Winner of the SAMLA Studies Prize of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, a Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book Citation, and the Kayden Prize for best book in the humanities from a university press. Nominated for an American Book Award.
Writing between the Lines: Race and Intertextuality.
Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press, 1994.
"Black Chant:" Languages of African-American Postmodernism.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
C. L. R. James: A Critical Introduction. Jackson, MS:
University Press of Mississippi, 1997.
Integral Music: The Lineage of African-American Postmodernism.
forthcoming from the University of Georgia Press.
Evacuation Routes: A User's Guide. Oakland, CA: Score Press, 1992. (**available online at the SUNY Buffalo Electronic Poetry Center)
Stepping Razor. Washington, D.C.: Edge Books, 1996.
"Patterns of Subversion in the Poetry of Jupiter Hammon and Phillis Wheatley." Western Journal of Black Studies. 6 (1982), 212-219.
"Theme and Variations: The Early Poetics of Amiri Baraka and Jay Wright." The Kaleidoscopic Torch: Amiri Baraka, A Tribute. Ed. James Gwynne. New York: Stepping Stones Press, 1985. 116-127.
"Mark Twain's Puddn'head Wilson and the Novel of the Tragic Mulatto." Greyfriar: Siena Studies in Literature. XXVI, 14-30.
"This Means That: On the Poetry of David Bromige." The Difficulties. 3 (1987), 73-75.
"Of a Further Instant's: On the Poetry of Douglas Messerli." Aerial. 4 (1988), 54-56.
"On Against the American Grain: William Carlos Williams, Jay Wright and Nioclas Guillen." (review essay) The William Carlos Williams Review. 14.1 (1988): 135-40.
"Whose Blues: William Carlos Williams and Jazz." The William Carlos Williams Review. 15.2 (1989). 1-8.
"The Sense of Unending: A Post-Script to C.L.R. James's Renegades, Mariners and Castaways: Herman Melville and the World We Live in." Emergences 1.1 (1990). 5-23.
"Review of the American Social History Project Videos and Film." (review essay co-authored with Nancy Grey Osterud and Roy Christman) American Quarterly. 43.3 (1991): 457-63.
"Melvin B. Tolson and the Deterritorialization of Modernism." Black American Literature Forum. 26.2 (1992): 241-255.
"Reading James Reading: C.L.R. James on Heidegger and
the Novels of Wilson Harris." Hambone 10 (1992): 205-211.
"Gassire's Lute (On the Writings of Nathaniel Mackey)."
Talisman 9 (1992): 66-68.
"Poetics and Science." Textures 4 (1993):
"Breaking In: An Introduction to Race and Intertextuality."
The Arkansas Quarterly 2.3 (1993): 177-202.
"Clark Coolidge and a Jazz Aesthetic." Pacific
Coast Philology (1993): 94-112.
"In the Last of the Small Hours: African-American Prose
Poetry and the Politics of Inclusion." The CAAS Report:
The UCLA Center for Afro-American Studies 15.1 & 2 (1994):
"Reading James Reading." (rpt of 1992 article) in
The Intellectual Legacies of C.L.R. James. Selwyn Cudjoe
and Bill Cain, Eds. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press,
1995. 348-355.
"Hieroglyphics of Space: Wilson Harris in The Waiting
Room." Callaloo. 18.1 (1995): 125-31.
"Nostalgia and the Racial Epiphany." C.L.A. Journal.
XXXIX.2 (1996): 195-207.
"C. L. R. James: The Black Critic as Prisoner and Artist."
River City. 16.2 (1996): 62-73.
"Black Deconstruction: Russell Atkins and the Reconstruction
of African-American Criticism." Diacritics 26.3-4
(1996): 86-103.
"Baraka's Fugitive Fictions." forthcoming in African
American Review.
"The Tool Collector." Whose Woods These Are.
Ed. Karren Alenier. Washington, D.C.: Word Works, 1983. 134.
"Route E." Best American Poems of 1988. Ed.
John Ashbery. New York: Scribners, 1988. 142-143.
"Snow over Johannesburg." Words Save Lives: Poets
for Amnesty. San Jose, CA: Amnesty International and the San
Jose Center for Poetry and Literature Press, 1991. up
"Language--Nudity--Violence." The Gertrude Stein
Awards in Innovative American Poetry 1993-1994. Los Angeles:
Sun & Moon Press, 1995. 251-256.
