A Conversation with Kenneth Goldsmith and Jena Osman
with students in English 88, "Modern & Contemporary American Poetry"
Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania
hosted by Al Filreis
December 9, 2004
links: | English 88 site |
"Dropping Leaflets" | Goldsmith "Studio 111"
interview |
on Kenneth Goldsmith's book Soliloquy:
Our discussion of Goldsmith's work began with this
question from a student: "Did your friends and colleagues respond in horror to your
about them in Soliloquy?"
[2:01 MP3]
The book seems to be about how we are all "assholes" in the way we talk
Was Goldsmith shocked to find himself so effortlessly
trashing people?
[2:32 MP3]
on Jena Osman's "Dropping Leaflets":
Our discussion of Jena Osman's "Dropping Leaflets" began
with this question: "I wonder if in 'Dropping Leafets' you have a clearer sense
than Kenny just described for Soliloquy of a politics of
language?" It's the poet's job to fight against euphemisms.
[4:29 MP3]
on Kenny Goldsmith's Day and non-interventionist language:
This part of the discussion began with this
question: "Speaking of filters, how did you deal with the New York
Times in your book called Day?"
[5:36 MP3]
on Goldsmith's aesthetic as "N+0":
After a question was posed about computer-generated texts, Nick Montfort
joined the conversation and proposed that Goldsmith's mode was a variation of "N+7,"
a procedure of substitution (with the seventh word found in a dictionary after
each original). Goldsmith was merely doing "N+0"--not non-intervention but
zero-degree substitution. Osman disagrees, proposing "N/Z."
[2:07 MP3]
on Jackson Mac Low (whose death occurred the day before
this gathering):
Osman speaks first about Mac Low's consistency and change. Goldsmith
characterizes Mac Low's purity. This leads to a discussion of
ethical modernism
[17:11 MP3]
on actual everyday language:
We don't think enough about the way we actually speak. "Life is
so much more interesting than art. 'Reality TV' is so much
more interesting than sitcoms." Fiction is dead. Reality has really replaced
fiction. Goldsmith's new project is to retype the contents of the
September 11, 2001 issue of the New York Times.
[8:19 MP3]
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded
material belong to the authors.
© 2004 by Kenneth Goldsmith and Jena Osman. Used with permission of the authors.
Distributed by PennSound