

����� Woundwood

����� (

����� discussion

Ear Inn Reading, New York, April 12,1986

����� (

����� Talk: �Plotless Prose: Robert Duncan�s H.D. Book,� Theorizing Series, University of Pennsylvania, February 23, 2005 (

Factory School Library of Recorded Sounds

Poetry Reading, La Jolla, 1999

����� Poetry Reading, San Diego, 1998

����� Poetry Reading with Rae Armantrout, San Diego 1998

Modernisms II: 9 contemporary poets read themselves through modernism

����� (

����� Reading �through� Williams

New Poetics Colloquium, Kootenay School of Writing, Vancouver, 1985
Untitled talk on postmodernism

����� Reading from Demo

Reading at Bowery Poetry Club, New York City, November 19, 2005
( and
The same reading recorded in part by The Jim Behrle show:



5_trope No. 6,from �You,� XLV, XLVI, XLVII (link no longer active, but see 2002)

5_trope No. 13,anthology issue, from �You,� XLV, XLVI, XLVII (

Black Ice, �You XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII�
����� (

Conjunctions, selection of works from the magazine,

CrossConnect, Vol.1, No. 3, February, 1996), Philadelphia, PA, �from �Under�

CrossConnect, vol. 4, no. 2,Fall, 1998, �You XXIX, XXX, XXXI�

CrossConnect, vol. 5, No. 2, 2000, �The Silence of the Looms,� from VOG

����� (

CrossConnect, vol. 5, No. 2, 2000, �The Nose of Kim Darby�s Double,� from VOG

DC Poetry, Anthology 2001, Washington, DC, �It Takes a Village,� from VOG

Electronic Poetry Review, No. 4, 2002, Cambridge, MA, �The Desert Modernism� and �A Forest For�� (the latter published as a poem)

����� (

Electronic Poetry Review, No. 5, 2003, �On Brier Island� ( and �Trouble Ticket� ( (from VOG)

Grist On-Line, No. 1, New York, NY, �from �Non,�� no pagination

Grist On-Line, No. 6, 1995, New York, NY, �from �Under,�� no pagination

Jacket, No. 2, January, 1998, Balmain, Australia, �The Marginalization of Poetry by Bob Perelman,

Jacket, No. 6, January, 1999, Balmain, Australia,from �You,� XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XL

Jacket, No. 16, March, 2002, Balmain, Australia,The Satellite� from VOG

Logopoeia, 2002, �Melnick�s Pin

Masthead 2, No. 4, September 2001, �Progressiveness Now�

muse apprentice guild, vol. 1, no. 1, August 2002, San Diego, CA, from Ketjak2

Non, No. 2, February, 1998, �From Tjanting
����� (

POeP! 1, Rattapallax Press, New York, NY, �Boptivity,� from VOG, pp. 121-128, distributed in Adobe Acrobat and other e-book formats.

Realpoetik, Seattle, WA & Iowa City, IA, �Sitting Up, Standing, Taking Steps,� (email publication, September 25, 2002)

Sonic Arts Network, UK, from �Sunset Debris,� forthcoming

Slope, No. 5, July 2000, �That which is merely eternal soon rots,� from VOG,
���������� (

Veer, Dallas, TX, from �You,� XXXII



Money, by Henry Hills (appeared as self along with John Zorn, Sally Silvers, Diane Ward, Carmen Vigil, Bruce Andrews, Susie Timmons and Peter Hall), 1984


Home Pages, World Wide Web
includes bibliography, Demo, �Wild Form,� Linebreak radio show
includes materials from Pew Fellowship, �You XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXII


Video Recordings

From Tjanting, 1/1/78,60 minutes, #307/256, Archive for Poetry, San Francisco State University

From Paradise 10/6/84,41 minutes, #598/506, Archive for Poetry, San Francisco State University

"'Postmodernism': Sign for a Struggle, Struggle for the Sign," 5/21/85, 110 minutes,�� #716/576, Archive for Poetry, San Francisco State University

�Poetry and the Politics of Everyday Life,� in The Lectures, Volume One: Ron Silliman, Bernadette Mayer, Ron Padgett, Alice Notley, Thin Air Videos, NYC, NY

Reading from the Bowery Poetry Club on The Jim Behrle Show, 11/19/2005, 24 minutes





For Change (co-authored with Barrett Watten, Steve Benson, Lyn Hejinian, Charles Bernstein, and Bob Perelman) translated as �Za Promenu� by Dubravka Djuric, in Delo, Vol. XXXV, No. 8, 1989, pp. 251-257, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

�Disappearance of the Word, Appearance of the World,� translated as �Iscezavanje Reci, Pojavljivanje Sveta� by Adrijana Marcetic in Delo, Vol. XXXV, No. 8, 1989, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, pp. 275-290

From Tjanting, translated by Dubravka Djuric and Elena Lacok in Delo, Vol. XXXV, No. 8, 1989, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, pp. 345-347.�



From Tjanting, translated as �M�ssende� by Claus Schatz-Jakobsen in Den Bl� Port: Tidsskrift for Literature, 33/95, K�benhavn (Copenhagen), Denmark, , pp. 34-35, English version published as �Uddrag af Tjanting,� pp. 33-34

An abridged version of �The New Sentence,� translated as �Den Ny S�tning� by Line Brandt in Nye S�tninger, Legenda No. 2, 2001, K�benhavn (Copenhagen), Denmark, pp. pp.45-59.

