He constantly tortures himself to know who he is, he wants to know, wants to understand himself, but perhaps it is this ignorance of his self that is his strength, his destiny, never to understand himself and to remain always misunderstood ...

He offers himself totally, his head, hands, mind, soul, zipper, all open, not to expose himself, but as an initiatory gesture ...

This is his way of saying, I am here, everything I have is here take it ...

Such ego as he may be said to have is the referred ego of those outside of him who give it back to him as they see him ...

He is not generous in any received social, sentimental sense, it is simply his nature not an acquired virtue, a personal gesture, like the way he watches over others ...

He is a child in a sandbox asking others to come and play, but no one comes to play with him ...

More often than not, they mirror him, but the mirroring does not reflect, it obscures who he is ...


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