Curriculum Vitae
Kenneth W. Sherwood
Business Address:
Department of English
302 Clemens Hall
SUNY at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14213
(716) 645-2572
Home Address:
179 York Street
Buffalo, NY 14213
(716) 881-1682
B.A. 1991 Bates College, English
M.A. 1996 anticipated SUNY at Buffalo
Proposed Dissertation
"Vernacular Voices: Inscriptions of Talk in an
American Poetics" examines the imagination of the
speaking voice in: Walt Whitman's poetry, the oratory of
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Fredrick Douglass; and lower-
limit speech in the modernism of Gertrude Stein, William
Carlos Williams, Mina Loy, James Weldon Johnson,
Langston Hughes, and Louis Zukofsky; and the mind's talk
in Melvin Tolson, Jack Kerouac, Amiri Baraka, Charles
Olson, Hannah Weiner and David Antin to ascertain the
predominance of the talking subject in self-consciously
American poetics.
Awards and Honors
1996 Writer-in-Residence, just buffalo literary center, inc.
1991 Senessey Memorial Award, English and Theater
1991 Graduated with High Honors, English, Bates College
Project Director, City Honors Online Writing Program, 1995-present
Assistant Editor, American Anthropologist, 1995-present
Teaching Assistant, English, SUNY at Buffalo, 1993-1995
Teacher, English, NY English and Mathematics Institute, 1991-1992
Courses Taught
Reading Culture Critically
African American Literature
Teaching Interests
Nineteenth and twentieth-century American
literature: nineteenth-century prose and poetry,
African American literature, Ethnopoetics, twentieth-
century American prose, American modernism,
literary criticism, writing, and writing technology.
contributions to books:
"David Antin." Dictionary of Literary Biography: American
Poets Since 1945. Joseph Conte, ed. Detroit: Gale
Research Press, forthcoming, 1996.
other publications:
"People Either Go Click: Splicings From a Talk with Dennis
Tedlock." Poetic Briefs / Translation, April 1993.
"Aural Poetry." Poetic Briefs, January 1994.
"Response on Community," Situation, forthcoming.
"Scrims," Chain, v.3, Spring 1996.
"1:06 AM," Experioddicist, v.7.
"Sound Off," Juxta/Electronic, v.5.
"To Dwell in," Sandstone 24 Lb. Text, February 1994.
"ever inside," "true green ear," Transmog 11, August 1993.
"Glower of five L's," "Eauratic Poetic," Kiosk: A Magazine of
New Writing, Spring 1994.
"Escaping the Funeral," Kiosk: A Magazine of New Writing,
Fall1992/Spring 1993.
poetry readings:
Presentations of the Future. Mother Earth Cafe:
Albany, New York. 19-21 January 1995.
Kiosk celebration, Big Orbit Gallery:
Buffalo, New York. 6 May 1994.
Left Bank Cafe: Buffalo, New York. 24 April, 1994.
Buffalo Poetry, Central Park Grill: Buffalo, New York. April 1993.
Reading Against the War,
Poetry and improvisation series, Bates College: Lewiston, Maine.
December 1989-June 1991.
"Interpretive Textual Structures." Internet Technologies and
Scholarly Resources Conference. Buffalo, NY. 24-25
March 1995.
"Poetics of the Text in Electronic Space." SUNY at Buffalo
Graduate Student Conference. Buffalo, NY. 25 March
"Sounding the Alliterative Body: Mina Loy." Twentieth-
Century Literature Conference. Louisville, Kentucky. 23-25
February 1995.
"Writing in the Age of Electronic Production." Presentations
of the Future. Albany, New York. 19-21 January 1995.
"Aesthetics of Page and Performance: Contemporary
Sound Poetry." Methods Colloqium. Buffalo, NY. ??
November 1992.
Other Professional Activity
Project Director, City Honors Online Writing Program, 1995-present.
Grant Writer, just buffalo literary center, inc., 1995-present.
Assistant Editor, American Anthropologist 1995-present.
Contributing Editor, Buffalo Americanist Digest 1993-present.
Editor, Rif/t: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics 1993-present.
English Graduate Student Association, president 1993-1994.