"19th Century Pleasures." The Gertrude Stein Awards.
Los Angeles: Sun and Moon Press, 1996: 210-211.
Charles Bernstein, Controlling Interests, and Rosmarie
Waldrop, When They Have Senses, rev. in Gargoyle
17/18, 71.
Keith and Rosmarie Waldrop, eds., A Century in Two Decades,
rev. in Washington Review April/May 1983.
Bruce McPherson, ed., Likely Stories, rev. in Gargoyle
22/23, 100-101.
Heather Steliga, Water Runs to What is Wet, rev. in
Gargoyle 22/23, 77-78.
Amiri Baraka, reggae or not, and New Poetry--New
Music, rev. in Gargoyle 22/23, 92-93.
Diane Ward, Never Without One, and James Wine, Longwalks,
rev. in Ariel I.2, 46- 47.
Michael Gizzi, Bird As, Avis and Species of
Intoxication, rev. in Gargoyle 27, 192-194.
Alan Davies, Active 24 Hours, rev. in Gargoyle
27, 153-154.
Keith Waldrop, A Ceremony Somewhere Else, The Quest for Mount Misery and The Ruins of Providence, rev. in Gargoyle 27, 102-103.
Beth Joselow, The April Wars, rev. in Washington
Review, Feb/March 1985. 33.
Bruce Andrews and Charles Bernstein, eds. The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E=
Book. and Barret Watten, Total Syntax. rev. in Gargoyle
32/33, 360-364.
Clark Coolidge, The Crystal Text and Solution Passage,
rev. in Washington Review, June/July 1987, 29.
Lynne Dreyer, The White Museum, and Rosmarie Waldrop,
The Reproduction of Profiles, rev. in Washington Review
Oct/Nov 1988, 28.
David Bromige. Desire: Selected Poems. The Washington Review. XV.5 (1990): 29.
William Bronk, Death is the Thing. and Rita Dove, Grace
Notes. The Washington Post. April 8, 1990.
Bernadette Meyer, Sonnets; Diane Ward, Relation;
and Geoffrey Young, Rocks and Deals. Washington Review
16.4 (1991): 28-29.
Clarence Major, Some Observations of a Stranger at Zuni.
rev. in Washington Review February/March, 1991. 29.
Harrison Fisher, World Prefix, and Wayne Kline, Asbestos.
rev. in ScoreReview 36 (1991): 1-2.
Tom Mandel. Realism and Four Strange Books. Washington
Review June/July 1991, 29.
Amiri Baraka. The LeRoi Jones / Amiri Baraka Reader.
Ed. William J. Harris. Multicultural Review. 1.1 (1992):
Lucille Clifton. quilting: poems 1987-1990. and Thylias Moss. At Redbones. Multicultural Review. 1.2 (1992): 73-74.
Eric Easter, Michael Cheers and Dudley Brooks. Songs of
My People: African Americans: A Self-Portrait. Multicultural
Review. 1.3 (1992): 62.
Brenda Marie Osbey. Desperate Characters, Dangerous Woman.
Multicultural Review. 1.3 (1992): 57-58.
Eric Sundquist. To Wake the Nations: Race in the Making
of American Literature. The Washington Post Book World.
Feb. 21, 1993. 3,11.
Ron Silliman. Toner. lower limit speech 4
(1993): 2-3.
Lyn Hejinian. The Cell and Oxota. Washington
Review XVII.6 (1993): 25.
Michael Davidson. Post Hoc. and Elizabeth Robinson.
in the sequence of falling things. lower limit speech.
5 (1993): 3-4.
J.P. Clark-Bekederemo. Collected Poems 1958-1988. Multicultural
Review 2.2 (June 1993): 60-61.
Yusef Komunyakaa. Magic City. Multicultural Review
2.2 (June 1993) 62.
Ann Wallace, Ed. Daughters of the Sun / Women of the Moon:
Poetry by Black Canadian Women. Multicultural Review
2.2 (June 1993): 63.
Harryette Mullen. S*PERM**K*T and Lucille Clifton, The
Book of Light. Multicultural Review 3.1 (1994): 72-73.
Paul Gilroy. Black Atlantic: Modernism and Double Consciousness.
