Cecilia Vicuña


Words within Words

Mon., Mar. 19, noon; 540 Clemens Hall

Screening and discussion of her films

Tues., Mar. 20, 8pm; Hallwalls (2495 Main St., Buffalo)

Poetry Reading (ñ series)

Wed., Mar. 21, 4pm; CFA Screening Room


Vicuña is a Chilean poet, artist, and filmmaker living in New York City. Her publications include Unravelling Words and the Weaving of Water, QUIPOem/The Precarious, and Cloud-net.



César Paternosto


Andean Art as a Paradigm of Abstraction (ñ series)

Mon., Apr. 9, noon; 436 Clemens Hall


Paternosto, a painter living in New York City, was born in Argentina. He is author of North and South Connected: An Abstraction of The Americas and The Stone and the Thread: Andean Roots of Abstract Art.



These performances are a part of the “Wednesdays at 4 PLUS” series. They are sponsored by the James H. McNulty Chair, Department of English (Dennis Tedlock), and produced in cooperation with the Center for the Americas, the Center for the Arts, and Talking Leaves Books. For further information contact Donna at 645-3422 or serwinow@acsu.buffalo.edu.