webcast on Stein featuring Perloff and Perelman - a rough narrative with links to photos
A. C. asks a question, and then Bob Perelman tries to answer. Al and Francesca go video and insist that Stein isn't so hard after all (that's Francesca on the TV, yes, but also that's her back at the door!). 88'ers look somewhat distracted, preferring anything Al says on line to what he might say live and in person.
Things begin to heat up as Al poses a toughie to Marjorie and Bob, and suggests that Marjorie run for president rather than Al Gore. Bob holds up his new book. And Kirsten, second row, second from the window (next to Sara), is delighted, while Shawn easily keeps up with all the chit-chat by everyone else in (where else?) the Stein room.