�Migratory Meaning� translated as �Nomadisk Betydning� by Line Brandt in Nye S�tninger, Legenda No. 2, 2001, K�benhavn (Copenhagen), Denmark, pp. pp.61-83.

From �Hidden� translated as �Af: Skjult� by Allan Milter Jakobsen in Krydsord, Legenda No. 3, 2001, K�benhavn (Copenhagen), Denmark, pp. 55-59

From Tjanting translated as �Af: M�ssende� by Allan Milter Jakobsen in Krydsord, Legenda No. 3, 2001, K�benhavn (Copenhagen), Denmark, pp. 99-102

From Ketjak translated as �Af: Ketjak� by Allan Milter Jakobsen in Krydsord, Legenda No. 3, 2001, K�benhavn (Copenhagen), Denmark, pp. 153-155.

Excerpts form Tjanting, Ketjak and Hidden forthcoming in translation in Legenda.



�Disappearance of the Word, Appearance of the World,� translated as �De verdwijning van het word, De verschijning van de wereld� by Sascha Bru in Yang no. 191, November 2000, pp. 385-393..

�Final For� (from VOG) translated as �Net Voor� by Ton Vanthof in Poezie Pamflet, October 2004



From What, translated by Julius Urt in Paevaleht, Feb. 3, 1991, Tallin, Estonia, USSR, p. 2



From Sunset Debris, translated as Auringonlaskun roinaa by Aki Salmela, in Tuli&Savu, Helsinki, Finland, 2003, run on top border of pages 1-60




�Introduction Collective au Movement de Language Poetry,� co-authored with Barrett Watten, Steve Benson, Lyn Hejinian, Charles Bernstein, and Bob Perelman, translated by Jean-Pierre Faye, in Change, No. 41, March, 1982

From Sitting Up, Standing, Taking Steps, translated as �S�asseyant, debout, marchant,� by Jean Pierre Faye, in Change, No. 41, March, 1982, Paris, France, pp. 178-179

From Tjanting, translated as �Trace,� by Philippe Jaworski in Bulletin A.R.C. Litterature, Musee d�Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France, No. 162, 1986, pp. 659-660; reprinted in 21 + 1: Poetes americains d�aujourd�hui, edited by Emmanuel Hocquard and Claude Royet-Journoud, Delta, Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier, France, 1986, pp. 205-207



�Disappearance of the Word, Appearance of the World,� ( translated by Peter Tischert and printed bilingually as�Verschwinden des Wortes, Erscheinen der Welt�) in Amerikanische Poetologie: Lyriker and Lyrikerinnen der USA in Selbstaussagen und Gedichten�Eine Zweisprachige Auswahl, edited by Helmbrecht Breinig, Bamberg: University of Bamberg Library, �Bamberger Editionen, Harald Wentzlaff-Eggebert general editor, 1996, pp. 506-533



From Ketjak, translated as �Porta girevole� by Franco La Polla, in Carte Segrete, Nuova Serie, No. 1, 1984, Rome, Italy, pp. 133-135

�From �The Chinese Notebook,� translated as �da Il Quaderno Cinese� by William Pagnotta in Postmoderno E Letteratura, edited by Peter Carravetta and Paoloi Spedicato, Studi Bompiani, Milano, Italy, 1984, pp. 318-325

From Tjanting, translated without title by Gianlucca Rizzo, in Nuova Poesia Americana: San Francisco, edited by Luigi Ballerini & Paul Vangelisti, Oscar Mondadori, Milano, 2006

From �Sunset Debris,� translated as �da Sunset Debris� by Gherardo Bertolotti, on website, Milano, July 2007



From �I Am Marion Delgado,� translated by Shuri Kido in Gendaishi Techo, January, 1988, Japan, pp. 381-382



From �The Chinese Notebook,� translated by Viktor Mazin, published in a samizdat magazine, Leningrad, circa 1987

�The New Sentence,� translated by Viktor Mazin, said to have appeared in a magazine in Riga, Latvia



�Postmodernism: Sign for a Struggle, Struggle for the Sign,� translated into Serbian by Dubravka Djuric and published in Gradina, Vol. 26, No. 2-3, 1991, Nis, Yugoslavia, pp. 162-179

Leningrad,� excerpts translated by Dubravka Djuric and published in Rusky Almanac, No. 2, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 232-241

�Skies, II,� translated by Dubravka Djuric and published in Ovdia, No. 286, October, 1992, Podgoritsa, Serbia, p. 18; reprinted as �Neba II� in Jezik, Poezija, Postmodernizam: Jezička Poeizija U Kontekstu Moderne / Postmoderne Američke Poezije, by Dubravka Đurić (Oktoih 2002, Belgrade, Serbia),pp. 206-207

From �The Chinese Notebook,� translated by Dubravka Djuric as �Kinseka Bele�nica,� in Antologija novije američke poezije: Novi Presnički Poredak, October 2001, edited by Dubravka Đjuric and Vladimir Kopicl, pp. 221-235.



