Heled Travel and Research Grant winner

From: Al Filreis
Date: April 9, 2010
Subject: Heled Travel and Research Grant winner

Dear friends:

I am very pleased to announce that Ned Eisenberg has won the Terry B. Heled Travel and Research Grant at the Kelly Writers House.

We received dozens of fine applications for this award.

Ned (C'11) is majoring in English. He has written for Kedma, and he has been featured in 34th Street Magazine. He is interested in screenwriting and experimental poetics, and has co-edited (with others in the course) a special book-length catalogue produced with the Institute of Contemporary Art in association with the year-long CPCW/Writers House/ICA seminar taught by conceptual poet Kenneth Goldsmith.

Enabled by this grant, Ned will travel to Japan to research and write about how "Island Culture" and technology have managed to coexist in hip contemporary Tokyo life. He will present his writing next fall at the Writers House.

As a way of memorializing her mother, Terry B. Heled, and of honoring the students of her alma mater in gratitude for the encouragement her own research and writing received while she was at Penn, Mali Heled Kinberg (C'95) has created this endowed fund at the Kelly Writers House that, each summer, will enable a student to travel for the purpose of conducting the research leading to a significant writing project.

For more about the Heled Grant, see: http://writing.upenn.edu/wh/involved/awards/heled/

Congratulations to Ned!

- Al Filreis

Al Filreis
Kelly Professor
Faculty Dir., Kelly Writers House
Dir., Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing
University of Pennsylvania