Anselm Hollo
Introduction to his translations of Paavo Haaviko
from Paavo Haaviko and Tomas Tranströmer – Selected Poems
Paavo Haavikko; born in 1931, has emerged as the most original of the poets who first published their work in the 1950s. His poems are meditative, cautious, ironical in tone— everything but 'safe', full of sudden switches from one level of discourse and consciousness to an another. At the same· time, they' are not purely introspective: history reflected as 'story' is an important part of them, and references to contemporary existential and economic conditions are woven into the fabric of meditation. The voice is a speaking voice, moving it1 slow, careful cadences, sometimes quietly incantatory, but not striving for cheap hypnotic effect: As I tell you The Emperor is an image,
And the thought, the bird, the owl I have misled you. You try to peer through the branches But again when you close your eyes I have misled you, The Empire lies in your heart, The Empire is built and destroyed And it dies
The third movement of The Bowmen is a version of that recently popular song The Universal Soldier (by Buffy Sainte-Marie, the Cree Indian singer)—which may sound irrelevant, but isn't, as Haavikko's poem is based on an older Finnish folk song expressing essentially the same view of soldiering: What use such a thing And land you were promised land you shall have Open your eyes and you'll get it into your eyes as well And if you can't see any longer
The Bowmen ends with a short fifth movement, the actual legend of the 'King's bowmen'— a harking back to the first part, with its flickering images of blood and gold, and also to the facts of history relating to the Universal Soldier: The leaves Not heavy We go Strangely enough, despite · the frequently violent 'and · archaic imagery and the insistence on dream, myth, transformations of the past, the overall impression is one of serenity, even a· kind of classicism: history as stories, legends, sayings has entered the poet's mind without the reservations and qualifications we are taught to .put up .against it! and in the poem's language it receives the. form given to it by that mind, not as linear discourse but as units of sound,, verbal meaning and visual association, moving towards. us and passing us, leaving us . where we are, our place—thus 'cool', and certainly not 'committed' to driving any simple A to B line. The Cantos come' to mind: like Pound, Haavikko is a poet who rejects purely literary knowledge and the realm of pure aesthetics as well as the outworn conceptions of poet-as-troubadour, ·or poet-as-sensitive-sufferer, or poet-as-shaman (in the—sense of 'funny ogre providing us with kicks'). Yet, and apart from considerable ideological, or rather, philosophical differences, all understanding of EP's method in let us say Near Perigord (1916) provides the means of comparatively easy enjoyment of Haavikko's Bowmen and other longer works of his such as Birthplace, even The Winter Palace. The outworn concepts are what both Pound and Haavikko reject: both are, however, aware of the remaining possibilities in trobar and incantation, but in a vastly more complex framework than the nineteenth century could dream of. Some Finnish critics have called Haavikko an 'imagist' ; but that label seems just a label, as Haavikko is too conscious of existing and working in his own time, and in accord with it—taking 'time' to mean both chronology and the structuring of speech and sound. He is post-Imagist, post-Surrealist, post-Dada, in a sense similar to that of the present younger generation of American poets—Robert Creeley, Robert Duncan, Jack Spicer. His affinities back to Pound and Eliot may be, stronger than those to, say, Apollinaire or the Surrealists: Haavikko is wary of piling metaphor on metaphor, of losing the actual ground under his feet. If d1e imagery in some parts of his work seems 'closed', extremely personal, the overall image-totality has unmistakable organic presence—it has breath, voice; is not silent, though it may be quiet and often obsessed by the possibility of silence: Birthplace, a poem in four movements, deals with the ways Finland has been an integral part of European history—not only in wars, revolutions, manmade upheavals, but also, and perhaps more interestingly and permanently, in terms such as these: The wood of the pine-tree, used with great care, ... ...
Three years after the publication of Birthplace Haavikko surprised some of his less aware, uncritical admirers by a collection titled Leaves, News: to others who had not yet, in 1958, attuned their ears to the 'new poetry', this book proved even more aggravating than the previous three collections. The poems were pointed, satirical and plainly short of the old qualities of lyricism, 'poetic beauty', etc. Haavikko's eroticism, his awareness of the complexities of communication involved in any sexual relationship, found words in a series of short poems of which 'You marry the moon' is fairly typical: You marry the moon That touches on the central theme in The Winter Palace, a long poem in nine parts, which appeared in 1959 and marked the end of Haavikko's first decade of writing poems. It is more openly meditative, personal, than the earlier sequences—more of a 'voice in the mind'; the American poet John Ashbery, another contemporary master of the poetic meditation, has said that it may well be one of the great poems of this century; the German poet-critic Hans Magnus Enzensberger finds in it a 'reflection of history's atmospherical pressure on a whole decade, the 1950s'—which makes it sound grimmer than it is. It is a love poem, a truly modern love poem. It is not an easy poem to follow, to quote from, to discuss: no easier than 'love' ... Two women I have drawn for you here, 'Woman', 'world', 'house': the seeming simplicity of these recurring nodes of feeling gives The Winter Palace a strange beauty, clear on the surface like a big crystal, yet containing whorls and flickering flames of hallucination, increasingly evident the longer you look and listen. It is both 'open and closed',, a world unmistakably its own, communicating itself to other worlds—perhaps as many as there are readers—on a level of remarkable purity. It can hardly be paraphrased, yet it is not 'hermetic' : the certainty of that voice appears to have been gained through the realization that only the particular—of which Eliot claimed (complained?) that it 'had no language'—is worth the attempt, is 'productive speech', or as close as any man can get it. It is there, a world, waiting for others to discover as much of it as they can. Since The Winter Palace, Haavikko has published one further volume of poetry, three plays, three novels and a collection of short stories. The plays, Munchhausen and The Dolls —the latter 16 based on Tommaso Landolfi's story Gogol's Wife —have been tagged as belonging to the Theatre of the Absurd, and influences of Samuel Beckett and the nouveau roman have been 'detected' in the prose. In his prose, Haavikko is a distinctly urban writer, a comparatively new thing to be in Finnish—language literature; but he is not urbane and does not hanker for 'international recognition', wanting to be 'in the mainstream of modern literature', etc.—those ambitions of lesser writers who feel psychologically trapped within their small linguistic and national group. He is not a writer easily picked up by the publicity machinery of bigtime Anglo-American book industry, not being a 'colourful personality', rebel, screamer, etc. nor a polemicist, theoretician, founder of groups or schools: he who knows so well what true 'image' is, has not cared to create a public image of himself Haavikko leads a quiet life, the way the lives of Stephane Mallarme or Wallace Stevens ·were' quiet'; his personal biography does not arouse journalistic curiosity—born 1931 in Helsinki; went to school there; spent part of his military service time in hospital; published his first book of poems at the age of twenty; lives in Helsinki; worked part-time in his brother's real estate business for many years, but has now joined a publishing house; has two children from his marriage to the novelist Marja-Liisa Vartio who died in the early summer of 1966. London, |