Paul Blackburn


The Uses of the Eye


When the door of the next truck is open
it reads toward the cab

                                      —Z E N     T A B L E S,      the black dog
leaps on the man in pure
                                     friendliness—he only wants to leave. .
8    seats to a table
except one side of one table, only     3
                                                                the cigarette machine sits
                                                                makes its change
6    tables then
seating    47     deathsheads, the luncheon hour    .      Packed , a man
with a 100 lb. sack of cement walks past      .    The Modern World e-
                                          124 Warren Street, sayeth the truckside
                                                                    —Z E N     T A B L E S

The truck door closes
Driver climbs in : ,
The truck departs .
The hot cat

heads toward the door tail up, the black dog barks, the first of the

7     white dogs I .
meet on this mountain
greets me
                                     'mid a rain of pebbles & dirt .

                     "—and the an-gels sing,

                                      & leave

their singing

ringing                               in


                                          ears ."
