Prof. Loss Glazier, PROCEDURAL POETICS, SPRING 2001 , Weds 12:30-15:10, 232 CFA Office hours: Fridays 11-1 or by appointment COURSE OUTLINE, 1-31-01 (Subject to change*) Jan. 17 INTRODUCTION. Jan. 24 INTRODUCTION. "Between the Academy & a Hard Drive" ( "Lit[art]ure--Something Old, Something New" ( Jan. 31 CAGE. "Indeterminacy" by John Cage ( Oral (Jonathan Minton): procedure. Feb. 7 CAGE EW 1-97. Oral (Leslie Graff): Essays: and Feb. 14 CAGE EW 98-187. Oral (On-Ook Oh): "The Music of Verbal Space: John Cage's 'What You Say'" by Marjorie Perloff ( and John Cage, "What You Say" (#2 at Feb. 21 MAC LOW PRESENTATIONS. 3 Orals on Mac Low procedures/poems: (Patrick Durgin on Mac Low's "Daily Life" method; Barbara Cole on Words N Ends for Ez/Bloomsday; and ___) FEB 28 - NO CLASS: ATTEND E-POETRY 2001 IN APRIL INSTEAD ====== March 7 SPRING BREAK 3/5-3/9 ====== March 14 PROPOSALS FOR FINAL PROJECTS + ORAL 2 -- to be scheduled March 21 MAC LOW. Oral: George Hartley, "'Listen' & 'Relate': Notes Towards a Reading of Jackson Mac Low" (Ramona Santamaria) March 28 OULIPO. Orals: Oulipo introduction (Maria Chenevert), Oulipo procedures (John Long), Oulipo web (Adam Caccamise). April 4 OULIPO. Oral (___): April 11 HARTMAN. Oral (___): / FRENCH PRACTICE. Oral (Rebecca Riche): April 18 - NO CLASS: ATTEND E-POETRY 2001 INSTEAD ======> E-POETRY 2001: Weds. April 18, 4-5pm CFA; Thurs.-Sat., April 19-21 9-5pm at Marriott; 7:30-9pm at TBA. See for details. April 25 LAST CLASS - FINAL PROJECT PRESENTATIONS *Note: PLEASE CHECK YOUR E-MAIL the night before & the morning of class each week! See also: Course description |