For Change (co-authored with Barrett Watten, Steve Benson, Lyn Hejinian, Charles Bernstein, and Bob Perelman) translated as �Za Promenu� by Dubravka Djuric, in Delo, Vol. XXXV, No. 8, 1989, pp. 251-257, Belgrade, Yugoslavia



From Ketjak, translated by Estaban Pujals Gesali in La Pagina, No. 2, February-May, 1990,Tenerife, Canary Islands, pp. 132-135

�From The Age of Huts: Sunset Debris (a fragment); from ABC: Blue; from Ketjak (a fragment), La Lengua Radical: Antologia de la poesia norteamericana contemporanea, edited and translated by Esteban Pujals Gesali, 1992, Gramma Poesia, Madrid, Spain, pp. 313-331

�From Toner, Lit, Paradise and Manifest� with English facing, translated by Manual Brito, in Cuadernos del Ateneo de La Laguna, no. 2, 1997, La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, pp. 31-35

�If by �Writing� We Mean Literature,� translated into Spanish as �Si por �Escritura� Queremos Decir Literatura� by Margarita Mele, in Nerter, No. 1, La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Oto�o-Invierno, 1999, pp. 38-39.

�Considerations of Representability� from The Age of Huts, translated as �Consideraciones de Representabildad, � translated by Manuel Brito in la Pagina 58 (A�o XVI, numero 4, 2004), Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, pp. 44-61 (with the original English on facing pages)

From �The Chinese Notebook� (�s 1-25), in L�neas conectadas: nueva poes�a de los Estados Unidos, edited by April Lindner, translation editor Hernan Lara Zavala, Sarabande Books, Louisville, KY, 2006, pp. 32-39

�Considerations of Representability� from The Age of Huts, translated as �Consideraciones de Representabildad, � excerpts from opening and closing of Tjanting translated as �Esto no....,� section XI of Toner translated as �XI,� excerpt from Paradise translated as �El gato ronronea que tiene la lengua escondida....,� exceprt from Toner translated as �Toner, � �From Theory to Practice,� translated as �De la Teoria a la Practica,� unpublished lettersto Lyn Hejinian (dated 12.6.76) and Bruce Andrews (dated 7.30.79), all translated by Manuel Brito, in an anthology of language poetry as yet untitled, forthcoming




�Signification (On Ron Silliman�s The Chinese Notebook),� by Bruce Andrews, Margins, Milwaukee, 1975, republished in Paradise & Method: Poetics & Praxis (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1996), pp. 173-175.

�Mohawk and Ketjak,� by Barrett Watten, in �Ron Silliman Feature,� L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Vol. 1, No. 4, August, 1978, op. cit., no pagination

�Ketjak,� by Bob Perelman, San Francisco Review of Books, Vol. 4, No. 4, October, 1978, pp. 22-23

�The Tenderloin Times,� by Dwight Chapin, San Francisco Examiner, Jan. 7, 1979, Section B, p. 1

�Ketjak in San Francisco,� by Steve Benson, L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Vol. 2, No. 8, June, 1979, no pagination, reprinted in The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, op. cit., pp. 272-273

�Sitting Up, Standing, Taking Steps,� by John Yau, The Downtown Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1979, p.25

�Sitting Up, Standing, Taking Steps,� by Henry Hills, L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Vol. 3, No. 11, January, 1980, no pagination, reprinted in The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, op. cit., pp. 273-274

�On the Bus,� by Evelyn Pine, Artbeat, May/June, 1981, San Francisco, CA, p. 31

�What Does This Do With You Reading?� by Jed Rasula, Poetics Journal, No. 1, January, 1982, Oakland and Berkeley, CA, pp. 66-67

�After Sentence, Sentence,� by Michael Davidson, American Book Review, September-October, 1982, op. cit., p. 3

�The Crisis at Present: Talk Poems and the New Poet�s Prose,� Poet�s Prose: the Crisis in American Verse, by Stephen Fredman, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, 1983, pp 134-169

Untitled review of ABC and 4 other books by Geoffrey O�Brien, VLS 25 (Voice Literary Supplement), The Village Voice, April, 1984, pp. 8-9

�The Word as Such,� by Marjorie Perloff, American Poetry Review, Philadelphia, PA, Vol. 13, No. 3, May/June, 1984, pp. 15-22, reprinted in Dance of the Intellect, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1986

�Letter, Word, Sentence,� by Fred Moramarco, San Diego Reader, p. and date not known (probably 1984 or �85)

Total Syntax by Barrett Watten, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, IL, 1984, throughout

�The Fourth Wave� by Wilbur Wood, Bay Guardian, April 3, 1985, pp. 14-22

The Difficulties: Ron Silliman Issue, op. cit., edited by Tom Beckett; includes untitled interview by Tom Beckett, �Places in Hayward� by Larry Eigner, �Ron Silliman� by Hannah Weiner, �Corpses that Devour Their Own Flesh� by Bruce Andrews, ��The Community of Sound�� by Rae Armantrout, ��Exorcise Your Monkey�: Reading Ketjak by Jerry Estrin, �Silent Tjanting: Notations for Translation� by Chris Domingo and David Martin, �A Note on Tjanting� David Bromige, �Plus + Mysterious / Life - Like Labor� by Robert Grenier, �Taking a Stand� by James Sherry, �?s to .s� by Alan Davies, �Narrating Narration: The Shapes of Ron Silliman�s Work� by Charles Bernstein, �Ron Silliman: A Bibliography� by Tom Beckett

�All That Heaven Allows: Paradise in the Trenches,� by Joel Lewis, Poetry Project Newsletter, No. 117, December, 1985, pp. 1, 8

