Al Filreis webcast clips marking the break in time - on William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, H.D., and Bryher, in a time of war. 11/7/01 the end of the lecture as we know it - a one-minute anti-lecture. 6/99 found art, objective art - minilecture, with slides, on Williams' "so much depends" with reference to the readymades of Marcel Duchamp eulogy for John Smolen - memorial service, April 2002 FILREIS HOME | HOT | PENN ENGLISH | POETRY | FIFTIES Document URL: Last modified: Friday, 03-May-2002 16:09:02 EDT
marking the break in time - on William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, H.D., and Bryher, in a time of war. 11/7/01 the end of the lecture as we know it - a one-minute anti-lecture. 6/99 found art, objective art - minilecture, with slides, on Williams' "so much depends" with reference to the readymades of Marcel Duchamp eulogy for John Smolen - memorial service, April 2002
Document URL: Last modified: Friday, 03-May-2002 16:09:02 EDT