inter\face 6 Spring 1994 inter\face is: Produced by HUB press at the University at Albany as an effort to provide an open "forum" for the publication and distribution of creative texts. We are open to and urge you to send comments, suggestions, and creative contributions. You may distribute this document freely for any non-commercial, non-profit purpose. Please include the inter\face information along with any copies. **************************************************************************** Please email to to be added to the mailing list to receive the next issue and/or back issues. Note that this account connects you with a human being and not a listserv. or gopher to: gopher /Zines/Interface or gopher /Zines/Interface ============================================================================ Ken Sherwood ----------------------------- To Dwell in Palisestic Interstices Improvise right to draw a word to form a wall a well, to draft to dwell in hand position to write right prepositions a scholarly proposal a letter of credit a statement of purpose with prose that was, technically : scored lucid as "lunar" (Disclaimer: this is the product of keyboard impoversation) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hype Poetry Virtual was being pursued by verisimilitude with veracity very close on his heels while verdad's been vanquished since anglo's victory over armada third world weltshmertz vatic's verklemft such fpun with plosives drags like a Ru Paul hologram So almost Olson operated the projection a primitive simulation plane faked the flight but the neck pained for sure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- from RIF/t 1.1, a long computer variation/variorum on a Kostelanetz text.... part of it vamps from: aenas anus stuffy stiff hostliness ambiguity wisdom death ambiguity wisdom death sign army castrated ion eon awned seamy swam swami bluetongue aussie assay ice annoys onyx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W V O M VARIATIONS A E F R ________________ waves that SIMPLY "an ocean of dreams within a sound"--Shelley "Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation."--Braun "these sea green walls"--Screen _________________ continual air, fuel wind, shaped by capable INDUCING AKIN to BANISH a BEACH build one the next in the ineluctable aspect of present some point poet weary upon the wideness of endless varied in form blown scatter pattern dubbed technically "sea" to the immense , the unquestioned wavedom. by undersides slides capable of vast entire virtually later, spawned waved Yet destroy so much denizens waves are an multifaceted portions of rich for filter-feeding KNOCK A LOOS- ENED LIMPET into center unearth for a vig- ilant SURF PERCH. Waves mathematics of com- plex, soon plunging rigorous volumes of The language simply a poetics; seems mimic the sibi- lance of itself: surf, swell, , spray, , SPINDRIFT spume spill whisperings: is version of acou- stic dub "white noise," allegoric mix predict waves, base complex readings of line structure high-class wave-work strat- egic assaults. heavy could create amateur specific madden gain sequence--no "seventh always devote invariably unaware amid apparent derive Almost any wave strik- combination of numerous , process crests and TROUGHS back onsea : sleeper waves These leviathan coincidence of various Given their random isolate contemplate the ,soothe mull the swell. ============================================================================= [ed. note: the following is a collaborative text created using a networked computer system called Daedalus.] purkinge 2/17/94 ---------------- Purkinge fiber (pur kin jee): any of the specialized cardiac fibers forming a network in the ventricular walls that conduct electric impulses responsible for the contractions of the heart to all parts of the ventricular muscles J.E. Purkinge (1787-1869), Czech phisiologist] (meaning, the climax of, building) dactylism empirical tribe webbed speech 1, numbered, 2, 3, 4 mother mother under hollow pages cripes of anew soggy balloon sting in teeth tube retrotopia injection lattice overlays sky molecular pinches cuyo spreading dynamism oy yo a yo a yo yo watercolor thoughts turin shrouds impending expansion crease of air ether proved deadly turbine follows weather expected earthquakes a choir sings queries sky king rex aeronaticus notes were intervals of light engine in the center mantle beginning increase of oceanic stew angels revisit proverbial skyward bells again medicated goo between reptilian fingers selling the book the donut proved hollow & eaten absence was filled [GRUNT] never the circle a scoop of molten rock con/frontation the pasta of reason: conflagulation of specifics pure basil brazil peppermint terror broken palimpsest rubbed out to show wahzz then grand viral breathing c ircus ularit ude detuned cascades plumbing the artifactual skin the resemblance of bells to knives pianissimo ssss shhhhhh no differance lend an organ the pipes, silent keys of orange patience living tongue the best with reubens, cheek on bread. sweetbreads, breakfast the the rind of most soft parting of the horizon to reveal a set of hexagonal mirrors matador youth of iniquity anatomy of a lawn chair & without shearing pop unceasing fur everywhere, and blud the woolen pages the passed bowl gathering excuses before the evening cabinets crustaceous curmudgeon tilling rejects a head emerged, made of styrofoam and old paper, breathing oil and green smoke hurtle dragonage conduit the messerschmidts maltesian falling sky pyramids, miniscule screaming [blocks the ears] yah gulp try to force it down the agony of being buried alive lucite webbed like glass TREE ROCK nuff nuff cowboys poking round the wires WATER [things [sic] become predictable] impatient funk, tu the round skyscraper multiple free entries. Not valid in throat