- After Lorca (San Francisco: White Rabbit Press, Nov-Dec 1957)
- Homage to Creeley (Annapolis, CA: privately printed by Harold and Dore Dull, Summer 1959)
- Billy the Kid (Stinson Beach CA: Enkidu Surrogate, Oct 1959) illus. Jess Collins.
- The Heads of the Town Up to the Aether (SF: The Auerhahn Society, 1962) illus. Fran Herndon
- Lament for the Makers (Oakland: White Rabbit Press, 1962) illus. Graham Mackintosh
- The Holy Grail (SF: White Rabbit Press 1964) illus. Graham Mackintosh
- Dear Jack: The Spicer/Ferlinghetti Correspondence (SF: White Rabbit Press, 1964)
- Language (SF: White Rabbit Press, 1965)
Journals/Anthologies >
- The Occident (Berkeley) Winter 1946, 39-41
- Contour Quarterly (Berkeley) v. 1 no. 1, April 1947, 17
- Berkeley Miscellany (Berkeley) no. 1, 1948, 11-14
- Berkeley Miscellany (Berkeley) no. 2, 1949, 31-32
- The poet and poetry - a symposium in The Occident (Berkeley) Fall 1949, 42-45
- Language: Journal of the Linguistic Society of America (Baltimore) v. 28 no. 3 Part I, July-September 1952, 348-359
- Evergreen Review / San Francisco Scene issue (New York City) v. 1 no. 2, 1957, 52-58
- Fifteen False Propositions Against God in Beatitude (SF) no.3, 23 May 1959
- J nos. 2-5, and 8 (note: all iss. of J dated as "Fall 1959")
- The New American Poetry, 1945-1960, ed. Donald Allen (NY: Grove Press, 1960) 142-147
- The San Francisco Capitalist Bloodsucker / N (SF), Spring 1962
- Open Space (SF) no. o, late 1963
- Open Space (SF) nos. 1-11, January-November ? 1964
Recordings >
- Evergreen Review / San Francisco Scene issue (New York City) v. 1 no. 2, companion recording (Hannover phonodisc HM 5001) September 1957
- Jack Spicer reading Language (University of British Columbia) February 1965 - tape currently held by Simon Fraser University
- Poetic dictation (Recorded at Warren Tallman's house in Vancouver, B.C.) 13 June 1965 - tapes currently held by Simon Fraser University
- Lectures at Warren Tallman's house (Vancouver, B.C.) 15-17 June 1965 - tapes currently held by Simon Fraser University
- Readings at the New Design Gallery (Vancouver, B.C.) June 1965, with Robin Blaser and Stan Persky - tape currently held by Simon Fraser University
- Summer Days (Berkeley) July 1965, conversation and reading with Robin Blaser, Robert Duncan, Stan Perksy and others - tapes currently held by Simon Fraser University
- A Lecture and Reading at the Berkeley Poetry Conference, July 14-15, 1965 - tapes currently held by the Bancroft Library at UC Berkeley
- Exact Change Yearbook #1, 1995, compact disk excerpt from Evergreen Review recording
Posthumous Publications: Books >
- Book of Magazine Verse (SF: White Rabbit Press, c1966) illus. Graham Mackintosh
- A Red Wheelbarrow (St. Aubens, Hove, Sussex England: limited offprint in 12 copies from Collection #1, 1968)
- A Book of Music (SF: White Rabbit, 1969) illus. Graham Mackintosh
- The Holy Grail eds. Sir Bercilak and Mogan LeFay [sic] (Berkeley: Jolly Roger Press, February 1969) rpt. - evidently a "pirate" edition
- The Red Wheelbarrow (Berkeley: Arif, 1971) rpt.
- Some Things from Jack (Verona, Italy: Plain Wrapper Press, 1972)
- Admonitions (New York: Adventures in Poetry, c1974)
- After Lorca (Toronto: Coach House Press, 1974) rpt.
- A Lost Poem (Verona, Italy: Plain Wrapper Press, 1974)
- An Ode and An Arcadia (Berkeley: Ark Press, 1974)
- The Collected Books of Jack Spicer, ed. Robin Blaser (Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1975)
- One Night Stand and other poems ed. Donald Allen (SF: Grey Fox Press, 1980)
- Admonitions (Portree, Isle of Skye: Aquila/The Phaethon Press, 1981) rpt.
- Collected Poems, 1945-46 (Berkeley: Oyez/White Rabbit Press, 1981)
- Billy the Kid, trans. Joseph Guglielmi (France: fourbis, 1990) *french language version
- The Tower of Babel: Jack Spicer's Detective Novel, eds. Ed Foster and Kevin Killian (Hoboken, N.J: Talisman House, 1994)
Posthumous Publications: Journals/Anthologies >
- The Pacific Nation (Vancouver) no. 1, 1967, 31-33
- Floating Bear (Brooklyn) nos. 33-34, 1967
- The New Writing in the U.S.A. eds. Donald Allen and Robert Creeley (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967) 267-271
- A Red Wheelbarrow in Collection (Hove) no. 1, March 1968, 47-51
- FUCK YOU (!) UNDERGROUND POETS UNTERGRUND GEDICHTE, ed. Rolf-Rainier Rygulla (Darmstadt, Joseph Melzer Verlag, 1968) 60-61. *facing German language version
- Tish (Vancouver) issue d, undated - February 1969 ?
- Admonitions in Writing (Vancouver) #2, 1970
- Caterpillar (Sherman Oaks, CA) #12, July 1970, 45-212
- California Librarian, October 1970, 250-261 *an excellent bibliography
- Poetics of the New American Poetry, ed. Donald Allen (NY: Grove Press, 1973)
- Manroot (SF) #10 / Spicer issue, Fall-Winter 1974
- New York Times Book Review, 23 November 1975
- Parnassus: Poetry in Review, Spring-Summer 1976
- Boundary 2 #6 / Jack Spicer Issue, Fall 1977
- Acts #6 / A Book of Correspondences for Jack Spicer, 1986
- Exact Change Yearbook #1, 1995, 133-140
About Spicer >
- Jack Spicer by Edward Halsey Foster (Boise, Idaho : Boise State University, c1991)
- Poet be like God: Jack Spicer and the Berkeley Renaissance by Kevin Killian & Lewis Ellingham (Hanover, NH: Wesleyan University Press, 1998)
- The House That Jack Built: The Collected Lectures of Jack Spicer, ed. Peter Gizzi (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1998)