Bruce Andrews
"if the social is made coherent by
discursive arrangements..." (1990)
If society holds itself together largely through coercions at the level
of class, then you can think about that pretty much in terms of negative
power, and you can challenge that by putting forward, by proposing,
already-existing packagings of meaning which have been excluded, have been
kept down, have been beaten up with weaponry owned by the state or by
capital; but if the social is held together by the productivity of
meaning, if the social is made coherent by discursive arrangements or
positivities, then recognizing that opens up some avenues for writing,
opens up some ways of getting that implicated in the writing [i.e.
"already-existing packagings of meaning" are now questionable, as they are
themselves an aspect of "positive power," of the "productivity of
meaning"]. So I think some of those things are floating around in the
background of a phrase like that ["positive power"]. In some ways it's too
easy, because it [writing strategies formulated from a notion of "positive
power"] glamorizes the role of operating with discourse, but you see that
glamorizing of discourse in all the arts in so-called postmodernism . . .
that lead away from abstraction as an interesting possibility in most art
forms. So what I'm grappling with is my refusal to abandon the project of
exploring the sign, signification, and not just saying, OK, let's just
deal with discourse, let's just ironically, appropriatively, assemble
existing social materials and bring them together in interesting, clashing
ways and do appropriation art, do that genre of work. I'm still interested
in the basic foundational structure of meaning, in its material form in
the sign, but I want to push that further, not just abandon it and move to
the level of social commentary the way a lot of people are interested in
doing now, but to try to retain the interest in sound and sight and
materiality at the level of the letter, syllable, paragraph, syntactical
micro-unit, but still get into the thing, get into the work, some of this
other material.
from a 1990 interview, entitled "North by Northwest Interview," in
Paradise & Method (Northwestern UP 1996)