Dell Hymes
Ethnopoetics Series (I)
"On the Poetics of Gender in Native American Narrative"
Mon., Feb. 7, Noon; 540 Clemens
"The First Literature of North America"
Tues., Feb. 8, 12:30pm; 120 Clemens
Hymes is among the founders of the fields of sociolinguistics and ethnopoetics.
He was dean of the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania
and later Commonwealth Professor of Anthropology at the University of Virginia.
Christian Bök
Poetry Reading/Performance
Weds., Feb. 9, 4pm
Center for the Arts (CFA) Screening Room
Bök is one of the most explosively talented sound poetry performers
of our time. He is the author of Crystallography. Pataphysics:
The Poetics an Imaginary Science is forthcoming from Northwestern University
Press. He lives in Toronto.
Jorie Graham
Poetry Reading
Weds., Feb. 16, 4pm; CFA Screening Room
Graham's The Dream of the Unified Field: Selected Poems 1974-1994
won the 1996 Pulitzer Prize. She is also the recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship.
Graham is Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory at Harvard.
Michael Burkard
Roberto Tejada
Poetry Reading
Fri., Feb. 18, 8pm
Cornershop (82 Lafayette, Buffalo)
Burkard's seventh collection of poems is Entire Dilemma. He
currently teaches at Syracuse University. Roberto Tejada edited Mandorla:
New Writing from the Americas. He is the author of Gift & Verdict
and a distinguished new Poetics Program graduate student. ($3 donation.)
Regna Darnell
Ethnopoetics Series (II)
"Ethnopoetics and Translation"
Mon., Feb. 21, Noon; 540 Clemens
"Culture, Cultural Studies, and Ethnographic Writing"
Mon., Feb. 21, 4pm; 261 Fillmore
Darnell, a widely published linguist and historian of anthropology,
teaches at the University of Western Ontario and is a Fellow of the Royal
Society of Canada.
John Cayley
Electronic Poetry Center Digital Media Festival 2000 (I)
Lecture: "Performances of Writing in the Age of Digital Transliteration"
Weds., Feb. 23, 12:30 pm; 115 Baldy
Weds., Feb. 23, 4pm; NEW LOCATION: 218 Natural Science
London-based Anglo-Canadian poet John Cayley is a translator from Chinese
and the founding editor of The Wellsweep Press. He is known internationally
for his groundbreaking writing in networked and programmable media.
David Napier
Ethnopoetics Series (III)
"A Video Dialogue with Terminator 24"
Mon., Feb. 28, Noon; 540 Clemens
"Ethnography as Creative Encounter"
Tues., Feb. 29, 4pm; 354 Fillmore
Napier is the author of Foreign Bodies: Essays in Performance, Art,
and Symbolic Anthropology and Masks, Transformation, and Paradox.
He teaches at Middlebury College.
Aaron Williamson
Poetry Reading/Performance
Weds., Mar. 1, 4pm; CFA Screening Room
Performance artist, choreographer, and writer Aaron Williamson takes
a physical approach to performance art and installation that has been evolved
in relation to his becoming deaf. Over the last 10 years he has created
200 or more performances in Britain, Europe and North America.
Shawn Walker
Louis Cabri
Poetry Reading
Fri., Mar. 3, 8pm
Cornershop (82 Lafayette, Buffalo)
Walker, the author of The Purchase of a Day, lives in
Philadelphia. Cabri coedits Hole, which started in Ottawa,
and organizes Philly Talks, although he is currently living
in Calgary. ($3 donation.)
Ron Silliman
Talk: "Poetics of Prose - or Whatever"
Tues., Mar. 14, 7pm; 436 Clemens
Poetry Reading
Weds., Mar. 15, 4pm; CFA Screening Room
Silliman is the author of over 20 books of poetry, most recently ®,
Xing, and N/O, which are part of his series
The Alphabet.
His collection of essays is entitled The New Sentence and recently
Quarry West published a special issue on this work. He lives
in Paoli, Pennsylvania (near Philadelphia).
Eye, Ear, & Mind
A Conference on the Poetry of Ronald Johnson
Fri., Mar. 17, 9am - 5pm
Sat., Mar. 18, 10:30am - 4:30pm
420 Capen Hall
Some of the participants will include Susan Schultz, Eric Selinger,
Mark Scroggins, Ed Foster, Peter O'Leary, Paul Naylor, Pierre Joris, Michael
Basinski, Anna Reckin, Robert Bertholf, and Patrick Pritchett.
Vincent Czyz
Prose Reading
Weds., Mar. 22, 4pm; CFA Screening Room
Czyz's first collection, Adrift in a Vanishing City, has been
hailed as "moody, gorgeous and formally innovative." He lives in Lyndenhurst,
New Jersey.