Untitled review of Paradise, unsigned (but by Brad Morrow) in Conjunctions, No. 8, 1986, p. 256

�Looming on/in Paradise� by Bill Luoma, The Archive Newsletter, UCSD Libraries, Winter, 1986, pp. 14-17

�Tenderloin Poets Publish Two Volumes of Verse� by Emily Cutler, Tenderloin Times, February, 1986, p. 10

�New Language of the Muses,� by David Melnick, San Francisco Chronicle, Review Section, April 6, 1986, p. 5

Untitled review of The Difficulties: by Sylvester Pollet, Sagetrieb, Vol. 1986, p. 154

Untitled review of The Difficulties: Ron Silliman Issue by John Byrum, PLGC NWSLTR: The Poet�s League of Greater Cleveland Newsletter, Vol. 12, No. 1, Spring, 1986, pp 5-6

�What I See in the Silliman Project,� by Thomas White (Stephen Rodefer), Jimmy & Lucy�s House of �K�, No. 6, May, 1986, pp. 137-145

�Silliman�s �Paradise�,� by Fanny Howe, Poetics Journal, No. 6, 1986, pp. 133-134

�What is �Language Poetry�?� by Lee Bartlett, Critical Inquiry No. 12, Summer, 1986, pp. 741-752

�From the Language Poets,� by Robert Creeley, San Francisco Chronicle, Review Section, September 28, 1986, p. 8

�Silliman�s Phoenix: A Bird of �Paris dyes,�� by Steve Abbott, Poetry Flash, No. 163, October, 1986, pp 1, 9, 20

�Another Look at �The Tree�,� by Tom Clark, San Francisco Chronicle, Review Section, October 12, 1986, pp. 14-15

�Ron Silliman,� by Rae Armantrout, Postmodern Fiction: A Bio- Bibliographical Guide, edited by Larry McCaffery, Greenwood Press, New York, 1986, pp. 503-505

�Life in Poetry City�, by Ken Edwards, City Limits (London, U.K.), January 1-8, 1987, no pagination

Untitled review of The Difficulties: Ron Silliman Issue by John Bryum, Small Press, January-February, 1987, pp. 69-70

Untitled review of In the American Tree, Small Press Book Review, March-April, 1987, pp. 9-10

Untitled review of In the American Tree by Chuck Cody, The Archive Newsletter, Spring 1987, pp. 32-35

�Reading the Words,� review of In the American Tree by Stephen-Paul Martin, American Book Review, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1987, p. 20

�Contemporary Poetry, Alternate Routes,� by Jerome J. McGann, Critical Inquiry, Vol. 13, No. 3, Spring, 1987, pp. 624-647, reprinted in Social Values and Poetic Acts: The Historical Judgment of Literary Work, Harvard University Press, Cambridge and London, 1988

��Stalin as Linguist,�� by Tom Clark, Partisan Review, Vol. LIV, No. 2, 1987, pp. 299-304

Untitled commentary by Jim Hartz and Sam Moorman, The American Poetry Archive News, Vol. 4, No. 2, Spring, 1987, p. 5

Untitled review of In The American Tree (in Serbian) by David Albanari, Pismo, No. 10.,Yugoslavia, Summer, 1987, pp. 243-244.

Untitled review of Paradise by Dan Beaver, Gargoyle, 32/33, 1987, p. 323

�Language Writing,� by Jerome J. McGann, London Review of Books, October 15, 1987, pp. 6-8

Untitled review of In the American Tree by Michael Duff, Small Press, October, 1987, pp. 72-73

�Language Poetry, 1971-1986� by Don Byrd, Sulfur 20, 1987, pp. 149-157

�The Words Are Never Our Own� by George Hartley, Temblor, No. 6, 1987, pp. 137-138

�The New Sentence and the Commodity Form: Recent American Writing,� by Andrew Ross in Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, ed. by Cary Nelson and Lawrence Grossberg, University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, 1987, pp. 361-380

Untitled review of The New Sentence, unsigned (but by Kevin Killian or Dodie Bellamy), in Traffic No. 7, October-December, 1987, p.2

Untitled review of In the American Tree by Ken Edwards in Reality Studios, Vol. 9, 1987, pp. 87-90

�The Science of Writing,� by Richard Silberg, Poetry Flash, No. 178, January, 1988, pp. 1, 4-7.

�My First Try at the Tree,� by David I. Sheidlower, Jimmy & Lucy�s House of �K,� No. 8, January, 1988, pp. 31-36.

�Ett f_rnyat intresse f_r spraket,� by Gunnar Harding, Dagenns Nyhetter, Sweden, Jan. 27, 1988

�Reading Ron Silliman�s BART on Bart: Serial Syntax and Paradise� by Rob Wilson, American Poetry, Vol. 5, No. 3, Winter 1988, 33-41

Untitled review of In the American Tree by Bill Mohr, Aerial, No. 4, 1988, pp. 92-101

Untitled review of In the American Tree by Alan Golding, American Poetry, Vol 5, No. 3, Spring, 1988, pp. 93-96

�Radical Collages,� by Hank Lazer, The Nation, July 2-9, 1988, pp. 24-26; reworked slightly as �Outlaw to Classic: The Poetry of Charles Bernstein and Ron Silliman,� Chapter 1 of Opposing Poetries, Vol. Two: Readings (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1996) pp. 6-18

