Susan Bee

Paintings 1990-2005


(1997, 50 x 68")

Amor Perdido
(2002, 20 x 24")
Collection: Peter and Meredith Quartermain.

(2002, 58 x 40"): detail 1, detail

The Bell Cracked
(1997, 58 x 48")

Beware the Lady
(1999, 50 x 40")

Buster 'n Sis
(1992, mixed media on canvas, 40.5 x 50". Collection: Susan Bernstein and Daniel Kleinman.

Fleurs de Mal
(2003, 58 x 36"): detail 1, detail 2

(cover of Adrienne Rich book, 2001)
Collection: Nick Piombino and Toni Simon.

Her Candle Burns Hot
(1999, 48 x 34")

1998, 36 x 24", oil and collage on linen,

(1990, oil and collage on linen, 80” x 50”;)

Human or Inhuman?
(2003, 20 x 24")

Ice Cream Sunday
(1998, 48 x 66")

Love is a Gentle Whip
(1999, 36 x 48")

Miss Dynamite
(2001, 50 x 34")

Monster Mitt
(1990, oil and collage on canvas, 16” x 20”)

See No Evil
(2001, 25 x 16") Collection: Rae Armantrout and Charles Korkegian.

Sign Under Test (with poems by Charles Bernstein)
(2002, 34 x 52")

Sojourner's Truth
(2000, 16 x10")
Collection: Erica Hunt and Marty Ehrlich.

Spider's Web
(1990, oil and collage on linen, 16 x 20)

Stormy Weather
(1990, oil and collage on linen, 16 x 20)

Swan Song
(1990, oil and collage on linen, 16 x 20)

Sprung Monuments (with poems by Charles Bernstein)
(2000, 50 x 56")

Weird Tales
(2001, 50 x 52"): detail 1, detail

Women Take Over
(2005, 20 x 24")

Note: All paintings are oil, or mixed media, and collage on linen.