Purkinge (pur kin gee) fiber: any of the specialized cardiac fibers forming a network in the ventricular walls that conduct electric impulses responsible for the contractions of the heart to all parts of the ventricular muscles. Named for JE Purkinge (1787-1869).
"Everybody understands what is meant by 'the word'...It is interwoven with the threads, it fills the interstices in the fabric..."
Purkinge--emanating from the ashes of Awopbop collective--improvisationally rends and resews texts in printed and oral forms, producing a particularly angular "writing" "centered" from different perspectives. The group invents and promotes new modes of authorship and anti-authorship, blooming melodic conversations in opposition to a system grown entropic. In our experiments, enabled by technology, we insist on the necessity of interactive, intercorporeal communication.
"Myopic Village" was composed using the Daedalus software which enables up to 2 dozen people to simultaneously work on the composition of a text together in real time. Purkinge composes on this system & improvises on 4-track recording equipment.
Myopic Village (Purkinge 2/25/94) * * * she smiles LECTIO inDIViduum dash for space teeth waiting behind the vultures land of 1000 concentric shells for your innards soft token straw plaster shovel hut bones and strings singing wildly arch hands up joust marble tokens girder vehicular assault bouncing clothing mud teaching cable again, exhale grids of oxygen SKIN OF OATMEAL sound behind print negligence Kali mountains untaught screwing under the table become a f a s c i c l e the lost who pray the air, seeping out sovereign winter RUNS in my canticle for infusion cables streching inside housing of questionable ventricles which begins the confusion of furniture spilling shovelling single letters scatter rags hot water bring wave sequence modulator utensil sync unread sewn in pylon limbs thin but stubborn torso torsion mandible lens pulled out his own tooth with a shrimp & blinded herself clover and straw this & this alone roasting your lobes trying to alchemize some sounds floating lobster body parts conversations and lost her mind monitor burn communication amorphous not neccesarily signs shock bigger questions than breadsticks the system was all a mistake of perspective weathering worms in the plastic retreat melt waves the sea monkeys are back from church swinging on the bowl that subsumes all bowls lubricated rups cathartic simians the (brief) unheard, digested flying chantress magic shoe polish the crack in the surface of the ur the BUTTRESS a little gentle rocking left hand lifting the architecture WALLS are mistakes trasping alosin athrotic morsotip thusac ` motion of air dip dip hurple iron on guppy rup quasi- grandible solidity of sometimes morthomptic flip the emperor commissioned mustapha flaming fez in stately Rockefeller YAH the Plaza UNDULATED movements below the surface orthontical ice beards ptangoronics dance circle rising over flames unnerved censured carapaces of humans shedding unintentional lamentions pulling up the pavement, they discovered another roadway beneath and the air ain't cleer which was the buried heart of [pythagorean multiples streaming down the surface] crab walk glass waves the city startling the toungue out of its skin the bodies of slaves enmixed "Really to be expected old boy... ` what we remembered the dig corn filament scarified stone lost the faces price only valleys, impressions, visible from space a society based on the knife on the left fork and spoon stuck into the tattered map to dancing bakka coil following lines can prove like ice-cream, only stronger... harmony dyes made from vegetable pigment on their lute towards southerly prize magic tools: burnt sienna spider patterns back across grandma's refridgerator turning thru the tropics settled ice melted slinky honey WHO ATE THE IGUANA? a brand new chevrolet [THE SCALES STUCK TO MY LIPS] heads on poles i need a silver bullet... in addition to statistics, that is--
NATH03.01 and RIFT03.01 copyright (c) 1994. All rights revert to author(s) upon publication. Texts distributed by RIF/T, e-poetry@ubvm, or the Electronic Poetry Center (Buffalo) may not be republished for profit in any form without express consent of author(s) and notification of the editors, but may be freely circulated among individuals for personal use provided that this copyright statement is included. Public archiving of complete issues only, in electronic or print forms, is permissible provided that no access fee is charged.
Responses, submissions, and queries to: E-POETRY@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU