Susan Bee

Paintings 2020-2021


(2020, 20” x 16”, oil, enamel, sand on linen)

Billie Holiday
(2020, 24” x 18”, oil, enamel, sand on linen)

Brush Strokes

(2021, 36” x 24”, oil, enamel, sand on linen)

Death and the Maiden
(2021, 24” x 18”, oil & enamel on linen)


Duet (2020, 24” x 18”, oil & enamel on linen)

(2021, 16” x 20”, oil on linen)

Enigma Variations
(2021, 32” x 50”, oil, sand, enamel on linen)

(2020, 24" x 18”, oil & enamel)

Head Over Heels
(2020, 24” x 18”, oil on linen)

(2020, 20” x 16”, oil, mixed media, sand on linen)

Imaginary Garden
(2021, 30” x 40”, oil & enamel on linen)

(2020, 36” x 24”, oil on linen)

Outside In
(2020, 24” x 18”, oil & sand on linen)

Saint Martha and the Tarasque
(2021, 36” x 24”, oil, enamel, sand on linen)

Sands of Time
(2021, 24” x 36”, oil, enamel, sand on linen)

Shadow Play
(2020, 24” x 18”, oil, enamel, sand on linen)

(2020, 18" x 24", oil & enamel on linen)

Waverly Oaks
(2020, 40” x 30”, oil, enamel, sand on linen)

Witch Way

(2021, 36” x 24”, oil, enamel, sand on linen)
Collection: Madeline Penn



©2022| Susan Bee
Electronic Poetry Center (http://writing.upenn/edu/epc)