Gustave  Morin

Photo: Gustave Morin Photo: DFB
Works Online
Biblio Notes & Publications


Part werewolf, part ferris wheel, Canadian writer, artist & performer gustave morin was born of French-Canadian & German stock, in Kitchener Ontario in 1972; but in 1980 his bewildered & hapless parents fled to Windsor, the Canadian suburb of Detroit, to see to it that he narrowly escape an almost predetermined life of crime. At or around the age of 13 he realized, with growing horror, that it was necessary to "do something" with their life. Initially he thought to become a spy, then, cartoonist, and from there decided to write novels of horror. In his maturity,  he is actually an amalgam of all three, a fact little-known. Since his early teens he has funneled and focused his volatile energies and latent criminal mind into a host of artful projects including the writing, publishing, exhibition and performance of many varied & various works of cultural esoterica. Although most known as a major contemporary voice in the literary sub-idiom of concrete poetry, that is not the only thing that he does -- as you may or may not ever come to know...


Nein Typos, Tonerworks, 2008
The Etcetera Barbecue, Bookthug, 2006
A Penny Dreadful, Insomniac Press, 2003 (pulped 2005
p.mody's dada boutique, Stained Paper Archive, 1997
Sun Kissed Oranges, Scratch & Sniff, 1995
rusted childhood memoirs, Runaway Spoon Press, 1994

Works Online


  • The Black F [collaboration between labial d. frenley, Sanjay Dichotomy & Mazen Jaber]

Created: Saturday, March 29, 2008 Updated: Tuesday, July 29, 2008