The Washington Post Book World. February 6, 1994. 7.
Nathaniel Mackey. School of Udhra and Discrepant
Engagement: Dissonance, Cross-Culturality, and Experimental Writing.
Washington Review XIX.6 (1994): 24-25.
Paul Gilroy. Black Atlantic: Modernism and Double Consciousness.
Modernism / Modernity 1.3 (1994): 275-277.
Kamau Brathwaite. Middle Passages. Multicultural
Review 3.4 (1994):84.
Michael Harper and Anthony Walton. Every Shut Eye Ain't
Asleep: An Anthology of Poetry by African Americans since 1945.
Multicultural Review 3.4 (1994): 85-86.
Stephen Jonas. Selected Poems. Washington Review.
XX.4 (1995): 23, 27.
The Harlem Renaissance Reader. Ed. David Levering Lewis.
The Multicultural Review. (1994):
Michael North. The Dialect of Modernism: Race, Language
and Twentieth-Century Literature. Modern Fiction Studies
41.2 (1995): 397-400.
Clarence Major, The Garden Thrives, and E. Ethelbert
Miller, In Search of Color Everywhere. African American
Literature and Culture Society Newsletter. 1.1 (1996): 3-4.
Joan Retallack. Errata 5uite and AFTERRIMAGES.
Washington Review 21.5 (1996): 24.
Amiri Baraka. Transbluesency: Slected Poems 1961-1995.
Ed. Paul Vangelisti. Taproot. 9/10 (1996): 17.
Amiri Baraka. Transbluesency: Selected Poems 1961-1995.
Washington Review XXII.3 (1996): 24.
Wilson Harris. Jonestown. Hambone 13 (1997):
"Ruminations in Stark Weather." The Poet.
Bicentennial Edition, 1976. 53.
(2 poems) Slave Speaks. I.1 (1976), n.pag. "Song
My Fathers Sang" and "S.E. Love Cry."
(2 poems) Slave Speaks. I.2 (1976). "The Hook,"
29. "Three Biographies and a Comment on Style," 58.
(2 poems) Slave Speaks. II.2 (1977). "Piano Man,"
7. "The Sea," 8.
"The Amusing of Michelle." The Mag. Sept/Oct
1978, 3.
(3 poems) Wooden Teeth. I.1 (1978). "Disco Inferno,"
10-11. "The Day Before," 13. "The Day After,"
"Those Who Fish by Night through Ice." The Richmond
Broom. I.3 (1979), 50.
"Natives of My Person." Nethula. I.1 (1979),
(3 poems) Wooden Teeth. I.2 (1979). "Investigations
in an Invisible Ruin," 20-21. "Ozy Mandias," 25.
"Listening to Cannonball Live `Remembering Bird'," 26.
"The Half-Minute Waltz." Truly Fine Press: A Review.
IV.1 (1980), 7.
"The Man." Rock Creek Review: A Supplement to
the Rock Creek Monitor. June 26, 1980. 1. [First Prize in
Washington Writers' Competition.]
(2 poems) West Branch. 8 (1980). "For Openers,"
33. "Caldonia Softens," 34.
"Aesthetic Theory." Salome: A Literary Dance Magazine."
18/19/20 (1980): 18.
"Nude Slide." Poet Lore. LXXV 1 (1980): 29.
"Ivette-1955." Crop Dust. 2/3 (1980): 35.
"Ones." Wooden Teeth. II.1 (1980): 14-15.
"Hula Hoops." Salome: A Literary Dance Magazine.
22/23 (1981): 71.
(2 poems) Wooden Teeth. III.1 (1981). "This Habit
He Has," 9. "The Cat on the Dresser," 10.
"Jesse." The GW Review. I.2 (1981): 16.
"Life Along Nannie Burroughs Avenue." Wooden Teeth.
III.2 (1981): 6-7.
"Machine Poem Release 3Z45GWU." Interstate.
14 (1981): 2.
"Smoke Falls." The GW Review. I.3 (1981):
(2 poems) The GW Review. II.2 (1981). "The Rev.
T. Willis Jackson Addresses St. Martha's Un.Baptist Church of
the Deaf," 7-11. "Reading `The Rev. T. Willis Jackson
Addresses St. Martha's Un.Baptist Church of the Deaf'," 11-16.
