English 584/DMS 584 - Spring, 2000
Professor Loss Pequeño Glazier
This project should be geared to your accomplishing your own goals relevant to Web-based writing. Obviously, the more one can do technologically, the more what you learn will last. However, each student is at a different level, has different amounts of time, and has different goals. The minimum requirement is that the project is Web-accessible; it is desirable that projects also add in some way to available Web resources relevant to digital poetry.
Accordingly, I suggest here a range of projects, all involving different skill levels. Please feel free to choose a project based on your interest. Projects will not be judged on the amount of technology they engage. Instead, they will be looked at in terms of how you apply and interpret digital concepts and how effective your design is. (Effective design does NOT require design to be complicated.) Texts and authors upon which projects are based are to be selected in coordination with the instructor.
Here are some suggested options for the project.
1. EPC author page. Using an HTML template, create an author page. Requires the compilation of a brief bibliography, some Web searches for relevant texts, and optionally the mark-up of a literary text by your author. Finding a photo of the author is also useful. This option basically involves assembly of some author materials. HTML level: low+ to medium.
2. Web-readable essay. Write a substantial essay on an author or theme relevant to the subject of this course. Emphasis here is on the exploration of digital poetry in its literary context. This project relies on one main Web-readable page and should include a small number of links to externally-relevant resources. HTML level: low to medium-.
3. Mark-up of a literary text. Prepare a literary text (poetry or prose) for the Web. This project relies on one main Web-readable page and should include one or two links to relevant resources. HTML level: low to medium-.
4. Scholarly hypertext. Create a scholarly version on/about a topic or text. Emphasis here is on the preparation of interrelated pages. That is, several pages that might be interlinked in any number of ways. Number of links can be moderate. The emphasis is that the hypertext you build here will illuminate a given work, selection of works, or author, through the conceptual design of your hypertext. HTML level: low to medium+.
5. Project of your own design. In coordination with instructor. HTML level: varies.
Project Examples
Basic mark-up for an essay or literary text:
<title>My Project</title>
<center>My Project</center><p>
<center>by Jill Jillway</center><p>
One, two, buckle my shoe. Three, four, open the door. One, two, buckle my shoe. Three, four, open the door. <p>
One, two, buckle my shoe. Three, four, open the door. One, two, buckle my shoe. Three, four, open the door. <p>
For more information on this subject consult the <a href="http://writing.upenn.edu/epc">Electronic Poetry Center</a>.<p>
Mark-up for an essay for an EPC author page basically requires filling in an online template. Following are the two areas of the template you would change, with material you would provide underlined:
<img src="./authorname.jpg" *[
make link to photo]border=1 width=300 height=300 align=center>
<font size=2><br>
Photo credit: © 1995 Photographer Name *[
provide photog. name]<br><br>
</td><td><font size=7>
Author Name *[
fill in author name]</font></td></tr></table></center>
href="http://writing.upenn.edu/epc/authors/name/name.pub.html">Bio Notes & Publications</a><br>
<ul><I><font size=5>Writings</font></I>
Text or link title</a>