(as appeared in The Washington Review)
Rodrigo Toscano's Partisans investigates agency
in a world intent on making us all patients by commemorating,
exhibiting, and instigating resistance to the ideologies
created within the language of capital's culture. The book
is divided into twelve lean ego-less lyrics. Each title
refers to an English verb mood, tense, and voice, for example,
PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE, reinforcing the determinacy
of language while simultaneously evoking a history of political
After struggling with Partisans for several weeks
I asked Michael Scharf and Brian Kim Stefans, as we walked
down 2nd Avenue one night, what they thought of Rodrigo
Toscano's work. They both agreed that the sparse unsentimental
directness of Partisans is its strength. Scharf compared
Toscano to Oppen. Stefans rallied back describing the poems
as "muscular Oppen."
I find the work muscular in that it forces the reader
to read beyond the poems into the historical and social
conditions that informs them. The impulse in much experimental
poetry to create resistance to destructive ideologies by
jamming the frequencies is no longer enough to really instigate
change. One now must turn readers into producers and carve
an entrance into the material world were these readers/producers
can create change.
The real strength of Partisans is that it resists
the will of all work in capital's culture, even politically
revolutionary work, to become entertainment by working as
pedagogical tool. After "it balked/ it revulsed/ it
said pretty please//but no cigar//So back to irony-ville/petty
bourgeois-ville//round and round," I went straight
to my bookshelf and pulled out Benjamin's Reflections
to read my favorite essay, "The Author As Producer."
Benjamin's investigation into a poet's revolutionary intentions
reinforces the questions raised in Partisans. "For
we are faced with the fact...that the bourgeois apparatus
of production and publication can assimilate astonishing
quantities of revolutionary themes, indeed, can propagate
them without calling its own existence, and the existence
of the class that owns it, seriously into question."
(Benjamin, "The Author As Producer")
Throughout Partisans Toscano juxtaposes documentary
and theoretical observations with rhetorical questions and
ironic declarations. He argues "for the ability of
individuals to instigate change" while also "acknowledging
the ideological constraints on their ability to take direct
action." (Alan Gilbert, Philly Talks
5) FUTURE PROGRESSIVE, his most often quoted poem, is also
the best example of this tension.
he'll or she'll
meet up with you
at twos only
by threes ending
only on tuesdays
the second one of each month
during the fall
but call twice or thrice
to confirm...
Not only does the above passage illustrate Toscano's questioning
of agency, an individual's potential to gain power, create
change, and to be responsible but it perfectly exemplifies
the muscular sparseness that Scharf and Stefans find in
his work.
That Partisans is only 55 pages allows the reader
to read it often and to use it as an entrance to and from
the material world. I suggest listening to the news then
read Partisans, reading the newspaper then read Partisans,
pick up another book then read Partisans, walk away
then read Partisans, read a historical text, and
then read Partisans again. The week I finished reading
Partisans thousands of activists arrived in Washington,
D.C. with the intention of closing down the World Bank and
the I.M.F. proving that there is still access available
to change the material world. I listened to speakers on
Pacifica Radio talk about Western nations taking responsibility
for slavery, how the World Bank encourages violence, and
death on the installment plan. The perfect context to engage
with the struggles extant in Partisans.