"The Supreme Fiction's Diana Ross." Washington
Review. VIII.2 (1982): 15.
"The Slide Show." The GW Review. II.4/5 (1982):
"Snow over Johannesburg." The Pale Fire Review.
II.2 (1982): 45.
"Untitled." Blind Alleys. I.1 (1982): 1.
"Petirrojo." The GW Review. III.3 (1983):
"Redevelopment." Taurus. 10 (1983): 30-31.
"My Dinner with Andrea." Slipstream. III (1983):
(4 poems) The GW Review. IV.4/5 (1984). "Closing
Out," 4. "A Sense of the Monumental," 6. "I
Want to be a Noble Rider Like My Father Was Before Me," 8.
"Untitled," 9.
(2 poems) Abbey. 46 (1984). "Variations on a Line
from the Prose," 13. "The Intended," 15.
"Death and Taxes." Xanadu. X (1984): 32-33.
(2 poems) Ariel. 1 (1984). "Untitled," 4.
"Found Poem," 5.
(Special A.L. Nielsen Feature, 3 poems) The GW Review.
V.4 (1985). "What We'll Do With Sven," 3. "Exemplary
Sentences," 8. "Sour Grapes," 9.
"The Punctuator." Washington Review. XI.6 (1986): 12.
(2 poems from "Evacuation Routes") Aerial.
3 (1987). "Route E," 24. "Route D," 25.
(6 poems) Gargoyle. 34 (1987) [special tape issue].
"On The Move," "Driving to San Jose," "A
Pack of Lies (dubbed version)," and three selections from
(2 poems) Clifton: The Magazine of the University of Cincinnati.
Spring, 1988. "Kentucky (2/85)" and "What Are These?"
(3 poems) Shock's Bridge. I.1 (1988). "The Very
Large Array," 43. "Glottophagia," 44. "On
the Disappearance of Species," 45.
"Water Works." Parting Gifts. 1.2 (1988-89):
(2 poems) Z Miscellany. 2.6 (1988) "Mary Kaye's
Book," 5. "Eating Enchiladas,"37.
"Uganda at a Glance." Generator 3. (1989)
(2 poems) "Small Buildings," "Ballad for Underarm
Guitar." Score Sheet 22. (1989) 2-3.
"Instructions for the Magic Frog." Gargoyle
37/38 (1990). 86.
"Brown Coeds Nabbed." Aerial 5.. (1989) 156-57.
(2 poems) "Self-Organizing Networks" and "Photo
Opportunity." Washington Review XV.4 (1990). 18.
"Route M." Generator 4. (1990) 74-75.
(2 poems) "A Light Far from Home," and "Elegy
on a Post-Card Never Delivered." Caesura 5.2 (1990).
"The Day Lady Died." Washington Review. June/July,
1991. 26.
(2 poems) "My Wife's Geometry," and "Ones."
SCORE 12 (1992): 22-26.
(2 poems) "Rift Vision" and "Wire the World."
Textures 4 (1993): 12, 14.
"Out of Context." Meat Epoch 11 (1993): 2.
(2 poems) "Why X?" and "The Old Country." Open 24 Hours 9 (1993): 6-7.
(2 poems) "Language--Nudity--Violence" and "1/2
a Poem for David Bromige." :that: 10 (March 1993):
"Because He Wanted" Meat Epoch 12 (1993):
(3 poems) "Progasm," "A Piece of Cake"
and "The Vociferent". Object 2 (1993): 32-33.
"A Good Place to Raise a Boy." Talisman 12
(1994): 94-95.
"Silent Partners." Open 24 Hours 10 (1994):
(2 poems) "Chapter X" and "19th Centruy Pleasures."
Situations 7 (1994): 11-13.
"Halcyon Road." Membrane 1 (1995): 84.
"Institutional Memory II." Textures 6 (1995):42-45.
(4 poems) "Advisory," "Art Fraud," "American
Song Bag" and "A Pack of Lies." Mirage #4/Period[ical]
42 (1995): 1-4.
(4 poems) "This Is One Way to Begin," "Sun in
corrugated," "Unsub," "Untitled." River
City. 16.2 (1996): 136-39.
"For Roscoe Mitchell." forthcoming in Tinfish.