****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************** THE EXPERIODDI(CYBER)CIST #1 ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************** This is the first electronic version of The Experioddicist. It is different from the print version in that it consists of many contributors and the print only one contributor per issue for the time being. To obtain a sample copy of the print version send $1, or for 12 issue subscription send $10 (American currency please) to: 9th St. Laboratories P.O.Box 3112 Florence, AL 35630 PLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS OUT TO JAKE BERRY! ****************************************************************************** An Experioddicist is a participant in Experioddica, coined by Bob Grumman in the late 1990s and defined by him as - term originally used for experimental odd periodicals devoted to exotica, but whose meaning seems to have spread to cover all forms of underground art, science & other forms of culture (including, obviously, cyberculture). ****************************************************************************** JACK FOLEY - from EXILE as he looked out as he looked death is - not to believe again speech of water oh, to be stranger, who all pieces move danger . you confuse presence with absence substance with void and will suffer accordingly O what intellect--love-- stained by white radiance fragments of exile move toward us, asking this question only-- purposes range among-- We stare at the entire 19th century which flashes before us like a movie or perhaps is a movie. Memory is notoriously unreliable-we fictionalize -- but we fictionalize in writing too, creating orders which were not --Writing is exile --Whoa, not so fast there-- Author- ity - Objectivity -- all that topples as if it were not and in a way it is not --The present shifts so quickly we cannot get hold of it --The past is "present" only as a construct --The future shoots its unknowable shaft, piercing our barely cognizant consciousness -- And in all this our mouths agape -- We act and acts have consequences -- Murder will out-- But at the expense of order, at the expense of but at the expense of at the expense of but at the expense of-- reality-- Writing is exile-- mouths agape whose orders are these? who gave these orders? she did, lord, she did!-- all systems of reality (including this one) fail ****************************************************************************** GREG EVASON - ONTOLOGICAL OOZE pride was her weapon against the warm weather and the need to work till her face fell off and splattered like paint onto the sidewalk where several bugs were conversing on the subject of the nature and characteristics of reality within a framework of boiled monkeys picking their arses behind shaved bushes where slender legs stretched out from in dark rooms which have just enough light to see what can be seen if one is so inclined and so lucky like riding a bicycle to the store with hope as a knapsack and cherries for eyes ************************************************************************ BOB HARRISON - COUNT YOUR LIP LOCKS cold developers on skin island granular wade succumb tic very angled out over fishes Neptune spark door Tamarind tail nailer news roll search out of corners deem jockey oval lay pontoon percent ************************************************************************ BENNY - AN UNTITLED PIECE I saw him carry her body with him everywhere he went. Limp, lifeless, form. Soon it was to be rotting flesh. But the war had a grip on him. And it was tightening. Soon blood was to appear. I slept with him and her. No space between us. She was three maybe four years old. A teddybear. Her perfume, a rancid stench. He didn't seem to mind. I saw him carry her bodyx ************************************************************************ MIKE KESSEL - FLUIDIC DOUBLES 'The phrase is me.' - Miles Davis the oyster straws soundproofly ridden with least right italics dissemination and precludes the cloister poorly laws partial of parcel motion and decidedly nosferatu clits to bits removedly smooth sue of the shunt aggregate leopolds cave attacking promise prone to francing distented science my water my wager till breaks five tellwells of fire my windlass breaks how appellate laughs have disrobed and close outdooredly fled noosphere flee no-par funk we're wear friendly spears triad to handles dossed awe outspread plaintive reae vend remystery pretend sad prefer anklet call ************************************************************************ BILL PAULAUSKAS - AN UNTITLED PIECE The fog lay beside the still pool, along its reflection. Triangle of pumpkin colored glaze is the sun. She pushes her small pink fingers into the black muck silver. Webs hidden there are too small for the light to catch. Live there cool in dark. One small point against clear blue falls. Wedges into shape calling down the steps with silent beats. Faster, it trembles into a feathered wedge of blurrs. Faster, it stretches out to hold the blue stillness of the bowl. Dives into the boiling sunlit arc like ripening fruit holds the great knob of light. Faster. Mud is grey now. Like a melted mouse in damps, it stradles finger webs and digs in along the nails. She wiped it into a gathered strand of grass. Pulls it clear and the wet clings in scaled sheen on nails. Faster. The fruit ripening in the eye of a feather bouquet, falling toward the open mouth. Down faster. Pumpkins. Broth of skin where mud frazzles into feather mouth and pins of dirt open the miniature canyons, where the fog fastens its blue mouth to sleeping barkx ************************************************************************ BOB HARRISON - LAG KNOT PORE pike tone con roe Cree shed seem par lad hick moan loose car hand high FAX dot LAM add mess numb on crew list tic mare low spine fence loop store lathe tee goad fleck den plane tad hex pear noon pad ************************************************************************ MALOK - NOW I'VE GOTTA GET OBJECTIVE & I FEEL LIKE A MOVIE (AYN) My cat (PC) is telling. Me! My feet are on flame mode. And somehow the percepts are runnin' down the burning streets (on TV) screams. A period here nor there and socks(burrs) are clouds in the waste, a distance and x@c&#$ @@*xagain a distance and rakes and stealing shoes and mistakes in the morons!? Some basketballs violent in the chase(the speed & danger). Can't sit on this guy? Only 12(twelve) of us(with guns glued to our moralsx only a few knocks (56 thereabouts)xtech walks with an accident practicex81 neurons of America lockin' (he was my bunkmate in Navy basic training, under and aho! Shores)xRODNEY IS IN CONTROL! Only three million opportunities to clap the cuffs(gotta be able to pass the spasms!)xRACE WARS OF THE 90----sxchildhood so unpredictable. Bees! I can't see the faroff mellowness of mine titties(TAHROSNAUSNIS) of my mindx absolute inverse gazing the fire! Fucjk the looters. I don't want to be human anymore. The bottoms mindfuckx two humanoids target non-scan shots on Waukau Creek & I'm the fool the aliens come to meet (or contain, eh?)x my perceptual delusion-flits continue to codify the universe or so!? Vectors(the "v" was initiated by my left teat container, eep-really!)and Mrs. VEEx am i too worldly in my script? Whatever. i am godx prove it. Shetay-blau! Till the future negates itself, as is! Quassa Nova! ******************************************************** JOHN M. BENNETT - JAR JAR Clots of confiscation chill the shirt like frozen arm in a plastic sack x ah's bugs-jokes curling him, though she who kept the floor's hole, days of breath- dendrition, (er, talk//piano stacked with bricks for hiking up that hill//oh scale of nest ambition tossing the highest rail, mint in my cluttered coat! (Lack of biting tricks, sleeping off the table, normatic lice control: these were clocks of leaving, never, cleft behind. So//I//her ended here, felt her stubble, eggshell, precipitation-callx (in that shuttered boat we slept, cuddled pencils, feathers SOCKS