Paul Sharits filmography ("Fluxfilms")
draft compiled by Adam Jameson (
Paul Sharits filmography
Rapture (1987) 20 min, video Figment I: Fluxglam Voyage in Search of the Real Maciunas (1977-1986) 175 min, video Brancusi�s Sculpture Ensemble at Tirgu Jiu (l977-84), two screens, 23 min, 16mm Bad Burns (l982), 5 min, 16mm 3rd Degree (l982), 24 minutes, 16mm Episodic Generation (l978), 30 minutes, 16mm Declarative Mode (l976-77), two screens or a single screen, 40 minutes, 16mm Tails (l976), 3 min, 16mm Epileptic Seizure Comparison (1976) 16mm film, color, sound, 34" Dream Displacement (1976) 16mm, double screen, color, sound, 25 min Analytical Studies IV: Blank Color Frames (l975-76), 15 min, 16mm Analytical Studies II: Un-Frame-Lines (l97l-76), 30 min, 16mm Analytical Studies I: The Film Frame (l971-76), 25 minutes, 16mm Shutter Interface (1975) 32"30', two screen projection Apparent Motion (l975), 30 minutes, 16mm Analytical Studies III: Color Frame Passages (1973-4), 16mm, color, sound, 22 min Color Sound Frames (l974), 26.5 minutes, 16mm Synchronousoundtracks (1973-1974) 32"30', two screen projection Axiomatic Granularity (1972-3) 16mm, color, sound, 20" Inferential Current (1971) 8 min, 16mm S:TREAM:S:S:ECTION:S:ECTION:S:S:ECTIONED (l968-7l), 42 minutes, 16mm T, O, U, C, H, I, N, G, (1968), 16 mm, color, sound, 12" - Starring poet David Franks, whose voice appears on the soundtrack. An uncutting and unscratching mandala. N.OT.H.I.N.G. (1968), 36 minutes, 16mm Razor Blades (l965-68), two screens, 25 minutes Piece Mandala/End War (l966), 5 minutes, 16mm Word Movie (Fluxfilm 29) (Wrote Movie) (1966) 4 min, 16mm Ray Gun Virus (l966), l4 minutes, 16mm Wintercourse (l962), l2 minutes, 16mm + Unrolling Event, Dots 1 & 2, Sears Catalogue (mid-60s?)