Susan Bee

Early Oil Paintings (1981-1987)

City Lights
(1981, 50" x 38", oil on linen)

Cupid Complains to Venus
(1982, 22" x 26", oil on linen)
Collection: Jerome and Anne McGann.

Doomed to Win,
(1983, 50" x 54", oil on linen)
Collection: Provincetown Art Association and Museum

Dousing the Fire
(1981, 50" x 46", oil on linen)

(1982, 24" x 25", oil on linen)

(1983,64"x 48", oil on linen)
Collection: E. Tracy Grinnell.

Framing the Rosenbergs
(1983, 28" x 32", oil on linen)

Hands up
(1981, 22" x 26", oil on linen)
Collection: Kat Griefen.

Gulliver Revisited
(1986, 30” x 24”, oil on linen)

Marsden Hartley Meets Wonder Woman
(1983, 30" x 20", oil on linen)
Collection: Jon Friedman and Joanne Barkan.

The Illusion Seekers
(1982, 24” x 24”, oil on linen)

Mr Bugs Goes to Town
(1983, 24" x 36", oil on linen)

(1983, 50" x 68", oil on linen)

(1984, 40" x 50", oil on linen)

Portrait of a Girl
(1985, 20" x 16", oil on canvas, oval)
Collection: Cherry Morris.

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Pig
(1983, 50" x 60", oil on linen)

The Postman Rings Twice
(1987, 50" x 40", oil on linen)
Collection: Jesse Ausubel.

The Quarrel
(1983, 12" x 12", oil on linen)
Collection: Phong Bui

Winged Flight
( 1982, 60" x 52", oil on linen)

Two Hands
(1984, 30” x 50” oil on linen)

Woman Artist Painting
(1982, 52" x 68", oil on linen)

©2024 Susan Bee