�Sentences in Space,� by George Hartley, Temblor, No. 7, 1988, pp. 89-91; reprinted on the Electronic Poetry Center website:

�Many Messages, Complex Rhythms,� by Dawn Kolokithas, San Francisco Chronicle, Review Section, p. 7, October 30, 1988

�Ron Silliman: Non-Hierarchical Perception,� in Open Form and the Feminine Imagination: The Politics of Reading in Twentieth-Century Innovative Writing, by Stephen-Paul Martin, Maissoneuve Press, Washington, 1988, pp. 173-185

�Notes sur Quelques Poetes Americains,� by Joseph Simas, Action Poetique, nos. 113-114, 1988, pp. 131-134

��Deficit Writing�,� by Bruce Campbell, Temblor, No. 8, 1988, pp. 9-10

�Skewed by Design: From Act to Speech Act in Language-Writing,� by Michael Davidson, paper presented at the MLA, December, 1988

�Opposing Poetry,� by Hank Lazer, Contemporary Literature, Vol. 30, No. 1, Spring, 1989, pp. 142-150; republished under the same title as chapter 2 of Opposing Poetries: Vol. One: Issues & Institutions (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1996), pp. 37-46.

�Indifference: Mike Bidlo and Ron Silliman,� by Thad Ziolkowski, Sulfur 24, Spring, 1989, pp. 204-210

�Academic argle-bargle in Montana,� by Cyra McFadden, San Francisco Examiner, Sunday, May 21, 1989, p. E-1, E-4

��Negative Solidarity� Revisited - an editorial assemblage,� Temblor, No. 9, 1989, p. 118

�A Compliment to Ron Silliman�s �Negative Solidarity� in Sulfur 22 & A Note on Lyrical Contention,� by Benjamin Hollander, Temblor, No. 9, 1989, pp. 119-120

�A Note on Silliman�s �Negative Solidarity� in Sulfur 22,� by David Levi Strauss, Temblor, No. 9, p. 121

Untitled review of What, unsigned (by Kevin Killian and/or Dodie Bellamy), Traffic, No. 11, June-August, 1989, p. 6

Textual Politics and the Language Poets, by George Hartley, University of Indiana Press, 1989, throughout

Untitled review of What by Linda A. Frost, Minnesota Review, 1989, pp. 154-157

�The New Sentence� review (in Spanish with English translation) by Carmen Africa Vidal, Arena: International Art, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 1989, pp. 110-111

�The Lightweight Contenders� New Clothes,� by William Harmon, Parnassus, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 99-124

�A Paradigm Lost: Ron Silliman�s Paradise and the Archaeology of Language,� by Stephen-Paul Martin, Sagetrieb, Vol. 8, Nos. 1 & 2, Spring and Fall, 1989, pp. 201-208

�Ideology and Theory in Recent Experimental Writing, or, The Naming of �Language Poetry�,� by Michael Greer, boundary 2, Vol 16, Nos 2/3. pp. 335-355

�The Seduction of Mimi: Language Maligned,� by Robert Buckeye, Contact II, Spring 1990, pp. 56-58

�Wittgensteiniana,� by Charles Bernstein (review of The Age of Huts and several other books), Fiction International, 1990, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 72-84

"The Genealogy of Postmodernism: Contemporary American Poetry," by Albert Gelpi, The Southern Review, Summer 1990, pp. 517-541

�The Alphabet, Spelt from Silliman�s Leaves (A Heideggerian Dialogue),� by Anne Mack and J.J. Rome (pseudonym for Jerome McGann), South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. 89, No. 4, Fall, 1990, pp. 737-759

�The Body of Politics and the Politics of Form,� by Don Wellman, O.ars, No. 8, Winter 1990/91, pp. 92-95

�Ron Silliman: una poeta L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E,� by Manuel Brito, Syntaxis 25, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spring, 1991, pp. 101-106

�Regarding the Issue of �New Forms,�� by Nathaniel Tarn, in Views from the Weaving Mountain: Selected Essays in Poetics & Anthropology, American Poetry, College of Arts and Sciences, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 1991 (apparently first published in Tyuoni), reprinted in Jacket, no. 6 (, 1998

Untitled review of Leningrad by Marjorie Perloff, Sulfur 29, Fall, 1991, pp. 216-221

Language Poetry: Writing as Rescue, by Linda Reinfeld, Louisiana State University Press, 1992, throughout

�Toward a Wittgensteinian Poetics,� by Marjorie Perloff,� Contemporary Literature, Vol. XXXIII, No. 2, Summer, 1992, pp. 191-213; reprinted in a revised formatas �Running Against the Walls of Our Cage� in Wittgenstein�s Ladder: Poetic Language and the Strangeness of the Ordinary, Universityof Chicago Press, 1996 (see especially pp. 200-205)

�Textured Information: Politics, Pleasure, and Poetry in the Eighties,� by Roger Gilbert, Contemporary Literature, Vol. XXXIII, No. 2, Summer, 1992, pp. 243-274

�Appearance of a World,� by Ray Davis, 1992. Published on his website:

�Parataxis and Narrative: The New Sentence in Theory and Practice,� by Bob Perelman, American Literature, Vol. 65, No. 2, June 1993, pp. 313-324; published as chapter four of The Marginalization of Poetry (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996), pp. 59-78; republished in From Artifice to Indeterminacy: An Anthology of Poetics from 1980 to the Present, edited by Christopher Beach (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1998), pp. 24-48.

