TIME analyst talks political media

The Daily Pennsylvanian
February 12, 2014

No one writes about real politicians anymore.

Senior political analyst for TIME magazine and MSNBC Mark Halperin thinks that the “silent majority” — voters — are not being served by some members of the political media. Halperin discussed his views at a Kelly Writers House talk on Wednesday.

He opened with a question to the audience. “Will you let me get to know you better?” he asked. “Who supported Obama in the last election?”

The response was a near totality of raised hands.

Halperin’s effort to highlight the audience’s political partiality started a discussion of bipartisanship in Washington, media bias and the current political climate.

Halperin is the co-author of New York Times Bestselling book “Double Down,” a behind-the-scenes narrative about the 2012 presidential elections.

“The book attempts to bring people alive,” he said. Halperin said it is important that journalists provide not only factual information but also “what people who run for office are like.”

Halperin described the need to return to the human dimension of politics, albeit in a partisan and balanced manner. In a climate where Twitter, Facebook and YouTube dominate, politicians are increasingly wary of exposing themselves.

Read the full article here.