Tom Raworth
Tracking (notes)
light (drugs as only altering positions of piles of chemicals).
light as feeling? i.e. pulse waves(what happens to things
moving away faster than the speed of light? does light die
out?). Jesus, Shakespeare, Hitler, etc. (political waves?) going
out from planet like heart beats.
light. dream being the mixed waves of feeling from other
'mind' sources during darkness our consciousness(un is not
sub) due to nearness of clear light source (reflected light or
what? mirrors?). day night: artificial light destroys balance
(midnight sun?).
every question you ask presupposes
an alternative universe
fibonacci numbers?
1:1:2:3:5:8:13:21:34:55:89 etc.
saddle of hare?
god is the space between thoughts, no, that's simplistic. some-
times you can't understand the words but you know the
medicine is right.
for god's
stay open
to your time
what's done
train the night rain
within everyone is an antenna sensitive to the messages of
the time: art is beamed to these antennae. education should
tune them: instead they are smothered with phony 'learn-
ing'. the past has no messages (yes it has whispering smith's
harmonica and a dog howling in the night).
we are now
not rejecting knowledge but what (as in research) passes for
knowledge and is but an illusion. the words (knowledge,
intelligent etc.) must he redefined, or new words coined.
that is sure
the connections (or connectives) no longer work so how to
build the long poem everyone is straining for? (the synopsis
is enough for a quick mind now(result of film?) you can't
pad out the book)(a feature film with multiple branches:
you'd never know which version you were going to see).
things of your time are influenced by the past. the artist can
only go on from there and use the situation as it is: anything
else is distortion.
i stick with deKooning saying 'i influence the past' and it is
not important for the work of a time to be available in the
mass media of its time: think of dickens on film, dostoevsky
on radio.
the true direction is always a glancing off there must be an
out all truth is not contained in the language: it builds the
ahab: bringing back the light(whale oil?). darkness?
who's done any work on moving of food from where it
grows? (connection to land).
plane explosion where do the sandwiches and suitcases
land? killed by a flying gold tooth is it treasure trove?
white connected to light (link with white races fading?) the
concentrated flashes of light from blacks' teeth/eyes?
or drink sweet drink
bananas and dates
disconnect battery
writing and i have a child
indigestion: fritz and susu
the intestine sun leaves the leaves
send this and strawberry
chewing gum to aram
mara ot mug gniwehc
yrrebwarts dna siht dnes
sevael eht sevael nus
enitsetni eht
usus dna ztirf: noitsegidni
dlihc a evah i dna gnitirw
yrettab tcennocsid
setad dna sananab
knird teews knird ro
into the side of the waterfall
the depth of the image
follow life
do not despair
(the legendary cockoftherock)
stay on the wheel
do not accept the illusionsi sol at ion
of conservation and ecology
(or that's the way the llama breaks)
the shadow and the sun vibrate
the circle and the shellpenumbra
the disguises
fit tight and are sealedtasting to find what? spurt spurt
the positions of chemicals are altered
the decision
is not provoked by flickerso why does it articulate?
what does the word truly mean?
how do we ask the question?
beneath the tight bodice
a nipple lights
the investigation closes a door
all week I've (week?) felt
the speed of writing
explanation rejects my advance
models of the past
agree to the movement
who are you?
your self faces you
his neck was like pigskin
with the bristles still in
laurent odour
the curtains are closed
in the theatre
genetic reels
are stored in no time
and no space