M a r k D u C h a r m e


from The Envelope of Things




As if reading a life, the work on paper. No train by the serene crossing.
Calcined. Quick, walk in & disregard the turning, relevant blunders. Equally
unchristian, boxlike lawns & talc. Okay, let's flee.

Let's go into the clearing. Tokens here might be worth more. Impinge
desires & boxwood. Which jangled up the scenery.

A knocking is heard in the far-off room. As if someone had been leaving, or
testing out how things flew. Musicians on the drydocks, doing heavy lifting.
No one could corroborate their story. But that doesn't mean we have become
too overt. Just pushier.

Qualms linked in a hush. Trammeled by rear-guard engine logo. Something
to do with airing out the canes. Where kind of swan-like, the thespians glide.
Buckling & wheezing, like the underdogs they would soon become. Too
vertical? Why ask, wherefore art thou? You'll get your chance, Xerxes. Yes,
other types of seating are now available. Zounds, let me rebound.




Mark DuCharme recently co-edited "Funny Business," a special issue of the
on-line magazine The East Village, which can be viewed at
http://www.theeastvillage.com/v11.htm. Other recent or forthcoming
magazine appearances include Shiny, Mantis, and Combo. He is the author of
Near To (Poetry New York, 1999) and Desire Series (Dead Metaphor Press,
1999), among many other chapbooks. In Summer, 2001, Pavement Saw Press will
publish a collection of poems, Cosmopolitan Tremble. He lives in Boulder,
where he works outside of academia, co-directs the Left Hand Reading Series,
and is a member of the soon-to-be-legendary School of Continuation.
