by Edwin Torres
Straight comes from
truth�crooked from crime.
Hidden crooks from
nannies�straight & narrow
from travel. Simple as all
that...I still can't see
breaking up the weirdness
once it's begun...right?
Just revel in it, soak
in the pig of it! Let it
overcome you as a hum
often does!
My favorite teacher knows nothing...
and teaches it to me.
I now have a degree to teach what I've learned.
...that is, BADLY, I do...that is...
O, Give me the fuzzy lessons
of my professor, the burned-out Victorian
past eighty onto nowhere.
Gimme dem dismal vowelings
of my teacher...QUICK it's
too bright in here, sappy, bright &...Q U I C K ,
amma losin' myaaa. . . I - N E R - G E E...gimme
scattered ramblin's of dat V I S I T - M E - I N - M Y -
T E N T. . HO-Yessir!
HUP! dat sacro-babble-ilia of nuns-on-densed by
le bons mots sans-sense of my PO-fessa! Gash!, Gook!,
Pock! AND Pookle! I can hear itta-all...WAY too... C L E A R
A L L Y !
the engine's awhirring, SPEAK, strongly, muffled & QUICK!
Wrong me up my PRRRRR-fessor, (EXACTLY!)..Help
me NERVOUS my P O S I T I O N . . . gots
too much calm at my fingerflips, DUH WHIRL
HAS STOPPED WINDING, WHAMMY!!!...Hurry, (whinin')
GET ME my PROFESSOR...I need to
learn nothing, again!
Edwin Torres Author Page
Pub. May 2000