
$type = '';
$subtype = '';
$title = 'Title of page goes here';
$flashplayer = 'no';

// Main content JUST BELOW this PAGECONTENTMAIN line
$page_content['main'] = <<<PAGECONTENTMAIN



<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

<p>This is another paragraph.</p>

<p>One more paragraph.</p>

<h2>Another section of the page</h2>

<p>More content for people to read.</p>

<p>And we're done.</p>

// Main content ends JUST ABOVE this PAGECONTENTMAIN line

// Left content (not left menu or subtype menu) JUST BELOW this PAGECONTENTLEFT line
$page_content['left'] = <<<PAGECONTENTLEFT

// Left content JUST ABOVE this PAGECONTENTLEFT line

generate_page($type, $page_content, $title, $flashplayer, $subtype);