�Reading & Writing Ron Silliman�s Demo to Ink,� by Hank Lazer, and �Paratactics and Hypostrategies (a response to Ron Silliman�s �Positioning Theory�), by Tyrus Miller, lower limit speech, No. 7, no pagination, fall, 1993

�Language Poetry,� by Michael Davidson, The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, edited by Alex Preminger and T.V.F. Brogan, Princeton University Press, 1993, pp. 675-676 (see also �American Poetry,� pp. 47-66)

�A Poetics of Its Own Occasion,� by Paul Mann, Contemporary Literature, Vol. XXXV, No. 1, pp. 171-181.

��A Silly Corpse?�: The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poets, Stein, and the Nonsense of Reference,� in Touch Monkeys: Nonsense Strategies for Reading Twentieth-Century Poetry, by Marnie Parsons, University of Toronto Press, 1994, pp. 170-205

�Save Silliman from The Alphabet,� by Gary Sullivan, Exile, Vol. 2, No. 3, Summer, 1994, p. 2

Untitled review of N/O by Peter Ganick, Poetic Briefs, No. 19, August, 1995, pp. 13-14..

�Fra Stein til Waldrop: sprogdigtningen og de nye prosadigtere,� by Michel Delville, translated from the French into Danish by Claus Schatz-Jakobsen in Den Bl� Port: Tidsskrift for Literature, 33/95, K�benhavn (Copenhagen), Denmark, pp. 17-30

�Do Tell: Ketjak and Stein�s Narration,� by Tom Marshall, in �Contemporary Poetry, Alternate Routes: Reading Ron Silliman,� MLA. 111th Convention, Chicago, December, 1995.

�Composing the Social: Poetic Form and Social Formation in the Work of Ron Silliman,� by Steve Evans, in �Contemporary Poetry, Alternate Routes: Reading Ron Silliman,� MLA. 111th Convention, Chicago, December, 1995.

�What the El: Lit and Other Word Wiggles,� by Tom Vogler, in �Contemporary Poetry, Alternate Routes: Reading Ron Silliman,� MLA. 111th Convention, Chicago, December, 1995.

Listed in Contemporary Poets, sixth edition, St. James Press, 1995

Literary Voice: The Calling of the Jonah, by Donald Wesling and Tadeusz Slawek, State University of New York Press, 1995.

�Self/Ideology: Corpses that Devour Their Own Flesh,� by Bruce Andrews (reworked from The Difficulties, pp. 1985) in Paradise & Method: Poetics & Praxis (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1996), pp. 208-214

�Reading & Writing Ron Silliman�s Demo to Ink,� by Hank Lazer (republished from lower limit speech, 1993) in Opposing Poetries: Vol. Two: Readings (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1996), pp. 168-176

Untitled Review of Demo to Ink by Tom Vogler,Traffic, No. 17, Spring 1996, pp. 4-5

�Disappearance of Theory, Appearance of Praxis: Ron Silliman, L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, and the Essay,� by William Lavender, in Poetics Today, vol. 17, No. 2, Summer, 1996., pp. 181-202

�Shadow and Ash,� by Samuel R. Delaney, in Longer Views: Extended Essays (Hanover, NH: Wesleyan University Press, 1996), pp. 144-173.

�Ron Silliman,� by Thomas Marshall, in Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 169: American Poets since World War II, Fifth Series edited by Joseph Conte (Detroit: Bruccoli Clark Layman, Gale Research, 1996), pp. 253-266

�Mr. Silliman Sale del Campus y Escribe Poes�a Contempor�nea,� by Manuel Brito (in Spanish), Cauderno del Ateneo de La Laguna, No. 2, 1997, pp.27-30.

�This L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E,� by Kate Lilley, Jacket no. 2, ( , 1997.

�New, Newer, and Newest American Poetries,� by Alan Golding, Chicago Review, Vol. 43, No. 4, 1997, pp. 7-21; reprinted in The World in Time and Space: Towards a History of Innovative American Poetry in Our Time, edited by Edward Foster and Joseph Donahue, Talisman House Publishers, Jersey City, New Jersey, 2002, pp.684-694

�A Chance to Write: Paoli Resident�s Pew Grant Leaves Time for Poetry,� by Aileen E. Gallagher, in Arcade, Vol. 5, No. 20, arts supplement to Suburban Publications newspapers, July 16, 1998, p. 9 (Photos by John Welsh).

�Market analyst-poet Ron Silliman receives Pew Trust artistic grant,� unsigned (but written by Michael Globetti), TSS Access, Vol. 4, No. 3, July/August, 1998, West Chester, PA, p. 13 (internal newsletter of IBM).

