Ms. Victor Hugo, M. Bénézit, Mlle. Allix.

"Who is there?"
"Ecce homo foilolo."
"Start again after ecce homo."
"Cruore f."
"Continue after cruore."
"Olim lmil pi."
"After olim?"
"Careo ebe."
"After careo?"
"Is there something bothering you?"
"If Charles takes the table, would you be able to speak to us?"

(Charles takes the table.)

"Continue after careo."

(Monsieur Bénézit takes the table.)

"Is careo right?"
"Continue after careo."
"Juflica --- julicabced."
"Tell your name. We---"
"Are you the same one as always?"
"Who is there?"
"Would you speak to us in a language we can understand?"
"Talk to us in French, Spanish, Latin or English. Can you do it?"
"Alas for cafenag."

(Monsieur Allix and his sister.)

"Who is there?"
"I caj --- M. Bénézit"
