Paul Blackburn


Pancho Villa or The Fate


In Spain one drinks from both cups.

Split a diamond      /       quarter it        /        cut it in eighths
the glamour of increasing surfaces.
                     And in getting below them
                     one partakes of aspects
                                   like wounds
The fact, the designation, are only two
                     ports of entry, Mister

                      Ulysse dixit:
                                         " I have been to talk to Tiresias.
He said, `Take an oar
and walk inland with it
until they think you are foolish.
                   Go even further
they will think it is something else.
That way you will live very long.' "

                       "Pero, trabajarlas senor, no es facil,"

meaning the earth Herself, meaning
his own damned terraces
                                      There was another said that to me
                                      meaning the bulls he fought
For the Poet
each poem

