Carl Rakosi, "Oh Sestina"

If I were
	  by a sestina

would I hold
	    my ground
or make
        for the hills?

snare it
       in a paper bag
and release
	     it outdoors

or laugh
	 like hell
and notify

In October 2002, the Writers House hosted a live audiocast program featuring a conversation with and a reading by Carl Rakosi, then 99 years old. During this program Tom Devaney and Al Filreis asked Rakosi to recite "Oh, Sestina." Rakosi introduced the poem by explaining that it had come in part as a reaction against a sestina that Charles Reznikoff had written.

Click here [mp3] to hear Rakosi introduce the poem and read it.

Click here for more about the 2002/99th birthday session with Rakosi, including links to recordings of each poem he read.