�Language Poetry and the New Prose Poem,� in The American Prose Poem: Poetic Form and the Law of Genre by Michel Delville, University Press of Florida, forthcoming 1998

�Poetics, Polemics and the Question of Intelligibility,� by Ben Friedlander, Postmodern Culture, September, 1998 (

�Responses to (mostly) PhillyTalks 3 (Derksen/Silliman) & Post-Reading Discussion,� PhillyTalks 6, edited by Louis Cabris, Kelly�s Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, Oct. 11, 1998 (entire issue), including(among other works) �I Used to Be Amused. Now, I�m just Disgusted,� by Andrew Klobucar; �untitled� by Michael Magee; �PhillyTalks #3 (Notes After Reading)� by Ben Friedlander; �A Response to Ron Silliman and Jeff Derksen� by Peter Jaeger.�

Quarry West 34: Ron Silliman and The Alphabet, edited by Thomas A. Vogler, University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA; includes �E-mail Interview with Ron Silliman,� by Thomas C. Marshall and Thomas A. Vogler; ��Nevermore� than: Form, Content and Gesture in Ketjak,� by Thomas C. Marshall; �Education, Equality and Ethnography in The Alphabet,� by Hank Lazer; �Public Poetry: Ron Silliman and the Value of Writing,� by Tyrus Miller; �The Labor of Repetition,� by Lytle Shaw; �Reading Silliman Writing,� by Thomas A. Vogler, �The Language Poet as Autobiographer,� by Marjorie Perloff, October, 1998

Tottel�s,� entry in A Secret Location on the Lower East Side: Adventures in Writing, 1960-1980, written and edited by Steven Clay and Rodney Phillips in conjunction with the show by the same name at the New York Public Library (New York: New York Public Library/Granary Books, 1998), pp. 242-244.

�Language Poetry and the Lyric Subject: Ron Silliman�s Albany, Susan Howe�s Buffalo,� in Critical Inquiry, vol. 25, no. 3, Spring, 1999, pp. 405-434, reprinted in a revised form as �Language Poetry and the Lyric Subject: Ron Silliman�s Albany, Susan Howe�s Buffalo,� by Marjorie Perloff, in Differentials: Poetry, Poetics, Pedagogy, University of Alabama Press, 2004, pp. 129-154

�The Secret History of the Equal Sign: L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E between Discourse and Text,� Barrett Watten, Poetics Today, vol. 20, no. 4, Winter 1999, pp. 581-627.

�Poetry of Play, Poetry of Purpose: The Continuity of American Language Poetry,� John R. Woznicki, Moria: A Poetry Journal, vol. 2, no. 4, Spring 2000,

Paper on Legend given by Estaban Pujals at �Transgressing Boundaries and Strategies of Renewal in American Poetry,� May 18-20, 2000, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain

�Verse vs. Verse: The Language Poets are taking over the academy but will success destroy their integrity,� by Andrew Epstein, Lingua Franca, vol. 10. No. 6, September, 2000, pp. 45-54

�Poets reflect through modernist mirror,� by Lauren Bialystok, The Daily Pennsylvanian, October 18, 2000 (

�Opgelet. Hier spreekt het kapitalisme,� by Geert Buelens (in Dutch), in Yang no. 191, November 2000, pp. 394-395.

Untitled review of in �Pouch Notes,� by Dale Smith, in The Possum Pouch (, April 2001

�S�tninger,� by Per Aage Brandt, in Nye S�tninger, Legenda No. 2, 2001, K�benhavn (Copenhagen), Denmark, pp. 129-132 (in Danish)

�Language Poetry: Dissident Practices and the Makings of a Movement,� by Eleana Kim, in Readme No.4, ( through /language7.htm and /languagebib.htm), May 2001

Canadian Feminist Writing and American Poetry,� by Eugenia Sojka in CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal, 3.2, 2001 (

�A Short History of Language Poetry / According to �Hecuba Whimsy,�� by Ben Friedlander, in Qui Parle, vol. 12, no. 2, Spring/Summer, 2001, pp. 107-142, reprinted in Friedlander�s Simulcast: Four Experiments in Criticism, University of Alabama Press, 2004.

�Ron Silliman,� by Robert Miltner in Encyclopedia of American Poetry, edited by Eric Haralson, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, New Yok, NY, pagination unknown.

�The Political �World� of the Language Poets,� in Ideological Content and Political Significance of Twentieth-Century American Poetry by John R. Woznicki, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, Queenston, Ontario, Canada and Lampeter, Ceredigion, Wales, U.K.2002, pp. 151-214

�Z-Sited Path: Late Zukofsky and His Tradition,� by Mark Scroggins, in The World in Time and Space: Towards a History of Innovative American Poetry in Our Time, edited by Edward Foster and Joseph Donahue, Talisman House Publishers, Jersey City, New Jersey, 2002, pp. 147-160

��If This Were the Place to Begin�: Little Magazines and the Early Language Poetry Scene,� by Susan Venderborg, in The World in Time and Space: Towards a History of Innovative American Poetry in Our Time, edited by Edward Foster and Joseph Donahue, Talisman House Publishers, Jersey City, New Jersey, 2002, pp. 298-320 (see especially �Transforming the Image: A Modern Tottels,� pp. 303-304

�Language Writing,� by Susan M. Schultz, in The World in Time and Space: Towards a History of Innovative American Poetry in Our Time, edited by Edward Foster and Joseph Donahue, Talisman House Publishers, Jersey City, New Jersey, 2002, pp.321-332

�A Complex Realism: Reading Spring and All as Seminal for Postmodern Poetry,� by Donald Wellman, in William Carlos Williams and the Language of Poetry, edited by Burton Hatlen and Demetres Tryphonopoulos, National Poetry Foundation, Orono, Maine, 2002, pp. 297-317

�The Days of Our Blogs,� by Brian Kim Stefans in The Poetry Project Newsletter, no. 192, December 2002-January 2003, pp. 5-6. (

Jezik, Poezija, Postmodernizam: Jezička Poeizija U Kontekstu Moderne / Postmoderne Američke Poezije, by Dubravka Đurić (Oktoih 2002, Belgrade, Serbia)

�Ron Silliman�s Language Poetry, by S.F. Danckaert, Hillsdale Collegian, April 24, 2003, Hillsdale, MI

�El autor al poder: Internet weblogs o la muerte del editor,� by Sergio Coddou, El Mercurio, 8 June, 2003-06-18, Santiago, Chile,

�Language Poetry and Collective Life,� by Oren Izenberg, Critical Inquiry, vol. 29, no. 4, Autumn 2003, Chicago, IL, pp. 132-159.

