EPC Collaborative Poem #3

my foreign air that craves out my insides

Janesville buses in Boston,
Buffalo industrious,
Oakland freeway flattens,
Walt Whitman goes to West Seattle
but grass not growing,
flying Denver-to-Chicago-via-St.Louis,
back through Minneapolis/St.Paul,
o Wisconsin--mosquito paradise!
and back home again, some place.

A neuron in this electronic brain
I spin through synapses,
Information hormones saturate me.
In all of the wires there is art,
Trully the ghost in the machine.

okay eye wonder why I

yes, negative

"There was a young Lady named Bright
Who could travel faster than Light
She went out one day, in a relative way
And came back the previous night"
(not my poem)

The Discipline of Steel

His eyes were sharp,
his blades were keen.
His gleaming shield afar was seen.
The righteous fire of heaven's realm
was mirrored within his silver helm.

The foes he slew.
The strikes he made!
Elixir of Life crimsoned his blade.
Through horrible evils that he had slain
came honor and fear heaped on his name.

Yet now he falls;
his fate is clear.
The joyous crowds no more will cheer.
Betrayed by the blade that had made him swoon,
he fell to his knees and awaited his doom.

Now he is gone,
and none do care.
His light and his love still flicker and flare.
For Fate had him chosen to gain and to feel
the Glory, the Honor, the Discipline of Steel.

Counter to the key should if you would

Yet again I face the truth,
The meager mind of small beginings.
Shall I walk and dwindle
the repast or the begining.

Feel the edge of murder light
the sky seems grey from in my flight.

Rended seems the cheery gloom
that so designs my greatest doom

I can feel the summer sky
the buttons pressed you seemed to lie,
I can see the nights fraid edges
You can tell the sun's wayward heaven.

So i'll tell of long lost feelings,
you can lie and sell beginings
A simple thought has struck
my simple mind can not construct.

I feel no harm in so many views
the Fist that struct left only few
Ha! enough I can tell my world surrounded
your spell sent my soul of to the hell.

So ends this little cell
May the soul fit in your well
I cannot see the edge
of the long forgoten wedge.

A meager mear beginning.

(Daffodil ??/ziggy)

And as you walk barefoot in Times Square
Your steps of methodical recklessness
Obscure shadows of the neon lines,
Reminding of how her body cupped yours

Was it just at the point they lost me
that I was able to finally find myself?

orange kanji glittering in his cheek --
a new trend:

Isn't this a load of elocution? If you don't mind
my solution turns back it's cells
the weight the water takes on salt
of the mirth

dark kitchen with blue light out the window
monitor moons the room
suns my face

Tears, each one a drop of pain
Gun shots echo down the block, listen to it rain
A time to make you worry, danger at your door
Children killing children, can you take much more?

If I could solve these problems, I could be a king.
No magic wand have I to wave, I wear no wizard's ring

Tears, nights of thundering rain
Who will stop our madness, can you stand the strain?
Children killing children

Rivers of the pain.....

Lo I the man who now contributes
A line of verse to link the marks
Made in the obedient mind of sand,
(Vitrified scrap we tap away at,
Constructing mind from bits of bytes,
Constructing soul from bits of mind)
With echoes of melted fragments joined
To unacknowledged yearnings to be whole again.

...invisible the hands that cobbled
St. Sulpice; that lighted tiny wind-blown
candles cradled round a dusky rose window;
that pressed against the cold curve of stony lips;
that drew back black cloth, folded the psalmist's
thin leaves, then turned empty palms out.

Montaigne complained of a booming voice;
here, whispers now, and the soft glow of

Memories of the hidden heart
tears from the troubled past

Scars cut deep will always be
the shadows of pain that lasts

Can I forget the living hell
No need to ralate, you remember it well.

Ashes of bridges smolder in the past
my heart reaching out felt your fearful grasp.

