Digital Poetics: The Making of E-Poetries

by Loss Pequeño Glazier

Appendix II.

Mouseover Source Code

<TITLE>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mouseover&nbsp;&nbsp;Essay in JavaScript&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TITLE>

<!-- WRITING &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; is a non-breaking space. -->

<!--       If you saw this actual file the idea of a non-          -->
<!--       breaking space would be even more interesting.          -->
<!--       Status:  S        X 0 X                                 -->
<!--       Status:  0        O X 0                                 -->
<!--       Status:  S        O 0 X                                 -->

<!-- Perhaps the first thorough I-would-never-mis-lead-     -->
<!-- you or other misstatement of a poetics of static shock -->
<!-- ing online space. Is the present hypertext trickster   -->
<!-- up for grabs? These include online hypertext itself a  -->
<!-- argument through its own hypertextuality - its jumps,  -->
<!-- sidebars kicks gifs coughs subcutaneous sound jumpy    -->
<!-- divas & other features. This essay explores electronic -->

<!-- Now as to the text as body, it's non-breaking space of nodes, -->

<BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000060" LINK="#000060" VLINK="#000060">

<!-- its dialects, ideolects, amp private propriety. Following as  -->
<!-- an arcane mortified series of self-important 0s & Xs. Heh?    -->
<!-- (More of this further on.) Charlamos: we chat, fiddle hello   -->
<!-- how are you is: "Quen intica?"  (Como estas) so sue me        -->
<!-- or you may say "Tlen Tiahiahua"  (Que haces, que pasa?)       -->
<!-- more after we set up some coding burn Buffalo roams ecco qui. -->

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">

/* This code is Copyright (c) 1996 Nick Heinle and Athenia Associates,
* all rights reserved. In order to receive the right to license this 
* code for use on your site the original code must be copied from the
* Web site License is granted to user to 
* reuse this code on their own Web site if and only if this entire copyright
* notice is included. Code written by Nick Heinle of

       browserName = navigator.appName;
       browserVer = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
               if (browserName == "Netscape" && browserVer >= 3)
version = "n3";
               else version = "n2";
               if (version == "n3") {
             toction = new Image (42, 197);
             toction.src = "./images/toction.gif";
               toc1on = new Image(42, 197);
               toc1on.src = "./images/toc1on.gif";
               toc2on = new Image(42, 197);
               toc2on.src = "./images/toc2on.gif";
               toc3on = new Image(42, 197);
               toc3on.src = "./images/toc3on.gif";
               toc4on = new Image(42, 197);
               toc4on.src = "./images/toc4on.gif";
             toctioff = new Image(42, 197);
             toctioff.src = "./images/toctioff.gif";
               toc1off = new Image(42, 197);
               toc1off.src = "./images/toc1off.gif";
               toc2off = new Image(42, 197);
               toc2off.src = "./images/toc2off.gif";
               toc3off = new Image(42, 197);
               toc3off.src = "./images/toc3off.gif";
               toc4off = new Image(42, 197);
               toc4off.src = "./images/toc4off.gif";

       function img_act(imgName) {
               if (version == "n3") {
               imgOn = eval(imgName + "on.src");
               document [imgName].src = imgOn;

       function img_inact(imgName) {
               if (version == "n3") {
               imgOff = eval(imgName + "off.src");
               document [imgName].src = imgOff;



<!-- Title ------------------------------------------------------------ -->

<!-- technology's opportunities for the production, rubber  -->
<!-- texts but most importantly, argues that electronic     -->
<!-- mass of fits and starts. Links are at the center of a  -->
<!-- space is a space of writing. For previous excursions   -->
<!-- into this a written terrain of links and jumps one     -->
<!-- need only look to the language experiments of "If I'm  -->
<!-- the captain who's Tenille?" ury. Such poets include    -->
<!-- Gertrude Stein, Charles Olson, Robert Creeley, and     -->


