Books of Poems:
Dusk Road Games (poems, 1960-66). Cambridge,
MA: Pym-Randall Press, 1967.
Sentences Towards Birds (41 poems from Sentences).
Kensington, CA: L Press, 1975.
Series (poems, 1967-71). San Francisco: This Press, 1978.
Sentences (500 poems on 5" x 8" index cards, boxed,
1972-77). Cambridge, MA Whale Cloth Press, 1978.
CAMBRIDGE M'ASS (265 poems on 40" x 48" poster). Berkeley,
CA: Tuumba Press, 1979.
Oakland. Berkeley, CA: Tuumba Press, 1980.
A Day At The Beach. New York: Roof Books, 1985.
Phantom Anthems. Oakland, CA: O Books, 1986.
What I Believe. Elmwood, CT: Potes & Poets Press, 1988.
What I Believe transpiration/transpiring Minnesota
(66 8.5" x 11" pages, unbound, boxed). Oakland, CA: O Books, 1991.
12 from r h y m m s (12 4-color 8-1/2" x 11" drawing
poems in envelope). Scotia, NY: Pavement Saw Press, 1996.
OWL/ON/BOU/GH (32 4-color 11" x 17" drawing poems in
black portfolio). Sausalito, CA: Post-Apollo Press, 1997.
Online Works
Attention (essay on narrative). Canton NY:
The Institute of Further Studies, 1985.
Grenier Talk (Frost Place, Franconia, NH, August 6,
1993). Easton, NH: : t h a t, 1996.
Books Edited:
Selected Poems. By Robert Creeley. New York: Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1976.
Waters/Places/A Time. By Larry Eigner. Los Angeles,
CA: Black Sparrow Press, 1983.
Windows/Walls/Yard/Ways. By Larry Eigner. Santa Rosa,
CA: Black Sparrow Press, 1993.
r e a d i n e s s / e n o u g h / d e p e n d s / o
n. By
Larry Eigner. Los Angeles, CA: Sun & Moon Press, 1997.
Collected Poems. By Larry Eigner. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2009.
Selected Poems: Georg Trakl (co-translator). Ed. Christopher
Middleton. London: Jonathan Cape, 1968.
Articles & Poems in Anthologies:
The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book. Ed. Bruce Andrews & Charles
Bernstein. Carbondale, IL; Southern Illinois University Press, 1984.
Writing/Talks. Ed. Bob Perelman. Carbondale, IL;
Southern Illinois University Press, 1984.
In The American Tree. Ed. Ron Silliman. Orono, ME: The
National Poetry Foundation, 1986.
21 + 1 American Poets Today. Ed. Emmanuel Hocquard & Claude
Royet-Journoud. Paris: Delta, 1986.
Up Late: American Poetry Since 1970. Ed. Andrei Codrescu.
New York: 4 Walls/8 Windows, 1988.
O One/An Anthology. Ed. Leslie Scalapino. Oakland, CA:
O Books, 1988.
The Line In Postmodern Poetry. Ed. Robert Frank & Henry
Sayre. Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1988.
Out Of This World. Ed. Anne Waldman. New York Crown Books, 1991.
O Four/An Anthology. Ed. Leslie Scalapino. Oakland,
CA: O Books, 1993.
Postmodern American Poetry. Ed. Paul Hoover. New York:
Norton, 1993.
From The Other Side Of The Century: A New American Poetry.
1960-1990. Ed. Douglas Messerli. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1994.
Co-founder: This magazine, 1971-74.