Robert Kocik
Poetry / Constructions
Sat., Mar. 25, 8pm
Steel Bar (511 Tri-Main Building, Buffalo)
Sculptor, translator and poet Kocik will open his Bureau of Material
Behaviors in Buffalo.
Mark Turner
Cognitive Science Lecture
"Conceptual Compressions and Decompressions"
Weds., Mar. 29, 2pm; 280 Park Hall
Poetics Talk: "Some Principles of Creativity"
Weds., Mar. 29, 4pm; CFA Screening Room
Turner is a professor of English at the University of Maryland, where
he also teaches in the graduate program in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science.
His books include The Literary Mind (Oxford) and More than Cool
Reason: A Field Guide to Poetic Metaphor (California).
Miekal And
Jennifer Ley
Electronic Poetry Center Digital Media Festival 2000 (II)
Talk/Discussion: "Making Digital Writing"
Weds. Apr. 5, 12:30pm; 115 Baldy Hall
Miekal And works in visual-verbal lit, audio-art, performance ritual,
and hypermedia. He is a founder of Xexoxial Editions in Wisconsin. Jennifer
Ley works in hyper/literature and lives near New York City. She edits the
online literary journal Riding the Meridian.
Karen Alkalay-Gut
Jennifer Ley
Poetry Reading and Digital Performance
Weds., Apr. 5, 4pm; CFA Screening Room
Alkalay-Gut was raised in Rochester and moved to Israel in 1972, where
she teaches at Tel Aviv University. Her books of poetry include Ignorant
Armies and Love Soup. Ley appears as part of the Electronic
Poetry Center Digital Media Festival.
Christopher Alexander
Tim Davis
Poetry Reading
Sat., April 7, 8pm
Steel Bar (511 Tri-Main Building, Buffalo)
Davis, who currently is studying photography at Yale, is the author
of The Analogy Guild, My Life in Politics and, most recently,
Dailies. Coultas, the author of Early Films and A Summer
Newsreel, hails from NYC and works the carny in Indiana.
Isidore Okpewho
Ethnopoetics Series (IV)
"Ethnopoetics in the Nigerian Field"
Mon., Apr. 10, Noon; 540 Clemens
Fiction Reading
Tues., Apr. 11, 12:30pm; 120 Clemens
Okpewho has written three books on African oral literature and three
prize-winning novels. He has taught at the University of Ibadan (Nigeria)
and now teaches at Binghamton University.
Reina María Rodríguez
Bilingual Poetry Reading
Weds., Apr. 12, 4pm; CFA Screening Room
Rodríguez is an award-winning Cuban poet whose writing reflects
struggle and innovation. In the 1980s and 1990s Rodríguez was a
significant proponent of alternative cultural spaces on the island, hosting
intellectual gatherings in her home on a Havana rooftop. Her book La
Foto del Invernadero (1998) won the prestigious Premio Casa de las
Tony Conrad
Film Screening
Weds., Apr. 19, 4pm; CFA Screening Room
UB's own Tony Conrad will show some of the films that have established
his work as central to the canon of American independent cinema.
Edwin Torres
Poetry Performance
Fri., Apr. 21, 8pm; Cornershop (82 Lafayette, Buffalo)
Torres creates text and performance works that mingle textures of poetry
with vocal and physical improvisation, sound elements, and visual theater.
His debut CD from Kill Rock Stars is called
Holy Kid. ($3 donation.)
Clark Coolidge
Poetry Reading
Weds., Apr. 26, 4pm; CFA Screening Room
Coolidge is one of the most innovative and influential American poets
of the last forty years. Among his many books: Sound as Thought, Solution
Passage, At Egypt, and The Rova Improvisations. He lives in
Northern California.
All Events are Free and Open to the Public (except as noted).
"Wednesdays at 4 PLUS" is a Poetics Program production sponsored, in part, by the James H. McNulty Chair, Department of English (Dennis Tedlock); the Samuel P. Capen Chair of Poetry and the Humanities (Robert Creeley); the Melodia E. Jones Chair in French, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures (Gerard Bucher); the David Gray Chair of Poetry and Letters, Department of English (Charles Bernstein); the Poetry and Rare Books Collection (Robert Bertholf); and the Butler Chair, Department of English. The series is produced with the cooperation of the Center for the Arts and the Department of Media Studies, and Talking Leaves Books.
Special thanks to the Just Buffalo Literary Center for their ongoing co-sponsorship of this series.
Coordinated by Charles Bernstein. For further information call (716) 645-3810 or contact us at Visit our web site: