photos of Frost Valley alumninew photos (click on the link for the image)
photos posted earlier (click on the thumbnail)
- some 1984 pics
- photos taken by Frank Gotz in 1983 and '84
- 1977 staff picture (courtesy Doug Marsh)
- 1978 Adventure Staff (courtesy Doug Marsh)
- old friends at 2001 reunion: (top from left) Shirley Kay, Barb Hale, (front from left) Mary Ann Fisher, Sue Moriarty, Leslie Black, Liz White Russell, Michelle Palamidy
- Wawayanda gates, model of gates at Old Wawayanda reconstructed for the 2001 Wawayanda centennial and set up on the Olympic Circle
- Mini-reunion at camp, September 2005: (top row) Will Edwards, Colleen Wenke Apollo, Eric Goldman, Mike Swabb, (middle row) Rick McKay, Janine Delgriorno, Michelle Louis, Havi Ashe, Dana Archer-Rosenthal, Lauren Ocasio, (bottom row) Jessica Kaskel, Beth Schwartzapfel
- Lake Wawayanda today [photo by Donna Marines]
- Lake Wawayanda in 1876 depicted in a painting by Jasper Francis Cropsey
- Putting up the totem pole carved by John Giannotti, 1977 or '78 [photos taken by Michele Palamidy]
- Sequoia Village, 1982(?): Dylan Frankel, front row kneeling 2nd from left; Sue Geller and Dari Litchman, 2nd row leaning over with bandanas; Jon Bell, Debby Geller, in row behind Dari to the right; Conrad Soong and Ted Guild, two tallest campers in the back row; possible Mike Gold, to the right of Debbie Geller.
- Mount Pocohontas (courtesy Mike McNamee)
- The White family (from left to right): Liz, Chuck, David, Joy and Rebecca at a Frost Valley alumni reunion
- Christmas 1963 (courtesy Mike DeVita)
- Homer McLemore leads Lenape campers on an overnight hike, 1963
- 1962 staff (courtesy Mike DeVita)
- four Frost Valley camp scenes, 1961 (courtesy Mike DeVita)
- Sven Grotrian, Doug Tompkins, Pat Ricciardi, Al Filreis, check-out day 1973
- Sven Grotrian, Bill Walton, Bob Davis
- Hemlock village photo, late 1960s
- Chuck White, Shirley Kay, Norman Gurfinkel, at a 1993 alumni reunion
- Al Filreis leading a song at Opening Campfire, session II, summer 2005
- 1959 Wawayanda staff at Frost Valley
After dinner one wonderful night (in 1977?) at Chuck and Joy White's house. Bottom from left: Rafik Melek, Al Filreis, Gustavo Giraldo Restrepo (Columbia); kneeling near Joy: Ouffoue Nguysen (Ivory Coast); standing from left: ?, Carol Sarabun, Laurie Cobb, ?, Linda Kelley, Carolyn Shelburne, Brian Rambo?, "Gram" White, Joy White.
Left to right: Rebecca White Petrutiu, Al Filreis, Dawn Helfand Huebner
Halbe Brown in the stocks, on the Olympic Circle, during Goldrush Day, July 1977
Recent photo of B. J. "Chip" Moody
Liz White (now Warren), FCC Director, 1976; Bob Whirty, one of Liz' FCCs, recalls: "I cannot possibly forget spending the Bi-Centennial celebration in the wood surrounding Wildcat on a very wet 24-hour solo and singing the words of Louden Wainwright, "Oh America's havin' a birthday, gonna be a bi-centennial, Oh America's havin' a birthday, gonna be 200 years old, isn't wonderful??!! You know it certainly is!!!"
The Wawayanda Dining Hall burns, January 1, 1983
The new dining hall under construction, 1984
Digging the foundation for the new dining hall
After the old Wawayanda Dining Hall was destroyed by fire, the Girls' Dining Hall, Conover English Hall, was enlarged in the first months of 1983 to accommodate two shifts of diners at each meal
June Kaiser at the old horsebarn, 1976
Joy White teaching during staff training, 1980(?)
Dave King, leading us in a song in the old Wawayanda dining hall, 1977 (Debbie MacDonald, then an FCC, is walking through the picture at left)
right to left: Ben Ferris (son of John Ferris & Jan Gikner Ferris), Al Filreis, Noah Ferris, during Al's visit to Vermont in Oct. 1998
At a mid-summer Board of Directors meeting, late 1970s (probably 1979): left to right, Judge Harry Lindemann, Peggy Rub (Girls Camp Director, 1979), the back of Woody English (then Chairman of the Board).
"Supervising" the tobaggan run, winter in the mid-1970s, Danny Shelburne (left) and Doug Tompkins (right). Behind is cabin 24.
1967 Girls' Camp staff, gathered in Hird Lodge in late August
Official opening of the Ruth Carole Gottscho Dialysis Center at Frost Valley, July 1975. From left to right: Eva Gottscho, Halbe Brown, Ira Greifer, and Bill Primack. Bill was one of the first pediatric nephrologists to live at the camp and work with campers who underwent dialysis treatment every several days during the session.
The 1959 Wawayanda staff (the second at Frost Valley)
from left to right: Phoebe, Dave and Jessica Sunshine; Sue Sunshine; Peter Swain (third "Summer Sunday," a concert given by Dave Sunshine, August 1, 1999)
Milt Pittman and Yukiko Nishimura
Dave Nalven and Steve Bell, just after Steve climbed Mount Hayden for the first time, one holdover weekend in 1984.
"Alumni hayride," August 2000. The adults are, roughly from left to right: Halbe Brown, Jeannine Lehman, Kate Van Baren, Jan Gikner Ferris, xxxx? Freshwaters, Al Filreis, David Scherer, Rick Cobb, Melanie Brown Freshwaters. Among the children--aside from kids of above-mentioned adults--is Callie Atwell.
Rafik and Cathy Ghobrial (summer 2000)
Rick Cobb telling a scary story during a brief return to FV in August 2000
Al Filreis and Adam Diamond singing "Old Wawayanda," Hirdstock, 1984
from left to right: Floyd Hird, Halbe Brown, Carolyn Shelburn, Marie Hess, Jane Brown - beginning-of-summer staff banquet, 1983
Marie Hess in front of the laundry
from left to right: Steve Bell, Stuart Kaufer, Claudia Swain, Peter Swain - Hirdstock, 1985
from left to right: Al Filreis, Carl Hess, Everett Lake - making doughnuts from scratch, a Friday night in January 1974from left to right: Maurice Penn, Nancy Brady, Keith Brankner (in window), Valerie Bellefatto, Tammy Thompson, Mark Staimer - in front of Hayden Lodge, check-in day, late June 1974
left to right: Ellen Hart, Sue Whirty - Goldrush Day, July 1975 - "There's gold in them thar hills!"
preparing to jolly a homesick camper who had "run away" to Chuck and Joy White's house, August 1978 - from left to right: John Ferris (Lenape), Paul Nelson (Outpost), Al Filreis (program director), Rafik Melek (Forest)
1980 summer camp staff - photo taken late June 1980
along the Frost Valley road: the Neversink river in winter (December 2000)
Lenape Village, 1971 (among the campers here is Ira Sasowsky, later a staff member; wearing number 16 is village chief, Jim Beckner, and just in front of Jim is camper Lee Fleischer [FV 1969-1980] who also later became a staff member)
Lacota Village staff: left to right, Dave Gansler, Heather Sachs, Ira Sasowsky, Rich Weinberg, Rich Houghton
sitting on the Hird Lodge porch, 1974 (?), from left to right: Liz White, Dave Crum, Al Filreis, Bruce Comiskey, John Mumford, Stan Treadway
in the Castle living room, January 1975 (?), left to right: Leslie Black, June Kaiser, Liz White
Al Filreis visits Mike Ketcham's Camp Seymour (near Gig Harbor, Washington), July 2001
John Farnan and Gordon Fair, 1984
two photos from Hirdstock, 1984
Christmas at the Whites, 1974: (back row, left to right) Liz White, Rick Cobb, Al Filreis, Rebecca White, Bruce Comiskey, ?, Chuck White; (middle row, left to right) George Piche, Sue Moriarty, Joy White; (lying on the floor, front) John Mumford, Kevin Hanlon.
staff circle: Tokya, Brent, Bobby Eddings, James Raffo, 1999
Bud Cox after a summer of leading trips in the Adirondacks, 1973
Bud Cox camping on Table Mountain, April 1974