��No Other Sentence Could Have Followed But This:� Ron Silliman�s Tjanting,� by Thomas Fink, in Titanic Operas, 2004
����� (

�The (Writers) Workshop,� by Kathryn Mingione, photographs by Luigi Ciuffetelli, Main Line Today, March 2004, pp. 50-57 (esp. pp. 52, 54-55).

Simulcast: Four Experiments in Criticism, by Benjamin Friedlander, University of Alabama Press, 2004, throughout

��The avant-garde is always pedagogical�: Experimental Poetics and / as Pedagogy,� Alan Golding, forthcoming

��What about all this writing?� Williams and Alternative Poetics,� by Alan Golding in Textual Practice, Vol. 18, no. 2,2004, pp. 265-282

�Line and Rhythm,� by Dale Smith in House Organ, No. 48, Fall 2004, np

Untitled review of Under Albany by Mark Tursi in Rain Taxi Online Edition, Spring 2005 (

�Poetry Off the Books: The Internet is where poetry proliferates,� by Craig Morgan Teicher, Publishers Weekly, April 10, 2006, pp. 22-25.

�Publishers Covet the Well-Placed Blog,� by Cheri Hanson, Vancouver Sun, Weekend Review section, September 30, 2006, p. C10.

�Silliman Commentaries,� by Brian Kim Stefans, Before Starting Over, Salt Publishing, Cambridge, UK, 2006, pp. 214-237 (includes �July 02, 2003: �Silliman on Lowell,�� pp. 214-221; �July 04, 2003: ��The Third Way, Etc.��,� pp. 222-224; �July 07, 2003: �Bells & Whistles,�� pp. 225-228; �July 08, 2003: �More CPR for Silliman and Lowell,�� pp. 229-233; and �July 09, 2003: �Further Notes from the Underground,�� pp. 234-237)

�The Return of Narrative in the Poetries of David Antin, Ron Silliman and Lyn Hejinian: New Forms, New Constraints,� by H�l�ne Aji, in Revue Fran�aise d'�tudes Am�ricaines, forthcoming

�The Materialisation of Prose: Deixis, Automatisation, Integration and Lineation in Ron Silliman�s Tjanting,� by William Watkin, forthcoming

��Systematic rule-governed violations of convention�: Ron Silliman�s Poetic Procedures,� by William Watkin, forthcoming

�Sentence and Reference in Ron Silliman, by Manuel Brito, unpublished




Present Tenses in American Poetry by Suzanne Marie Matson, University of Washington, 1987

�For Those Who Love to be Astonished�: The Prose Longpoem as Genre by Robert Grotjohn, University of Wisconsin, 1991

Loose Talk and Literary History: Language Poetry, New Formalism and the Construction of Taste in Contemporary American Poetry by William Francis Walsh, Miami University, 1994

Poetic Knowledge as Process: Postmodern Poetics, Ron Silliman�s Language Poetry and Processional Reading, by David Benedetti, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1995

Modern Poetic Prose: Lyricism, Narrative and the Social Implications of Generic Form by John A. Parras, Columbia University, 1996

Ugly Beauty: Modern Experiments Crossing Poetry and Prose, by Thomas Christopher Marshall, University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California. 1997

�Language Poetry and the New Prose Poem,� in The American Prose Poem: Poetic Form and the Law of Genre by Michel Delville, Universte de Liege, Liege, Belgium, published by the University Press of Florida, 1998

Poetics, Politics and �Totalitarianism�: Ezra Pound, Charles Olson and the �Language� Poets by John Raymond Woznicki, Lehigh University, 1998

To Make Something Happen: Activist Impulses in Contemporary American Poetry by Nicholas Arnold Yasinksi, Rutgers University, 1998

The Sociology of the Avant-Garde: Politics and Form in Language Poetry and Asian American Poetry, Timothy Yu, Stanford University, 2005

Language Poetry as Socio-Technological Critique, by Carl Boon, Ohio University at Athens, in progress

Untitled dissertation in progress by Natacha Lallemand at Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, status unknown



Joan Lee Yang Award for Poetry, UC Berkeley, 1970 and 1971

Pushcart Prize, Yonkers, NY, 1979

Artist in the Community Grant, California Arts Council, 1979 and 1980

Literary Fellowship, National Endowment for the Arts, 1979 and 2003

Poetry Center Book Award, Poetry Center, San Francisco State University, 1985

Pew Fellow in the Arts, Pew Charitable Trusts, Philadelphia, PA, 1998 Top Ten Weekly Blog, Week of November 30, 2003

Best American Poetry, New York, NY, 2002, 2004

Fellowship, Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, 2002

Blog of the Day, December 6, 2002

Book of the Year, 2004, Small Press Traffic, 2005

2006 Poet Laureate of the Blogosphere (



August 4, 2007