Appendix I. GREP Works
Exhibit II.

Grep sections from "The Fishtail"

The friendship between Hawthorne
& Melville at Arrowhead, early 1850s.

[from M]

which Shakespearpe plays his grandest

for Shakespeare his loftiest, but most

philosophers Shakespeare is not adored

who dream of Shakespeare as a mere man

make Shakespeare, Shakespeare. Through

Shakespeare, has been lavished upon

indices. In Shakespeare's tomb lies

infinitely more than Shakespeare ever

wrote. And if I magnify Shakespeare,

in Shakespeare and other masters of

Shakespeare be seldom taken by his

Shakespeare, who was forced to the

start to read of Shakespeare

touching Shakespeare at least,

Shakespeare absolutely unapproachable.

But Shakespeare has been approached.

as Shakespeare into the universe. And

adoration of Shakespeare has grown to

must believe in Shakespeare's

inferior to Shakespeare, are this day

life-time, Shakespeare was not

Shakespeare, but only Master William

Shakespeare of the shrewd, thriving

business firm of Condell, Shakespeare

I mean, that if Shakespeare

on record, Shakespeare cannot be

between whom and Shakespeare the


H [Epigraph]

"And you have once in your life passed a holy church in Cape-Town, illuminate the solemn churches that preach unconditional cheerful-looking church, planted in a grove. But one night, under sold; the mother dived down into the long church-yard grass; her the churchyard, and come hither, till we marry thee!" of a church! What's here?"


Man of Mosses. His "Old Manse" has

Mosses on the Old Manse never

is the 'Mosses from an Old Manse'."

Old Manse, of whom it is

humor bathes that Old Manse!--the rich

The orchard of the Old Manse seems the

an Old Manse" will be ultimately

all excellent books were
title-page of an excellent book, but

book-stores--heard of it often--even

book, perhaps too deserving of

are so many books called "excellent,"

this while, the book, like wine, was

the book was closed, when the spell

say who reads a book by an Englishman

in those two books, which, had they

that the book contained one such

originally taking hold of the book,

assumption that the books of

farm-house--a mile from any other

riot through the peaceful house, wrap

down the house,--those mistaken souls,

embraces upon the household of an

the household fire of a grand

<title>Hawthorne and His Mosses, by

Hawthorne and His Mosses

Man of Mosses. His &quot;Old Manse&quot; has

Mosses on the Old Manse never

is the 'Mosses from an Old Manse'.&quot;

and Mosses,&quot; said I, &quot;no more: it is

of Mosses.</p>

&quot;Mosses,&quot; picking up many things

yesterday of these Mosses, I had

these Mosses, I shall have

&quot;Mosses,&quot; that they must on no

of Mosses takes great delight in

hereafter write, &quot;The Mosses from

Man of Mosses. His &quot;Old Manse&quot; has

Mosses on the Old Manse never

is the 'Mosses from an Old Manse'.&quot;

from Melville's Letters to Hawthorne

We will have mulled wine with wisdom, &

buttered toast with story-telling & crack

jokes & bottles from morning till night.

"The House of the Seven Gables: A Romance. By Nathaniel

enjoyment we spent almost an hour in each separate gable. This

exultation with the remembrance that the architect of the Gables

publisher's point of view) allusions to the "Seven Gables." And I

piazza, I saw it gilded on the back of a very new book, and in

<EM>Hawthorne's</EM> new book." I entered the cars at Boston for

book!" -- In good time I arrived home. Said my lady-wife "there

is Mr <EM>Hawthorne's</EM> new book, come by mail" And this

As I am only just home, I have not yet got far into the book but

record in his books. -- I heard nothing more, till a few days

If you come across a little book called "Taughconic"-- look into

having the greatest space allotted you.-- It is a "Guide Book" to

Hawthorne. One vol. 16mo, pp. 344." The contents of this book do

book is like a fine old chamber, abundantly, but still

in England, say. We think the book, for pleasantness of running

is a final hash, and all my books are botches. I'm rather sore,

short-lived as a modern book? Though I wrote the Gospels in this

the country to feel the grass -- and end the book reclining on

which the whole book is broiled might not unreasonably have

cooked it all ere this. This is the book's motto (the secret

work with that book, but is the good goddess's bonus over and

having understood the book. I have written a wicked book, and

the book. But, now and then as you read, you understood the

pervading thought that impelled the book -- and that you praised.

about the book. That would be robbing me of my miserly delight. I

that book. It is true that some <EM>men</EM> have said they were

some vague idea while writing it, that the whole book was

to both of you about another Wonder-(full) Book. But as it is, I

Post Rode, there stands a post surmounted with a little rude wood

his Estate which amounted to $20,000-- about 15 months afterwards

comes. Graylock -- we must go and vagabondize there. But ere we

too. Life is a long Dardenelles, My Dear Madam, the shores

him at first. <EM>It</EM> was only when some years of life ashore

too. Life is a long Dardenelles, My Dear Madam, the shores

coming to any prim nonsensical house -- that is nonsensical in

of the house, holding a beaming volume in her hand, from the city

way off-- higher up,-- a light-house, where resides the father of

encroached also upon that part where their dwelling-house stands

near the light-house.--� Filled with meditations, she

to by Agatha at the house during the illness ensuing upon his

<EM>thing</EM>.-- Owing to the remoteness of the lighthouse from

the junction of what we shall call the Light-House road with this

boy drops all letters for the people of the light house & that

house, to warn people from those very perils, from which he

gentleman from Missouri Mr Janney came to my house last Sunday

to meet them about half a mile from her father's house. This

jealous suspicious man-- that when a person called at his house

"The House of the Seven Gables: A Romance. By Nathaniel

through the Custom House. What's the reason, Mr. Hawthorne, that

is, and incapable of the long jolting to get to your house and

been building some shanties of houses (connected with the old

the north of the old farm house here.<P>

paper-mill established at one end of the house, and so have an

after arriving here at Pittsfield I received thro' the Post

daughter of a Mrs Irvin formerly of Pittsburgh Pa. and that Mrs

hospitably entertained and cared for, and that within a year

cannot be had in all Pittsfield, -- a fact which sadly impairs

that metropolitan pride I formerly took in the capital of

Berkshire. Henceforth Pittsfield must hide its head. However, if

a pair of <EM>bootees</EM> will at all answer, Pittsfield will be

"Pittsfield Secret Review," and here I have landed in Africa.<P>

try to preach the Truth from its very stronghold, the pulpit, and

they would ride him out of his church on his own pulpit

fool with a heart, than Jupiter Olympus with his head. The reason

like a watch. (You perceive I employ a capital initial in the

What a pity, that, for your plain, bluff letter, you should get

I forgot to say, that your letter was sent to me from Pittsfield

very soon. Meantime, the earliest good chance I get, I shall roll

down to you, my good fellow, seeing we -- that is, you and I, --

must hit upon some little bit of vagabondism, before Autumn

comes. Graylock -- we must go and vagabondize there. But ere we

start, we must dig a deep hole, and bury all Blue Devils, there

to abide till the Last Day.�� ����� Goodbye, his X mark.