Get Recruited to Penn—For Creative Writing

34th Street Magazine
January 24, 2018

Kelly Liu (C ‘21) was just eight years old when she wrote her first story on a too–big keyboard, excitement and imagination outpacing her tiny hands.

“I remember bits and pieces [of the story],” she laughs, trying to recount the loping, decade–old adventure tale, which featured mountain climbing and “something about noodles.” But what she vividly remembers is finishing the story, fumbling with the printer, and bounding into the room where her grandparents sat, ready to show off.

Kelly stuck with writing stories. Throughout high school, her free time was spent writing science fiction, but it was nothing more than hobby. She never considered pursuing creative writing in college. At least, not until she found herself at a summer camp presentation about the Kelly Writers House. Later, when she visited Penn, Kelly met with Jamie–Lee Josselyn, recruitment director at the Writers House, and discussed Kelly’s interest in Penn and writing. After this meeting, and her subsequent contact with Jamie–Lee, Kelly felt that the Writers House might be the community she was looking for.

When she applied, she did so as a Writers House recruit.

Read the full article here.