You live in my hearts empty emotion
A life's silent melody like dust on a shelf

the dawn breathes
onto the window

my finger leaves
a wet oval of

that leaks
to the pane

Heres a poem I wrote feel free to use
The world is peaceful
The world is happy
Now I must come back to reailty where
People are killing each other
The world is at war
And the heart of this country is falling apart

...invisible the hands that cobbled St. Sulpice,
that lighted tiny wind-blown candles cradled
beneath the dusky rose window,
that traced the cold curves of these lips,
that drew back black cloth, revealing
the psalmist's thin leaves, then opened
palms out...

Montaigne complained of a booming voice;
here, chuchotements, and the soft glow of

reality breaks like water over the sun
crying is heard across the board as the coffee is passed
when "The GOD" realizes he's his only one
crying is heard across the stars
for my memory, I have a gun
and the time to relish is far from today
tomorrow, perhaps, will be an eternity
crying will be heard from the depths of me

Guilty of hatred
Envy and greed
Guilty of many
Deplorable deeds

Guilty of having
The will to survive
I condemn you
The sentence is

Sifter and sinter lead to splinter
and the best hormones are left for your children
she's an emancipated woman
'cause he's an emancipated man

La poesia no conoce limitacion alguna pues del remoto confin de este
Universo nuestro surgio un dia indefinido. A traves de cualquier red,
los ecos de la poesia nos alcanzan. Dejemos pues que nos envuelvan.

Pull or pull
up the flagpole.
Wether weather wears
warm PJ's on nights like these
cold winds blowing.
I think I'll get another window shade.
Two. Keep my face warm with that
blowing. Too much sleep can be fatal.
If fatality means to you
to dream too much about the warmth
of ambers hot glow with leaves falling
in the ash to cold to burn.
Borrowing books because
babies believe boo boo baskets
bake...STOP with the B's already
I never meant to do that.
Bad belief in the letter "B".
Leave her alone.

a line, a link, from me to everyone I have seen or touched:
girl on the El with the blackest hair and the whitest neck.
man who I mistook for my father long dead
every waitress who has ever served me
priest who died horribly of cancer
all souls, all humans linked by a web of
love and language, life, electricity,
the electricity of the soul!

I lost my black hat. A scowl of smoke
and bad weather then it was gone.

if we all crept close enuf
to our screens
perhaps we could kiss

Love is soundless,but not unseen;A silent wind blows through
the trees from provider up above who envisions my thoughts
Grand-Father's love.
And as I wake to face this new day I call to the Great Winds
to lead me the way.

Like some buttery monster,
I granted him a minute
on that vinyl couch.

His dizzy feet came at me
With a swollen breeze.

All I saw were
chaotic scraps of light
And stray, red knots.

My counterfeit kiss
peeled him to the skull.

Nine years of him
packed in a kiss.

He heard parachutes of violins,
Swan beaks insisting love.

I saw a drowsy sow.
Still, my lips tugged him to oblivion.

we sit in cyberspace cafe
surfing over lafayette
we say
lafayette, we are here
but where are we?

and this
morning when
impermeable black
eye of coffee shone your past

The moon awoke full and bright, windy cold autumnal night.
Leaves flew by on bold gusts. Power lines went down. Paper
trash blew through the streets and alley ways.

The morning dun rides over my head.I just stay in bed.
Up late, last night, I finally went to bed.
To cold to do much, but warmth was in the car.
We became the night owls. Young, we flew near and far.
(Be Frie)


on house windows

push through

Blue heavens

Blind eyes


continuation in repeating
when the linen thicken soup.
exhaust scars
which is close to pants around ankles.
Through inhale- things get conversational,
bless you's tame, uncomfortably small keeps under
arms wet and obvious. Separation from heat knocks
on a woman's bathroom, narrow twitter ankles convinces
wallet yawn to undress.

The Greeks you see
invented white paint
and the dramatic use of ashes
it's in their eyes
and gets beneath their fingers
when they burrow

And so you have slipped your skin and gone,
Eyes burning bright until the last day
When mercy kicked in and you finally slept.
I went to hold your hand in those last minutes,
Clicking away like an unexploded bomb,
But you had slipped your skin and had gone.
You will be gone a long time from me,
But for you, there is no time, not now.
For you, I will be walking into where you are momentarily,
And we will laugh and talk and embrace.
Do not misunderstand, I do not wish the days away,
It's only that I miss you,
And with each day that passes, the tides move without comment
And whisper your name in my ear.