<td><A HREF = "./ti.html" 
        onMouseover = "img_act('tocti')" 
        onMouseout = "img_inact('tocti')">
       <IMG BORDER = 0 NAME = "tocti" 
        SRC = "./images/toctistart.gif" width=576 height=108
	ALT = "Mouseover  Essay in JavaScript"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<A HREF=""><img src="./sound.gif" border=0></A>

<tr><td><p align=right>(<font size=5>by Dr. Loss Peque&ntilde;o Glazier, 
Mv. IT</font>)



<!-- 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ -->

<!-- Language-related experimentalists such as Charles      -->
<!-- which it is transmitted. If relevant previous poetic   -->
<!-- Bernstein, Ron Silliman, and Susan Howe. Electronic    -->
<!-- edition, a lively investigative language of the link   -->
<!-- this experimental poetry: to varying degrees, writing  -->
<!-- is about a subject, but also about the medium through  -->
<!-- experiments involved the exploration of language as    -->

<td><A HREF = "./1.html" 
        onMouseover = "img_act('toc1')" 
        onMouseout = "img_inact('toc1')">
       <IMG BORDER = 0 NAME = "toc1" 
        SRC = "./images/toc1start.gif" width=504 height=216
	ALT = "Take a Java Break while you wait"
(reminiscencia de un idioma)&nbsp;&nbsp;
neither.ram"><img src="./sound.gif" border=0></A>

<!-- 2 --------------------------------------------------------------- -->

<!-- physical, what are the physical parameters of webbed   -->
<!-- only the incessantly reconstituted links dissolve each -->
<!-- online space? Texts move not only within themselves    -->
<!-- ference of junk mail, frets of information, systemic   -->
<!-- failures, ephemera, disunion There is no resting place -->
<!-- time the reading is entered The physical features most -->
<!-- archiving, distribution, and promotion of poetic       -->

<td><A HREF = "./2.html" 
        onMouseover = "img_act('toc2')" 
        onMouseout = "img_inact('toc2')">
       <IMG BORDER = 0 NAME = "toc2" 
        SRC = "./images/toc2start.gif" width=504 height=216
	ALT = "Take a Java Break while you wait"

(off = black and white)&nbsp;&nbsp;
a-clock.ram"><img src="./sound.gif" border=0></A>

<!-- 3 --------------------------------------------------------------- -->

<!-- writing, like previous instances of writing, engages   -->
<!-- is employed helping to develop the essay's alexical    -->
<!-- the double "mission" of writing evident in some of     -->
<!-- but to socially-charged externalities, a webbed inter- -->
<!-- electronic hypertextual writing & links introduce dis- -->
<!-- is made toward the building of an electronic poetics   -->
<!-- can be the source viewed, a field prepared, furrowed,  -->

<td><A HREF = "./3.html" 
        onMouseover = "img_act('toc3')" 
        onMouseout = "img_inact('toc3')">
       <IMG BORDER = 0 NAME = "toc3" 
        SRC = "./images/toc3start.gif" width=504 height=216
	ALT = "Take a Java Break while you wait"

(los Espa&ntilde;oles, y de Indios, de su jurisdicci&oacute;n)&nbsp;&nbsp;
a-forest.ram"><img src="./sound.gif" border=0></A>

<!-- 4 --------------------------------------------------------------- -->

<!-- Is no news to poetics. It is through a poetic of peri- -->
<!-- mental poetries that a framework is sketchd & progress -->
<!-- where experiments that change pork language may inform -->
<!-- junction. This post-typographic & non-linear disunion  -->
<!-- electronic air we breathe. Thus writings physical ter- -->
<!-- rain, opened & explored by such the pioneers of poetry -->
<!-- fretted, and unfettered for electronic exploration.    -->

<td><A HREF = "./4.html" 
        onMouseover = "img_act('toc4')" 
        onMouseout = "img_inact('toc4')">
       <IMG BORDER = 0 NAME = "toc4" 
        SRC = "./images/toc4start.gif" width=504 height=216
	ALT = "Take a Java Break while you wait"
(&nbsp;A <blink>Docu-<br>
ment Source</blink> is writing too.) 
the-prob.ram"><img src="./sound.gif" border=0></A>

<!-- End ------------------------------------------------------------- -->



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