Olivier Cadiot
adapted from the French by Charles Bernstein and Nick Piombino

An Extraordinary Adventure
Who Is An Adventure Extraordinarie


                                                                Toute le monde talks weather.

& Pierre who is not there!

The blue, this is what goes best for you

                          you're no gentleman, you'll have not my girl

                                                                              TOUTE LE MONDE (stupefied): Oh!

Why won't I have your

                                                                     Cause you're no    gentle-

Ah? I didn't know

                                                                              [...] TOUTE (astonished): Oh!

I have no other desire than to serve you

(for ever, ever ever ...)                        Ah! That's so beautiful!

                                                                 falling, staying, averting, delaying
hoping, hurtling

It is impossible to part. This is

I know that you are there. I love when you come

It rains. It's beautiful.


                                                                        a) The sea / and the tempests

When is it that he's to come? [...]


                                                                                    Who? Me? This's absurd?--

Completely. You coming? --No

He knows not if he has no reason to part

                                                                   He comes also. He comes no more.

                        I wish, I desire to part ...

                        I think in the park -- I think there. I think in
                                                                                               parks -- I think there

Who here comes here


                                                Ha! you there!


                                                                          You're not going to come? Sure!

remember the / remembering

My men friends, my other friends


                                                                                        love / am loved

                                                                          entire, entirety, light, slight

you part, eh? -- part!
we sleeping -- sleep

You love him, me not; me not; not me


                                                                          I have a bit, a bit too much

Part, parting

I see Pierre -- I see him there

Your blue dress. This, your blue dress. Your dress, blue

They faced their growing love growing difficult

                                                                                           admirably beautiful

quite too few, quite few, too few, quite too

                                                              ah! oh!



                                                             Then come next to me

Dream, \ dream, \ Song \\ to this night so \ cruel

                                                           (say, recount, think, believe ...)

It gets

today hardly beautiful
mediocre nice)

Come so's we'll talk

Also, is he coming                  A chance, that there's rain

I saw it all from the balcony (from the balcony)

                                                                           in winter, in summer, in autumn

It's for him that I cry        It's now that I weep

                                  (excepting, while, prior, during, follows)

He has acted badly toward you

The love of a child; this child is loved

What's doing and who's doing it? Me, part?

                                                                            He has agreed foolishly

here (close place) and there (far place)

Here! near me There!        a far place


                                                                          If I were you, or of you, or
                                                                                                                which of you

Smash me, I will not speak


                                                                                               Like me / to look
                                                                                               for / some ham?

I'll go, you'll go, we'll go

   Astonishing to see these guys, or how to see these guys

(She) sleeps, (we) sleep

It's getting warm, it's humid, it's getting hot, it's clear

It's night, it's day, it gets windy

I do this which pleases me
I do this which it pleases me
No, but who is this who was taken to her

much less, much more, much too little

You look at me, look close, look away

                                                                       it gets somber, it gets good
He looks at me and speaks to me. Doesn't look at me; doesn't speak to me. Look at me! speak to me!

It's night / it's a night marveilleusement

Where go you? To Paris. How go you? Rapidly.

He walks extremely quick, admirably rapid.

                                         A nice guy. This dress is very nice.

You come? --Uh huh. You not come? --Sure

I come from down there, he leaves from here

or stay there, comes there, goes by there

                                                                                 That he has not written! Those
                                                                                 [he did write!

                                                                                 That he has not written? Why
                                                                                 [didn't he write?

(Has he ever read?), after "without" (without ever stopping)

That it may rain
Weeping, wet

(to want, to wish, to tolerate)

The tempest ravages

drunk, drunkesse; nervous, nerveuse; foolish, foolish(e)

Who go and come:
 present period
Who went and came:
 past period
He doesn't go by:
 future period

We'll go no more into d'woods