At thirty-six I think only
of long grass at night tangled
in your hair, white birches bright
at midnight as glow-in-the-dark
skeleton rings, arson on the horizon
prolonging sunset hour
after hour.

adjectives, just adjectives
reject, eject
i combine the verbs and
forget to describe
the wind? sure
the air? sure
the love? sure
they're all here
the dictionary

Listen -
Oh -
That's it, too

In the morning sparrows balance
in the wire circles of the fence.
After dark she finds herself between
where the clothesline tethers the fir
to the garage, near sheets
whiter with the moon, the grass
around her ankles bleached.
Her bare shoulders cold without the weight
of his curved arm. The sky
is so full of emptiness she has
to spread herself out to look at it.
The cold of the ground rises
through her.

shafts of light, shards
of a life
vaporized by the biting
of cruelty....

and again
where obvious turnstiles evade her
handled by krsnas into customs
where every section of flesh
is uncovered, exposed, and questioned for
and her passport (stamped bluely) marks her
as leaving [forced to sleep in an x-ray machine]
before jolting to flights

after another day playing swine to every passing pearl

whether sun breaks
enter to drawing room character
winter & thought of down
water, veil of mind turning
in: gingko night, cool
jerk of light cloud over

Containment when freed or I had
not bequeathed tho it sounded well these years
or my ears have heard it
catch me a necessary to be caught well
as the divisions of the cup as all of it
we have spoken to use it well intended
this breach but is it restless with what
as asset no acceptance in brine in fleet
nodding brilliance of the cups of trees was it
somehow standing and entry vigorous they say
but branches of sheet or is it sky sudden
more than remembered as a standing now
the place of these things tied things bright
than more distant in that where
were vivid

he crawled to her in the tunnel
learning to kiss fifty cents

to meet late no light dirt road

what he might have learned
as the sky swung on patches
all night

surely you have no interest in stopping
the big-ticket item. the proactive purchase
of terminals, monitors, units, and much.
an access of course to an assorting sense,
an amazement of dentitions, an attic and
cellar, a basement of of floor, wires, bands
currents, hands, and salutations (search engines)
an arresting approach, a restive entrance
into scope or reach, dissonance, distance,
sticks or scannable range, screen-
compatible abilities,
to speak between poles of infusion,
elusive, lyric-tried, electrified light
of go-gap invention, preclusion of any
such inkling

or afterthoughts: inking, linking, in unroyal terms

high and pure the green blurs my ears
but slowly like sardine ice cream
it drips, oozing down the canals to my brain.

a wayward musician sips the blue, makes it yellow
with his phlegm, spits behind the stage
where he thinks no one will see,
and it landed on your head.

yobs it is it
is it
a trout swimming
in my belly


Where's home. The chalet of clarity. Violent oranges rage in the
wilderness. Rutabagas in a netscape. Reading, I find that forty
pages have been bound upside down, or up. Tangents of evolution.
ever wanted to talk? Shut down. Cancers of the jaw. The first stage
of the transplant. The digital video rock'n'roll screen. Termites in
a teapot. When I was five, my father took me. Baseball. Chinatown.
The mall. Hell. Whose better, whose best.

rain eroded hillside
exposed roots dark brown branches in the air
where eyes & finger touch is elusive
flesh is soft with desrepair
buildings fall slowly
make way for vast unbound libraries
where naked people splash in the ocean
muttering wordless tunes
into pixel microphone debris

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Sometimes I need to be reminded that life
makes its own marks whatever it rubs against;
Tommorrow, this flesh I'm feeling today
will be only a concept, more trash for history's dump.

And all I wanted to say was
how dare you when what I said was
nice to see you and I left
the room to pickle my tongue