North of Invention: A Canadian Poetry Festival
a.rawlings • fred wah • christian bök• m. nourbese philip • stephen collis • nicole brossard • jeff derksen • jordan scott • adeena karasick • lisa robertson
Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania
Thursday. January 20
10am panels
7:30pm readings
Friday, January 21
9:30pm panles
&:30pm readings
details at our web site
Poets House, New York
Saturday, January 22
2pm conversations:
M. NourbeSe Philip, Christin Bök, Fred Wah,Stephen Collis
5:30pm readings
Stephen Collis, Sarah Dowling, a. rawlings, M. NourbeSe Philip, and Fred Wah
Sunday, January 23
1pm conversations
Lisa Robertson, Jeff Derksen, a. rawlings, Jordan Scott
4:30pm readings
Jeff Derkson, Christin Bök, Lisa Robertson, Jordan Scott
*program subject to check! check web sites!*
organized by Sarah Dowling & Charles Bernstein
for the Kelly Writers House at Penn
with thanks to Stephen Motika & Poets House
& to the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts
