1 Granite Butterfly, A Facsimile of the First Edition, p. 128. Subsequently cited in the text as GB.

2 The review originally appeared in Accent, Urbana, Ill., 6, 3 (Spring 1946): 203-06. It has been reproduced by James E. B. Breslin in SS 139-45. The review appears in its original form in GB 97-104.

3 See Mike Weaver, William Carlos Williams, The American Background (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971), p. 128. The Cornell collage is reproduced in Plate 4, facing page 85. Subsequently cited in the text as MW.

4 Parker Tyler, Fantasy 6, 4 (1940): 44, cited in MW 143.

5 André Breton, "Manifeste du surréalisme" (1924), Manifestes du surréalisme (Paris: Gallimard, 1971), p. 37. I use the translation by Richard Howard for Maurice Nadeau, The History of Surrealism (1965; rpt. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 1989), p.89.

6 See GB 79-81. This pseudonymous self-promotion is an astonishing feature of Tyler's career. He also reviewed himself under the name of M. Roy Mason, although this review (see GB 82-87) was never published.

7 See SS 20-23.