singers ma, ny, ut, va the skin of screens pertubed the notion of eye-site yu yu, yu yu, unh KISS THE HAIRY GORILLA waiting for the small mammals to get keyboards for fingers Xhosa furnishings on face sweep walk the walk and explode "the of word message..." of granite repeating with infinite recursion in the imagination of halls (aesthetic) unspecified Deontic: trying to feel my hands. Don't breathe always * * * don't walk the providence verbal organ hun quilted software rolled boxcars dry wisk of the stage the terrain a reproduction of some commerce engine the snake's eyes were maelstroms slipping slippin slippi slipp slip sli sl s yak lung annoyed medieval skyline: memory reamed from iron, wood, blocks, brands burnt into the skin. knighted noid america's railroad (by chance) node fish Rosicrucian express (1289): first automobile design yappa yack yack heads popping like dandelions ruh ruh ruh rup seeing you Horkheimer loss ========================================================================== Paul Spirito pspirito@math.upenn.EDU ----------------------- "Defy the Sky" It is too current to be detected. She dresses to be tormented, but... It would have astonished him to know. But you checked if she was interested, keeping your eyes always wide, your finger on the thin chain. Tim rounds on the lot of them. All was uniform... a little dribble of spittle. Did she see the darkness in your gun? Zar turns true to his name. The one in tears, the other laughing a cool stream -- sharp distinctions are unwilling to be made. Interesting, ist es nicht, mein Freund? The evolved one sighs, seeming very wall between them. Can one blame Oedipus for his abyss? Zar promises, Sorry, but... He indicates Tim. The glistening praised his genuine enough virility, orders continued more living elsewhere than in the mind. Tim gleefully collapses. His voice, never clearer, mad with failure, sabersharp and bloodscalded, carves its message into our broken inheritance: Unashamed, it says, in unbounded laughing breaths, I live in light. Two step forward. One the Attorney, the other the Knight. Tim's fear stands shimmering above his body, beckoning. Zar wraps home long-term revenge. Perfect justice, he can tell, will be altered by the new equilibrium. Hands form shadows over hearts as he lies intricate involutions: Unrelaxed The chorus has died, and returning sleep transcends the desire for anything. An image, decked in memory, wanders the path within herself: the path you have labored to create. It is muddy, and her boots sink into the blank soil between the orange trees. Gasping, the moon dirties itself in a desperate attempt to hide. Obedient, the orange trees all let fall. A speaker moves to the podium, located at the head of the path. The birds have hidden in the trees, defenseless in their nests, and await as audience. You watch through a tragic window, far above all of the other watchers, even the moon. Dominion sits heavy on your eyelids, small and immortal. Now there is nothing, only an awakening. A broken song. All is quiet. The dead things are gone. There are no oranges on the trees, nor on the ground, nor anywhere. It did not thunder in the grove that evening. There was only, one with fire in her eyes. Herself! the Attorney bows slightly, intently towards Zar. Holy space and unholy time demand it. Zar gathers his goads in for the evening. Such distinctions refuse to be made -- space and time are one chair in which you must sit. Damning, isn't it, my friends? The evolved one cries, seeming melting glacier surround them. Can one blame Agamemnon for his hard-on? Zar permits, You -- You cannot defy the sky! screams Tim, rising, like hot air; storming out, like a lyrical hurricane of love. Moved, the Attorney and the Knight gather into each others arms. They weep as they embrace, and they kiss, tenderly. The evolved one is transported into heaven. Zar fondles discreetly his knife. She was magnificent! The timid ones must die. ============================================================================ Katie Yates ------------------------ knew about an aftershock knew about how to isolate knew to approach could offer a metaphor to equal an overture an opening ============================================================================= Benjamin Henry ------------------------ from: School Pictures: Portrait Production ------------------------------------------ October 31 devices are working but worthless, combined in a compilation, a pile, a towering monolith, a phallus, a message to america of complication and harmony in work and spending dollars on air time, channeled through a tunnel underground where workers plough through layers of lode and lay wires to connect and separate those above, way up above in the open air; time rolled in negative layers, concern for Friday's arrival and checks locked at the back door constantly guarded, and waiting on break, sitting with a stare over heads and beyond resounding voices. November 15 Scanning into eyes, almost ripped and fired but long and accidental, wondering as washed. Too late for patience wasted water dripping faucet open blood wounds; Ribs smothered sheets sticking covers wet and dirty. But before warm or secure but hostile home warning life worm boringblessed and superstitious. Ambulance trucking wheat disintigrate farm for spreading and factory plumage, feathers flown brown mud. November 16 Washing saved skin scrubbed raw, wringing, front door opening heard closed forgotten locked. Half-naked, vulnerable, admitted: strangeness in solidarity like radio conversation, spotlights bare stage dusty waxed. Sterile organized hidden comparison with cold water left running and then dripping overnight unnoticed, invisible, except for sound. ============================================================================= end of inter\face 6. Thanks for reading.