Filreis photo album, 2001 (volume 3)


Hannah prepares to play Al in Stratego on a cold winter's day

Al and Tony Kushner at the Writers House, spring 2001

on the Frost Valley road at dawn: the Neversink River

Hannah's 7th birthday party, June 23, 2001

visit to Springfield, NJ, July 1-5, 2001

Camden Riversharks vs. Atlantic City Surf, August 16, 2001

Hannah with the "Marushka" her grandparents brought her from Russia, August 2001

garden harvest after a warm month, November 26, 2001

Hannah's class (2B at Friends' Central)

Molly and Hannah playing chess in the kitchen, December 2, 2001

playing "I Spy" on the computer, December 2, 2001

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Last modified: Monday, 08-Jul-2013 09:15:17 EDT