McCarran Act or Internal Security Act of 1950
"The Internal Security Act of 1950, somtimes called the McCarran Act or
the anticommunist law, is one of the most controversial
and least understood laws in the history of the republic. Yet it is of
high importance that Americans understand it, since it involves (1) our
national safety and (2) individual liberties." So began Beverly Smith's
inquiry "How Will Our Laws Against Traitors Work?" which appeared in the
January 13, 1951, issue of The Saturday Evening Post. The Internal
Security Act, popularly named for Nevada's Senator Pat McCarran, an aging
hack who, in fact, commandeered the legislation from an earlier version by
congressmen Karl Mundt and (of all people) Richard Nixon argued for the
fingerprinting and registration of all "subversives" at large in the
United States. As the SEP article reports, the act's passage by House and
Senate was quite controversial. President Tr uman, who had himself imposed
the Loyalty Order for federal government employees in 1947, immediately
vetoed it, on the grounds that it "would make a mockery of our Bill of
Rights [and] would actually weaken our internal security measures." But
his veto w as overridden by a humbling 89 percent majority vote, and
McCarran's newly formed Senate Internal Security Subcommittee working
closely with Hoover's FBI set up shop and conducted hearings for the next
twenty�seven years. One of the more bucolic provisi ons of the McCarran
Act was its authorization of concentration camps "for emergency
But the McCarran Act was only the tip of the
inquisitorial iceberg. HUAC was still in operation, although it had been
relatively quiet since its Hollywood Ten triumph, and it quickly had to
spring back into action to prove its continuing validity. In 195 1, HUAC
began its second wave of show business hearings, far outstripping its 1947
predecessor in scope, fanfare, and shamelessness. Needing a forum that
would give full rein to his lust for the limelight, Senator Joseph
McCarthy attached himself to the newly formed Senate Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations of the Senate Committee on Government
Operations, assuming its chairmanship
in 1953. It was under the glare of that subcommittee's 1954 probe of the
Army that Tailgunner Joe would finally crash and burn. Add to the above
the "Red squads" that the police departments of cities such as New York,
Los Angeles, Chicago, and Detroit all had established by this time, and it
becomes clear that the number of actual Communist agents operating in the
U.S. must have been infinitely less than the number of Feds, cops, and
subcommittees bent on wiretapping, surveilling, exposing, interrogating,
blackmailing, indicting, and imprisoning them. But then, as J. Edgar
Hoover was fond of pointing out, "It only took twenty-three Commies to
overthrow Russia."
Citation for this entry.
Philip Morrison, a Cornell Professor of Physics, expressed doubts
about atomic warfare and then had to face
SISS in 1952. SISS had a special way of outing
those named in anticommunist testimony.
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modified: Thursday, 31-May-2007 09:42:12 EDT